• Ideas for you_Build innovative environment in classroom with ICT

    @marijakrstic016 said in Ideas for you_Build innovative environment in classroom with ICT:


    Hi Marija, could you please share how do you generate educational games for your students?

  • @Ana_moderator
    hi, I am loges. I am teaching for primary students age 7-12 years old. I would like to share my ideas that I implement during the covid-19 pandemic time. I create a new norm classroom lesson time table for my students. Event though they are n ot enter to school, still i could conduct the lessons as usual without face to face.

    Here i attach a link for you all.


    you can click the subject that going to learn. Example : click Maths. The maths lesson with full activity will appear step by step. Pupils can follow the steps and learn their own self.

    You can try my idea.

  • @MYLOG47799627c6 said in Ideas for you_Build innovative environment in classroom with ICT:


    Dear Loges, Thank you for the materials and your contribution.
    I am sure our colleagues will greatly appreciate it!

  • @Ana_moderator
    Thank you Ana. It's a small contribution for education field.

  • Hello Mylog477
    really a superb presentation on what concerns our subject
    Best regards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @MYLOG47799627c6
    The website you created is the interactive and user friendly. Students prefer to interact with an interface rather than the traditional method. They can view the videos which make them reflect. It has been well designed and easy for students to use.

  • @MYLOG47799627c6 Hello, Loges!
    Thank you for sharing! Really good idea, it's easy to use for kids!
    While I was doing my CPE English course last year, as a student I had an access to the Google spreadsheet with all the links to the materials of every week + recording of the online-lesson in case I missed it, so that really helped to catch up with the course.
    My question is, how did you keep track of waht the students did (back then during COVID lockdown ?

  • @Bousl2336873cb4
    Thank you for your support

  • @Housna
    Moreover, the absent students still can get the full lessons as conducted in class and they have one week time to complete their lesson works. No need to rush and stress themselves in doing the lesson works. It creates a stressless learning environment too.

  • @Ekaterina-P
    Thank you for your review.
    At the beginning, I used the google classroom to track the students' progress. But I face certain problems, especially needing to check students' submissions all the time. I feel so stressed about that tracking method. So, I give-up and do private chats. It also troubles me. Then go back to the post test method. Feel better and can reflect on the lessons based on post test results. The parents role also important here. They can observe them at home. Anyhow, my aim is not on the evaluation, as long as the children have alternative learning situations and can gain knowledge wherever they are.