• Traditional VS flipped classroom for adaptive and individualized learning

    In a traditional classroom a teacher usually delivers a presentation that introduces students to new concepts and learning materials. Students mostly listen to the presentation, at home students review the notes to learn the material presented in class and complete some homework. Thus, there is a teaching phase in the class (when the material is delivered) and a learning phase out of class (when students engage more actively with the material).

    In a flipped classroom this framework is reversed: students first discover new material at home, out of class (through assigned reading, videos etc.) and the lesson can be dedicated to practical activities which allow the students to actively engage with the material in the presence of the teacher and often in collaboration with other students.

    So the role of teachers shifts from the transferring knowledge to guiding the students in mastering new skills and understanding when and how to use the information they learn.

    If you are practicing flipped classroom approach in education what major differences do you see?

  • @Ana_moderator In flipped classroom teaching students face difficulty regarding language because English is their second languge so their learning pace is slow.
    In traditional teaching students learn first and practice at home whereas in flipped classroom teaching students learn on their own first at home and practice in class later. In this way teach add what they have not learned on their own at home.

  • In traditional classrooms, the teacher typically delivers lectures during class time, and students are then expected to complete homework assignments outside of class. This model often follows a one-size-fits-all approach, where all students receive the same instruction at the same pace. In contrast, the flipped classroom model reverses this dynamic. Students engage with instructional materials, such as pre-recorded lectures or readings, outside of class, freeing up in-class time for more interactive and collaborative activities. This allows teachers to tailor their instruction to individual student needs and provide more personalized support. In the context of adaptive and individualized learning, the flipped classroom model can be particularly effective, as it allows for greater flexibility and customization of the learning experience to accommodate diverse learning styles and paces.1_4wLAd1zGbpdvMo7UYiFOyA.jpg Flipped-Classroom.jpg OIP.jpg

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • Hi, in my experiences after the covid pandemic, the flipped classrooms given more important to overcome certain problems such students attendants, their interest in using gadgets and duration availability of the lessons to complete. Of course the attraction in flipped classrooms more effectively compare to traditional classrooms. More over, globally there is education transformation focused to ICT based classrooms created more to flipped based classrooms.