• Job Description of a teacher

    Teachers build nations. It is the only teachers who struggle day and night to create Future leaders we are proud to be teachers.

    Primary School Teacher

  • Re: How to enhance teaching skill as limited resources

    Teaching is noble profession not dependent on resources
    If you have potential than you can convert class room with learning atmosphere
    Like ....give knowledge in story form ...make some paintings on boards which is related to your topic
    ...give confidanc to students ..take presentation to each students about topic


  • @MYLOG47799627c6 Primary School Teacher is the base of Teaching.
    It works like pillar of the Education. You really doing great in your field. My best wishes with you

    Primary School Teacher

  • @FarhanMehboob absolutely right sir.Alhumdulillah

  • What is an effective teacher?

    How can I ensure my teaching is effective? These are questions which continue to fascinate both educators and researchers.

    Understanding what constitutes effective teaching is an essential aspect of ongoing professional development – regardless of your job title or length of experience – but keeping up-to-date with best practice can be challenging alongside the everyday pressures and demands of the role. However, gaining a secure understanding of effective teaching and its importance does not have to be a laborious process. Trialling the latest, shiniest strategies can take our attention away from the core components of effective teaching – components which are often very simple to implement and practise within the classroom.


  • @Engr-Zeeshan absolutely sir you are right but I feel teacher should not afraid of managing paper work it's also a part of our job that we collect the data of our students and by this we can know more about our students. And it helps us to know students psyche

  • @shamsa-kanwal Aslam o Alaikum dear,
    Thank you for your response. I completely agree that managing paperwork is an important part of our job, as it helps us understand our students better. My point was more about finding a balance between administrative tasks and actual teaching time. Too much paperwork can sometimes take away from the time we could spend engaging with our students. It's all about finding the right balance to ensure we can support our students effectively.
    I hope you understand my point of view.

    Zeeshan Mahboob
    High School Teacher
    Government Boys Higher Secondary School Dando
    Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder
    District Tando Muhammad Khan
    Province of Sindh
    Cell # 0092 336 214 9427
    email: kingasadking921@gmail.com

  • @Engr-Zeeshan absolutely sir I can understand this.

  • @Engr-Zeeshan actually we do same task at our school with teaching.

  • In the 21st century when getting any information is no longer a problem for learners, the teacher in the classroom should not be an information transmitter but rather a facilitator, whose role is to help learners develop skills and techniques which will ease the learning process. Besides, the teacher should create a safe learning environment where students will feel confident enough to express themselves freely without being afraid of making mistakes.

  • Hi dear respected sir @Raj-Kumar you asked a lot of questions regarding to my primary teaching job description .so i am here to reply and try to write my experience or views .
    Answer of your 1st question :
    As a primary school teacher, I view my role as a foundational builder for my students' education and development. It's my responsibility to create a nurturing and stimulating environment that encourages curiosity, fosters a love for learning, and helps students develop essential skills.
    Answer of your 2nd question :
    The functions I enjoy the most include:Teaching and Interacting with Students,I love seeing their curiosity and excitement when they learn something new.Designing creative and engaging lessons that cater to different learning styles is fulfilling. Watching students grow academically and personally gives me a sense of accomplishment.
    Answer of your 3rd question :
    Some functions I find challenging include:Administrative Tasks: Paperwork and bureaucratic requirements can be time-consuming and take away from teaching time.Dealing with Behavioral Issues: While part of the job, managing difficult behaviors can be stressful and demanding.
    Answer of your 4th question :
    Potential challenges include:Meeting Diverse Needs: Addressing the varied academic and emotional needs of all students.Parental Involvement: Engaging parents in their child's education can sometimes be difficult.Keeping Up with Curriculum Changes: Adapting to new educational standards and practices.Work-Life Balance: Managing the demands of teaching while maintaining personal well-being.
    And finally answer of your last one question :
    To meet these challenges, I would:Seek Professional Development: Continuously improving my skills through workshops, courses, and collaborating with colleagues.Use Differentiated Instruction: Tailoring teaching methods to meet the diverse needs of students.Foster Communication with Parents: Building strong relationships with parents to support student learning.Stay Organized and Manage Time: Prioritizing tasks and finding efficient ways to handle administrative work.Self-Care and Support Networks: Ensuring I take care of my mental and physical health and seek support from fellow teachers.

    Afshanshah pst ggps hani
    Hyderabad,sindh Pakistan

  • In my view teacher is a human maker/ Nation builder.
    Alhamdulillah we all are human but being a human there are various social values of mankind to learn such values make us a human.
    If we do not value humain kind in my view there is no difference in animal and us.

  • @Burfatmukhtiar yes agreed

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • good topic for discussion

  • @Raj-Kumar
    Hell Raj
    A teacher's role involves creating an engaging and supportive learning environment, delivering curriculum-aligned lessons, and assessing student progress. They manage the classroom, adapt instruction to meet diverse needs, and provide additional support to students as needed. Teachers also communicate with parents, collaborate with colleagues, and participate in professional development. Key qualifications include a relevant degree, teaching certification, and strong communication and organizational skills. Additionally, teachers may lead or participate in extracurricular activities, with responsibilities extending beyond regular school hours.
    best regards from Chokri

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."