• Let's think about the awards

    I love learning new approaches which can advance my career journey. Of course sharing is a must upon my return if i'm selected for the study tour. It would be great sharing new experience and knowledge with my colleagues, where they also can apply the same thing that I learnt to our students.

  • As we regularly do in our school, I will hold a workshop with my colleagues to share the teaching insights I will gain. I'll try to plan it so that my co-teachers take part as students to experience new strategies as learners and drawing conclusions independently in the end. This kind of practice proves to be more effecive allowing to explore more💡

    As for specific goals and objectives, I'm mostly concerned with boosting my students' motivation recently, so this is something I globally set for myself😊

  • @Bilim

    Hi Bilim,

    That sounds like a fantastic approach Embracing the high tech, high touch era can significantly enhance the learning experience, making it more engaging and tailored to individual needs. By focusing on student-centered lessons and incorporating technology, we are not only improving cognitive thinking but also fostering collaboration and critical thinking skills.

    Your plan sounds comprehensive and well thought out. Best of luck with your demo class and the implementation of these innovative strategies. It would be great to hear how it goes and the impact it has on your students and teachers.

    Mr. Bryan

  • @Sahar730dd459d2

    Hi Sahar,

    I agree that embracing new approaches is key to professional growth and can have a significant impact on both your career and your educational environment. If you’re selected for the study tour, sharing your newfound knowledge and experiences with your colleagues will undoubtedly benefit your entire team and, most importantly, your students.

    By introducing fresh ideas and techniques, we can help create a more dynamic and engaging learning experience for our students. Collaborative learning and knowledge sharing can lead to innovative teaching practices that can inspire and motivate both teachers and students alike. Best of luck with your application for the study tour, and I look forward to hearing about the new insights you bring back.

    Hugs from Puerto Rico,
    Mr. Bryan

  • @Ekaterina-P

    That sounds like an excellent plan! Holding a workshop to share your new teaching insights is a fantastic way to disseminate knowledge and inspire your colleagues. Having your co-teachers participate as students is a brilliant idea, I'm sure it allows them to experience the strategies firsthand and understand their impact from a learner’s perspective. This approach not only makes the learning process more engaging but also fosters independent thinking and deeper understanding. Great Ekaterina!

    Best of luck with your workshops and your goal of boosting student motivation. It would be great to hear about the outcomes and any new strategies that prove particularly effective.

    Mr. Bryan

  • @BRYANb8875625e5 It is a great and interesting question.
    In the meantime, I still keep in mind the integration of VR and gamification in my subject area. Now, my school does not have the VR tools yet, but our sister school does. I am eager to learn how to construct the gamification "The Murder Mystery" or "The Escape Rooms" with VR integration. I think that is just one of the benefits that I can think about right now.

    The echoing session would be great if it were conducted in person and a workshop setting. I plan to conduct the workshop for my colleague. In addition, all of your insights in this forum are interesting to try.


  • @Syakt513fd9bea8

    Best of luck Syakti, your initiative will change the way your students and colleagues see education.

  • Hello Bryan

    I believe that the destination of our study trip is not yet fixed, moreover and what is important what we can gain in terms of added value for us as teachers and what are the good practices acquired after our return.
    Good luck to all participants.
    Best Reagards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • Hello Bilim
    it's a good idea , except that we have to wait for the final results of this competition.

    Good luck to everyone
    Best Reagards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @BRYANB8875625E5 I'd suggest considering the following points:

    Specific goals and objectives:
    -Identify key areas of technology integration you want to focus on (e.g., AI in education, digital literacy, STEM education)
    -Set measurable objectives for implementing new technologies or methods in your classroom
    -Determine how these new insights can address current challenges in your teaching environment

    Integration strategies:
    -Plan to adapt innovative teaching methods observed in China to your local context
    -Consider how to incorporate new technologies into your curriculum
    -Think about ways to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes using these new insights

    Knowledge sharing:
    -Propose a workshop or presentation for colleagues upon your return
    -Create a digital resource (e.g., blog, video series) to document and share your experiences
    -Develop a mentoring program to help other teachers implement new technologies

    Student involvement:
    -Design projects that allow students to explore and apply the new technologies you've learned about
    -Create opportunities for cultural exchange and global awareness based on your experiences

    Long-term impact:
    -Consider how these new insights can contribute to your school's or district's technology integration plans
    -Think about potential partnerships or collaborations with Chinese educators or institutions

  • @BRYANB8875625E5 Winning an award in this UNESCO contest for teachers would be an incredible honor and a transformative experience. The opportunity to meet colleagues from around the world would broaden my professional horizons and create lasting connections within the global education community.
    Such an achievement would not only validate my dedication to teaching but also provide a unique platform to exchange ideas and best practices with educators from diverse cultural backgrounds. This cross-cultural dialogue could spark innovative approaches to common educational challenges we all face.
    A study visit to another country would be invaluable for my professional growth. It would allow me to:

    -Gain firsthand insights into different educational systems and methodologies
    -Observe and learn from innovative teaching practices in a new cultural context
    -Develop a more global perspective on education, which I can then bring back to my classroom
    -Enhance my cultural competence, benefiting both my teaching and my students' learning experiences
    -Potentially establish international collaborations for future projects or exchanges

    The knowledge and experiences gained from this trip would undoubtedly enrich my teaching practice. I would return with fresh ideas, renewed enthusiasm, and a wealth of insights to share with my colleagues and students. This opportunity would not only benefit me personally but would also have a ripple effect, positively impacting my entire school community.
    Ultimately, winning this award and participating in the study visit would be a significant milestone in my career, pushing me to grow as an educator and as a global citizen.

  • @Antonia

    That’s sounds great @Antonia. What an amazing description and plan, it means a lot for all of us and that’s why we are part of this competition and community. We want to change something, but no matter what happens we still being agents of change for our students, their families, our communities and our countries.

    Best of luck,
    Hugs from Puerto Rico

  • @BRYANb8875625e5

    1. Goal: Enhancing Classroom Technology Integration

      • Objective: Implement new educational technologies (e.g., interactive whiteboards, educational apps) observed in Chinese classrooms to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
      • Approach: Start with small-scale pilot projects to test new technologies, gather student feedback, and refine implementation strategies.
    2. Goal: Promoting Digital Literacy

      • Objective: Develop digital literacy among students by incorporating Chinese best practices in using technology for research, collaboration, and creativity.
      • Approach: Design lessons that encourage students to use technology critically and ethically, drawing on examples seen during the study trip.
    3. Goal: Professional Development for Colleagues

      • Objective: Share insights and strategies with colleagues to foster a culture of technological innovation in teaching.
      • Approach: Conduct workshops or training sessions highlighting successful technology integration observed in Chinese schools. Provide hands-on demonstrations and resources for practical implementation.
    4. Goal: Cross-Cultural Learning

      • Objective: Integrate cultural perspectives gained from the study trip to broaden students' global awareness and understanding.
      • Approach: Incorporate cross-cultural projects that leverage technology to connect with peers in China or explore Chinese culture through virtual exchanges.
    5. Goal: Continuous Improvement

      • Objective: Continuously evaluate and adapt technology integration strategies based on feedback and ongoing professional development.
      • Approach: Establish a feedback loop with students and colleagues to refine practices, identify challenges, and explore new opportunities for innovation.

    Upon returning from the study trip, I plan to share this knowledge with colleagues and students through structured methods:

    • Presentations and Workshops: Organize formal presentations and workshops for colleagues to share insights, demonstrate new technologies, and discuss potential applications in different subject areas.
    • Peer Learning Communities: Form a peer learning community focused on technology integration, where colleagues can collaborate, share experiences, and support each other in adopting new practices.
    • Student Engagement Initiatives: Engage students in discussions and demonstrations of technology used in Chinese classrooms, encouraging them to reflect on their own learning experiences and preferences.
    • Documentation and Resources: Create digital resources such as guides, tutorials, and case studies to support colleagues in implementing new technologies effectively.

    By actively integrating these strategies and sharing acquired insights, I aim to foster a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of a technology-driven world while promoting professional growth among colleagues.

  • @BRYANb8875625e5
    Hello mr bryan really i also want to learn some thing new for my learners improvement specially for the disable learners.