• Impact of technology on child's social and emotional development

    hello Mariam
    Technology can have various impacts on a child's social and emotional development. It can affect their brain, cognitive, socio-emotional, and physical development. While technology can offer educational benefits and social connectivity, excessive or inappropriate use may lead to issues such as reduced attention spans, impaired social skills, and emotional detachment.


    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • Moorning Mariam
    The impact of technology on a child's social and emotional development is profound. Excessive screen time can hinder face-to-face social interaction, potentially delaying emotional development. For instance, a child who spends hours gaming online may struggle to empathize with peers offline. Additionally, cyberbullying on digital platforms can cause significant emotional distress, impacting a child's well-being. Moreover, exposure to unrealistic beauty standards on social media can lead to poor self-esteem and body image issues. Effective management of screen time and promoting real-world interactions are vital for nurturing healthy social and emotional development in children amidst the digital age.
    Best Reagrds from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Bousl2336873cb4 true sir . I also agree with your Ideas .

  • @Housna hello . I really appreciate your idea . I would like to add here that in our school as I have mentioned no facility of ICT labs so we just use mobile phone. And parents really get happy when ever a ask my children to bring their parents mobile so that I can teach you how to interact with the world so that they know about exposure of the world of knowledge and learning. If it available then I show them from my mobile.

  • @Mariam

    Hi Mariam,
    Hope everything is going well.

    Nowadays cellphones are essential in the day to day, but in the classroom evolves as an educational tool. Then we have a big relevance as educators to guide the use of technology for good. As a certified assistive technology instructional specialist, I transform it into a central resource for normalization.

    It is amazing what we can get just having a cellphone-
    Mr. Bryan

  • @Mariam

    Hello Mariam,
    Learning is more fun when the use of technology is made. There is also the facility of screen enlarger, you can put it in front of your smartphone. For instance if you are explaining the topic Volcano, pupils can view the eruption in a larger format through the screen enlarger. It's really useful. As your school is not fully equipped technologically, you can use the screen enlarger.

  • Good discussion has been done on the topic " Influence of technology on child's social and emotional development". I'm of the opinion that technology has influenced a child's soco emotional developmen positively as well as negatively depending on its usage. But the question is of those students who don't have access to technology. The problem of right or wrong usage of technology can be solved to some extent but the problem of avaiability of technology to every student is very difficult to be solved. That's why students hailing from backward areas are far behind in this digital work. A teacher alone or even a headteacher can not solve this problem.

  • @Mariam Hello Mariam! I am a piano teacher working within an inclusive program. My topic for this competition and the project I have been working on for several years is related to the benefits of integrating technology into inclusive learning. I invite you to read my text once it is published.
    What I love to say - Inclusion should become a movement, not a project!

  • @BRYANb8875625e5 Yes sir a know it's bit difficult to just use mobile when we have challenges of technology but having it's better to have something than nothing.

  • @Housna yes dear sure in future I will try this good idea .

  • @Nenad-Stojacic you are right it should be a movement not a project. And I will go through your publish kindly share the link so that every one can read it

  • @Mariam I agree that technology has both positive and negative impacts on children's development. To address the emotional challenges, we can implement low-cost ICT tools like refurbished devices, open-source educational software, and community-based tech programs. These solutions can ensure all children have access to essential technology, fostering an inclusive environment. It's crucial to balance tech use with offline activities to support well-rounded social and emotional growth.