• Connect to start collaboration for international school projects

    Find people, organisations, and schools to collaborate with.

    You can search for a colleague, a teacher with a group of students in order to organise a video conference, launch a project, find a pen pal or just exchange your experience

    Post a request with your ideas or reply to someone's existing post to start collaboration

  • eTwinning is also a French-speaking platform where teachers from all countries (Arabic, French-speaking and English-speaking) can collaborate as well as their students (according to age, scientific level, etc.).


    eTwinning Project Approval-2017_001.jpg

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • Project Idea: International Collaborative Partnerships in Schools
    Dear colleagues, I would like to propose a collaborative project for students.
    Project Description: This project brings together students from different countries to work collaboratively on creating a finished product (an app, website, etc.). This collaboration aims to motivate participants and develop 21st-century skills (soft skills: collaboration, communication, creativity). It also facilitates dialogue and cultural exchange between participants.

    Project Goal:
    To create a platform for international dialogue and collaboration between students.

    Project Objectives:

    • Facilitate interaction between students from different countries to identify optimal formats in the field of IT technologies.
    • Organize ongoing dialogue and collaborative work between students in the development of applications and other IT projects.
    • Present finished IT products for further quality improvement.

    Best regards,
    Mr Denis
    ICT & IT & Computer science teacher

  • Denis, love your idea!
    We can start with Central Asian countries.

  • @Ana_moderator

    Since 2023 I started a chat with LATAM teachers to collaborate and share resources for students in Special Education Programs. I'm planning to visit some schools to train teachers in Autism Spectrum Disorders Educational Approaches to share my experiences and free resources.

    LATAM is facing a big proliferation of students with autism and some countries does not has public policy to train teachers, share information to parents and the importance of assistive technology. As teachers we have a big power to transform others reality and fortunately, we are in the best era to move and change.

  • Hello @Bilim
    I am ready to begin collaboration. We can start right after the beginning of the next academic year. Our school follows the Cambridge curriculum. If our programs align (e.g., ICT/CS IGCSE/A-level), we can collaborate in these areas. If not, we are open to exploring other avenues for collaboration. We are eager to discuss further!👨‍💻 👩‍💻

    Best regards,
    Mr Denis
    ICT & IT & Computer science teacher