• Get to know your fellow Forum members and tell us a bit about yourself in this discussion!

    Re: Get to know your fellow Forum members and tell us a bit about yourself in this discussion!
    I am Yousuf Memon from Pakistan. Ihave been a teacher trainer for english subject. I have worked as a teacher trainer with national as well as international organizations like British Council, World Population Foundation, SEDA, HANDS, Auhang etc. I am certified Master Trainer by British Council. I have got training from British Council for ETTE ( English For Teaching and Teaching For English), TKTE (Teachig Knowledge Test Essentials) and Peer Support Program. After getting training fron British Council I gave training to school teachers also. I got training from World Population Foundation (WPF) for Life Skills Based Education (LSBE) and gave training to schol teachers also. Except that I have been teacher trainer by by my parent Education Department where I have been working as a secondary school teacher. I have conducted induction trainings for newly appointed teachers and have also conducted some refresher training course for teachers.

  • @Bousl2336873cb4 I teach English language and social studies to grade 4 and 5.
    IAM did masters special education. My school is govt school.

  • Hello, I am Jeremie
    I am from Rwanda, I am a Mathematics teacher and a trainer of Robotics in High school. I like to be with students encouraging them to create and innovate new thins that can help them to acheive their potentials and solving global issues using technology.

  • @hab*mugisha1 said in Get to know your fellow Forum members and tell us a bit about yourself in this discussion!:

    Hello, I am Jeremie
    I am from Rwanda, I am a Mathematics teacher and a trainer of Robotics in High school. I like to be with students encouraging them to create and innovate new thins that can help them to acheive their potentials and solving global issues using technology.

    @hab*mugisha1 welcome to the forum, Jeremie! I invite you to review our current forum topics with insights and professional recommendations and join the discussions!

  • @Ana_moderator
    Yes, I'm curious about TALIS results since it collects valuable info about recruitment, preparation and professional development, school-level policies and job satisfaction of teachers and principals. I'm always in search of support and needs of in-service teachers.

  • @Bilim said in Get to know your fellow Forum members and tell us a bit about yourself in this discussion!:

    Yes, I'm curious about TALIS results since it collects valuable info about recruitment, preparation and professional development, school-level policies and job satisfaction of teachers and principals. I'm always in search of support and needs of in-service teachers

    Yes, I hope this forum can become a supportive and intellectually stimulating space for teachers, encouraging more professional collaboration, joint projects, and classroom exchanges (at least virtually).

  • @hab*mugisha1

    Hello Jeremie,

    It's great to meet you! Your dedication to teaching Mathematics and training students in Robotics seems to be inspiring. Encouraging students to create and innovate with technology is essential in today’s world, and your efforts looks like undoubtedly helping them to achieve their full potential. By fostering creativity and problem-solving skills, you are empowering your students to tackle global issues and become future leaders in technology and innovation. I feel that your work in Rwanda is making a significant impact, and it's wonderful to see educators like you making such a positive difference in students' lives.

    Hugs from Puerto Rico-

  • @Bousl2336873cb4 I teach English and social science to grade 4 and 5 students

  • @Mariam

    Hi Mariam,

    Teaching English and social science to grade 4 and 5 students seems to be a good combination. I feel you're helping to lay the foundation for their literacy and understanding of the world. Integrating these subjects can be particularly effective; for instance, using historical fiction or stories set in different cultures can make social science more engaging while improving their reading skills. @ANA-M57fa474ed2 post the museum of Anna Frank for those interested in history https://www.annefrank.org/en/museum/web-and-digital/ and provides a virtual tour https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/secret-annex/

    Keep up the great work shaping young minds!

  • alt text
    Kia Ora everyone,
    I am Feng Yi from Taiwan, a beautiful island country, now in New Zealand for a master's Degree in Sustainable development.🕶
    I teach social studies in my country, and I am fascinated by Green subjects and ICT.
    So glad to learn with you guys!👑

  • @BRYANb8875625e5 sir I will definitely go through these links in my teaching learning. Process

  • Hi Fen YI
    Education in Taiwan is highly esteemed and rigorously structured. The system follows a 6-3-3 model: six years of elementary education, three years of junior high school, and three years of senior high school. It's characterized by a strong emphasis on academic achievement and standardized testing, with students facing intense competition to excel. Beyond core subjects like mathematics, science, and language arts, there's a focus on moral education and extracurricular activities. Taiwan boasts world-renowned universities, attracting students globally for their quality education and research opportunities. The education system reflects Taiwan's commitment to fostering a highly skilled workforce and maintaining its position as a leader in technology and innovation.

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @黃鳳儀3b521a4e16b1

    @黃鳳儀3b521a4e16b1 said in Get to know your fellow Forum members and tell us a bit about yourself in this discussion!:

    Kia Ora everyone,
    I am Feng Yi from Taiwan, a beautiful island country, now in New Zealand for a master's Degree in Sustainable development.
    I teach social studies in my country, and I am fascinated by Green subjects and ICT.
    So glad to learn with you guys!

    Dear Feng Yi, we are so glad to have you here! I hope you can bring fresh ideas to the forum topics especially about greening education. I invite you to review the exisiting discussions and connect by asking any question or leaving a comment

  • Hi my name is Shagun Fatima and I am originally from India but settled in Dubai. I am an aspiring teacher, currently in the final year of my bachelors degree. I enjoy reading books.

  • Hi Teach Forum Community,
    I am currently working on a research project focused on “Inclusive Classroom Practices: Promoting Academic Mobility for Students with Disabilities”. As a vital part of this study, I am reaching out to teachers to gather valuable insights and experiences that will help shape the findings.
    If you are a teacher, your participation would be incredibly appreciated!
    The survey is brief and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will remain confidential and will be used solely for academic purposes.
    Click here to participate in the survey: https://forms.gle/FPwTTdVUtULivdaA7
    Your expertise and input are crucial to the success of this research. Thank you in advance for your time and contribution!
    Best regards,
    Shagun Fatima Hashim
    Learner's University College

  • I'm Saharudin from Malaysia.
    I'm an English teacher, I love teaching school kids.
    Watching movies is my favourite free time activity.

  • Dear @shagucb0ad4804b Fatima, welcome to the E-Teach Forum!

    I hope this community will be beneficial for you! Please join our existing discussions to learn more and share your views

    It would be great to learn about the results of your research in the future!

  • @Sahar730dd459d2 glad you see you here! I hope you will find a lot of valuable resources for your classes!

  • @Mariam

    Great, best of luck Mariam.
    Hugs from Puerto Rico.

  • @Ana_moderator Hello colleagues!

    My name is Nenad Stojačić and I'm a pianist. I have been working as a piano teacher at the Isidor Bajić Music School in Novi Sad, Serbia, for over 30 years.

    For more than a decade, my focus has been working with children with difficulties and I can say that I am one of the pioneers of inclusive education in music schools in Serbia. In the previous pedagogical practice, children with various difficulties passed through my class, such as low vision, hearing and vision impairments, autism, disharmonious development and a child with motor disabilities.