• Aging vs technology:

    Hello Ana
    indeed Mrs Anna, in principle this is what should be, except that some former teachers are opposed to this new technology and especially those who are close to retirement.
    Best Regards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Ana_moderator I absolutely agree, Anastaciia, that buddy system works well. In our school it may look as far from the system but still in our special group chat we regularly share the resource and tools with the colleagues. We also share our findings at our regular collaborative meetings and the colleagues willingly try them and start applying those they find suitable.

    I would also add that keeping your mind open to new technologies depends on nuruturing encouraging and supportive spirit within the teaching team. That is, if teachers do not compete with their colleagues but seek for collaboration they are always ready to leatn something new from each other.

  • @Ekaterina-P Moreover, keeping your mind open to new technologies depends on people`s curiosity and flexibility.

    Shakhnoza Khamrayeva
    Sehriyo School, Tashkent
    WhatsApp: +998881585511

  • @Bousl2336873cb4
    May be they feel comfortable with traditional teaching approaches compared using technology equipment. They might believe also that the traditional teaching methods are more effective and touchable with teachers and students.

  • @Ana_moderator
    Hello Ana,
    The buddy system is very effective in my school where young teachers share their know how with senior educators. Ultimately this encourages innovativeness in the teaching and learning process. The senior educators can embed new teaching techniques and methods in the classroom. Therefore it promotes discipline and inclusivity in the classroom.

  • @Ana_moderator
    Hello Ana,
    The buddy system is very effective in my school where young teachers share their know how with senior educators. Ultimately this encourages innovativeness in the teaching and learning process. The senior educators can embed new teaching techniques and methods in the classroom. Therefore it promotes discipline and inclusivity in the classroom.

  • @Shakhnoza No doubt, that is a primary factor driving teachers to continue their professional development. I guess, I' m lucky to work in the environment where these personal qualities are taken for granted 😊

  • This observation highlights an important issue in education today. As technology rapidly evolves, older educators may struggle to keep pace, potentially impacting their ability to effectively teach and share their valuable experience. This situation calls for targeted support and training programs to bridge the digital divide, ensuring that the wealth of knowledge possessed by senior teachers isn't lost due to technological barriers. Schools might consider implementing mentorship programs where younger, tech-savvy teachers collaborate with experienced educators, fostering an environment of mutual learning and intergenerational knowledge transfer.