• TEST What is your classroom management style?

    Being a primary school teacher, I believe my classroom is a blend of Authoritarian and Authoritative styles. At times I have to keep them focused and attentive to the lesson presentations but when it comes to engage them to the group work / peer work I have to switch to the authoritative style.
    first half of my lesson being authoritarian teacher helps me in keeping the students focused and second half of my lesson being authoritative teacher helps me in giving my students liberty of speaking, discussing and collaborating.

  • Hello Housna

    Exactly;an appropriate classroom management style is crucial for the educator as it significantly improves the teaching and learning process. Effective classroom management creates an environment conducive to learning, reduces distractions and disruptive behaviors, and allows students to focus on educational activities. By establishing clear rules, well-defined routines, and high expectations, the educator can foster a climate of respect and collaboration. This not only optimizes instructional time but also addresses the individual needs of students, thereby enhancing their engagement and academic success.

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Ana_moderator
    In my teaching experiences , I used both an authoritative teaching style and authoritarian style. At the beginning of my teaching, I am very strict with my rules. But , later on I implement the authoritative style and just give priority to their movements and their ideas. So, students take opportunity and misuse the freedom that I give. So, I went back to the authoritarian style of current year students . My teaching style depends on the students' attitude.

  • @imranmemon
    To effectively manage a primary school classroom, it's crucial to establish clear routines and specific expectations from the outset of the school year. By fostering a climate of respect and inclusion where each student feels heard and valued, the foundation for a harmonious community is laid. Positive behavior management, including reinforcements and redirection strategies, encourages positive behaviors while teaching responsibility. Varied teaching methods cater to different learning styles and building positive relationships with students enhances engagement and motivation. Lastly, open communication with students and their families, along with efficient management of time and classroom space, completes a comprehensive approach that promotes a supportive and enriching learning environment for all students.
    Best regards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @MYLOG47799627c6 It is interesting to see how your style has evolved over time!

  • A very interesting test that objectively represents the classroom management style. I think it's useful to implement it in schools.

  • @Gohar-Gulabyan have you had a chance to make the test and to find out about your management style? 🙂

  • @Ana_moderator Yes, of course, before taking the test I was sure that my style was authoritative and the test was right there to confirm my thoughts, thank you😊

  • @Ana_moderator Yes, of course, before taking the test I was sure that my style was authoritative and the test was right there to confirm my thoughts, thank you😊

  • @Ana_moderator
    My score as under

    My score (03) for the statements 1, 3, and 9

    My score (13) for the statements 4, 8 and 11

    My score is (13) for the statements 6, 10, and 12

    My score is (03) for the statements 2, 5, and 7

    Educate your daughters and sisters.

  • My classroom management style is based on respect, cooperation, and setting clear expectations. I believe it is important to create a positive and supportive atmosphere where every student feels valued and respected. To accomplish this, I use the following approaches:

    Setting Rules and Expectations. At the beginning of the school year, we work with students to develop rules of behavior and discuss expectations. This helps create a shared understanding and accountability.

    Ongoing communication: I actively listen to students and try to understand their needs and concerns. Regular communication helps prevent many conflicts and misunderstandings.

    Positive reinforcement: I use encouragement and praise to motivate pupils and celebrate their successes. This builds confidence and encourages them to strive for new achievements.

    Variety of teaching methods: I try to use a variety of teaching methods and approaches to keep pupils' attention and interest. This helps each student to find their own way to absorb information effectively.

    Conflict resolution: In the case of conflict situations, I strive for peaceful resolution using mediation and discussion. It is important that students understand how to solve problems constructively.

    As a homeroom teacher m0.jpg y goal is to create a safe and productive learning environment where each student can maximize his or her potential.

    Shakhnoza Khamrayeva
    Sehriyo School, Tashkent
    WhatsApp: +998881585511

  • @Ana_moderator said in TEST What is your classroom management style?:


    My style is authoritative with a slight tendency to laissez-faire 😏 💁 True👍

  • @Shakhnoza Our two-week PBL project on "Should animals be kept in Zoos?" was a whirlwind of learning and creativity. Students were tasked with researching both sides of the argument, exploring ethical considerations, and understanding the impact of zoos on animal welfare.

    To showcase their findings, they designed persuasive presentations, complete with impactful slogans like "Zoos: a cage of misconceptions" and "Animals deserve freedom, not exhibits." Students presented their arguments passionately, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts and the ethical implications of keeping wild animals in captivity. The discussions that followed were lively and insightful, demonstrating the power of PBL in fostering critical thinking and communication skills.
    I loved this lesson and decided to share with you)))

    Shakhnoza Khamrayeva
    Sehriyo School, Tashkent
    WhatsApp: +998881585511

  • @EMINA043e019d70 Our two-week PBL project on "Should animals be kept in Zoos?" was a whirlwind of learning and creativity. Students were tasked with researching both sides of the argument, exploring ethical considerations, and understanding the impact of zoos on animal welfare.

    To showcase their findings, they designed persuasive presentations, complete with impactful slogans like "Zoos: a cage of misconceptions" and "Animals deserve freedom, not exhibits." Students presented their arguments passionately, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts and the ethical implications of keeping wild animals in captivity. The discussions that followed were lively and insightful, demonstrating the power of PBL in fostering critical thinking and communication skills.
    I loved this lesson and decided to share with you)))

    Shakhnoza Khamrayeva
    Sehriyo School, Tashkent
    WhatsApp: +998881585511

  • @Ana_moderator the needs of my students, and the specific context of classroom. It's important to find a balance between maintaining discipline and fostering a positive learning environment where students feel supported, respected, and motivated to succeed. i like laissez-faire style.

  • @Ana_moderator Positive Discipline is an effective classroom management style that emphasizes mutual respect and encouragement. Instead of using punishment to correct behavior, Positive Discipline focuses on teaching students the skills they need to develop self-discipline, responsibility, and problem-solving abilities.
    By adopting Positive Discipline, teachers can create a supportive classroom environment where students feel valued and motivated to behave responsibly. This approach not only helps maintain order but also builds a strong teacher-student relationship, ultimately enhancing the overall learning experience.

  • Teacher-centered instruction is a traditional teaching approach where the teacher is the primary authority figure and primary information source. Here are some characteristics:

    1. Teacher control: The teacher has complete control over the learning process, including what, how, and when students learn.

    2. Lecture-based: Instruction is often delivered through lectures, with students listening and taking notes.

    3. Standardized curriculum: All students follow the same curriculum, regardless of individual needs or interests.

    4. Emphasis on content: The focus is on covering specific content, rather than developing critical thinking or problem-solving skills.

    5. Passive learning: Students are expected to absorb information passively, with little opportunity for discussion or exploration.

    6. Assessment-focused: Instruction is often driven by standardized tests and assessments, with a focus on measuring student learning through grades and scores.

    7. Limited student autonomy: Students have little control over their learning, with limited choices and opportunities for self-directed learning.

    While teacher-centered instruction has its limitations, it can be effective in certain contexts, such as:

    1. Foundational knowledge: Establishing a foundation of basic knowledge and skills.

    2. Standardized testing: Preparing students for standardized tests and assessments.

    3. Large classes: Managing large classes where personalized instruction is challenging.

    However, it's essential to balance teacher-centered instruction with student-centered approaches that promote active learning, critical thinking, and student autonomy.

  • @Ana_moderator (1) If a student is disruptive during class, I assign him/her to detention, without further discussion.not getting it
    (2) I don't want to impose any rules on my students. Strongly disagree
    (3) The classroom must be quiet in order for students to learn. Agree( when its turn of teacher)
    (4) I am concerned about both what my students learn and how they learn. Strngly agre
    (5) If a student turns in a late homework assignment, it is not my problem. Disagree
    (6) I don't want to reprimand a student because it might hurt his/her feelings. Agree
    (7) Class preparation isn't worth the effort.strongly disagre
    (8) I always try to explain the reasons behind my rules and decisions.Agree
    (9) I will not accept excuses from a student who is tardy.agree
    (10) The emotional well-being of my students is more important than classroom control.agree
    (11) My students understand that they can interrupt my lecture if they have a relevant question.agree
    (12) If a student requests to leave the room, I always honor the request .agree

  • @Ana_moderator As my experience related class assessment test.End of month whatever learned throughout month ,taken the multiple choice based test from whole class.Thats my little step for betterment for student

  • @Ana_moderator Thanks for asking tricky and logical question. Well, I like Based on my score Authoritative Style, which focuses on creating a structured environment while also considering student's input and emotional well-being.
    I value both classroom control and student engagement, aiming to guide students with clear expectations and explanations.

    Primary School Teacher