• TEST What is your classroom management style?

    @Bousl2336873cb4 have you had a chance to take a test? 🙂

    What management style do you usually use?

  • As a life and earth sciences teacher in Tunisia, implementing a student-centered management style could prove highly effective. By placing emphasis on student autonomy, collaboration, and inquiry-based learning, you can empower your students to take ownership of their education. Encourage active participation through hands-on experiments, group discussions, and research projects that relate directly to their lives and environment. Foster a classroom culture where curiosity is celebrated, and where students feel comfortable exploring scientific concepts through exploration and discovery. By nurturing their intrinsic motivation and curiosity, you can create a dynamic learning environment that not only enhances their understanding of life and earth sciences but also instills a lifelong passion for learning.

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Ana_moderator

    What a nice test! makes me made a great reflection.

    In my classroom, I implement an authoritarian management style, particularly with my students with autism. I establish clear rules and maintain high expectations, ensuring that the environment remains orderly and controlled. This approach helps to create a structured and predictable environment, which can be beneficial for my students with autism as it provides them with a clear framework of what is expected. However, I am aware that this method might not fully address their unique needs for emotional support and individualized communication. While this structure can help reduce anxiety for some, I also strive to balance it with understanding and adaptability to ensure all students can thrive.

  • @BRYANb8875625e5 Great that you found this useful! I understand that in your specific situation, the needs of your students require such an approach. I believe this test was created with a more general approach in mind, but I appreciate that you have brought this to my attention.

  • @Ana_moderator

    Thank you for this kind of topic-

  • @Ana_moderator said in TEST What is your classroom management style?:

    What management style do you usually use?

    As a elementary math teacher, I tried many teaching approaches . Some are successfully impressed pupils like assign group projects . Some of my approaches are not much effective, especially make math concepts using materials , books and worksheets. Create a supportive and engaging classroom environment that can thrive academically and develop a positive attitude towards mathematics is not that easy because all students are different in their way.

  • @Ana_moderator
    I combine few strategies to create a conducive learning environment in math lessons that supports student engagement, participation, and achievement. The first thing is plan an interactive and hands-on activities that encourage active participation among students. Regularly use positive reinforcement techniques like give rewards, praise, encouragements to acknowledge students' efforts, correct answers, and participation.

  • @Ana_moderator
    Hello Anna,
    The appropriate choice of classroom management style is very important for the educator as it will enhance the teaching and learning process. Due to the fact that im working in a ZEP institution, I normally embed an authoritative management style in my classroom. I find it more relevant compared to the laissez faire, authoritarian and indifferent management style because it helps me create a positive relationship with my students. I want to highlight that my students come from a marginalized region and they face various learning difficulties. Integrating an authoritative management style enables me to cater for their diverse learning needs as well as provide pastoral care to them. This approach also promotes student's participation in the classroom, I normally emphasized on the students centered approach. Everyone irrespective of their disabilities is given equal chance of participating in the teaching and learning process. Most important I prompt my students to give feedbacks during the explanation and evaluation phase. As a result, remedial work is conducted.

  • @Housna said in TEST What is your classroom management style?:

    Due to the fact that im working in a ZEP institution, I normally embed an authoritative management style in my classroom.

    Yes, I absolutely agree with you, that in your specific situations, the needs of your students require such an approach. It is, in some ways, similar to what Bryan mentioned above.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  • Being a primary school teacher, I believe my classroom is a blend of Authoritarian and Authoritative styles. At times I have to keep them focused and attentive to the lesson presentations but when it comes to engage them to the group work / peer work I have to switch to the authoritative style.
    first half of my lesson being authoritarian teacher helps me in keeping the students focused and second half of my lesson being authoritative teacher helps me in giving my students liberty of speaking, discussing and collaborating.

  • Hello Housna

    Exactly;an appropriate classroom management style is crucial for the educator as it significantly improves the teaching and learning process. Effective classroom management creates an environment conducive to learning, reduces distractions and disruptive behaviors, and allows students to focus on educational activities. By establishing clear rules, well-defined routines, and high expectations, the educator can foster a climate of respect and collaboration. This not only optimizes instructional time but also addresses the individual needs of students, thereby enhancing their engagement and academic success.

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Ana_moderator
    In my teaching experiences , I used both an authoritative teaching style and authoritarian style. At the beginning of my teaching, I am very strict with my rules. But , later on I implement the authoritative style and just give priority to their movements and their ideas. So, students take opportunity and misuse the freedom that I give. So, I went back to the authoritarian style of current year students . My teaching style depends on the students' attitude.

  • @imranmemon
    To effectively manage a primary school classroom, it's crucial to establish clear routines and specific expectations from the outset of the school year. By fostering a climate of respect and inclusion where each student feels heard and valued, the foundation for a harmonious community is laid. Positive behavior management, including reinforcements and redirection strategies, encourages positive behaviors while teaching responsibility. Varied teaching methods cater to different learning styles and building positive relationships with students enhances engagement and motivation. Lastly, open communication with students and their families, along with efficient management of time and classroom space, completes a comprehensive approach that promotes a supportive and enriching learning environment for all students.
    Best regards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @MYLOG47799627c6 It is interesting to see how your style has evolved over time!

  • A very interesting test that objectively represents the classroom management style. I think it's useful to implement it in schools.

  • @Gohar-Gulabyan have you had a chance to make the test and to find out about your management style? 🙂

  • @Ana_moderator Yes, of course, before taking the test I was sure that my style was authoritative and the test was right there to confirm my thoughts, thank you😊

  • @Ana_moderator Yes, of course, before taking the test I was sure that my style was authoritative and the test was right there to confirm my thoughts, thank you😊

  • @Ana_moderator
    My score as under

    My score (03) for the statements 1, 3, and 9

    My score (13) for the statements 4, 8 and 11

    My score is (13) for the statements 6, 10, and 12

    My score is (03) for the statements 2, 5, and 7

    Educate your daughters and sisters.

  • My classroom management style is based on respect, cooperation, and setting clear expectations. I believe it is important to create a positive and supportive atmosphere where every student feels valued and respected. To accomplish this, I use the following approaches:

    Setting Rules and Expectations. At the beginning of the school year, we work with students to develop rules of behavior and discuss expectations. This helps create a shared understanding and accountability.

    Ongoing communication: I actively listen to students and try to understand their needs and concerns. Regular communication helps prevent many conflicts and misunderstandings.

    Positive reinforcement: I use encouragement and praise to motivate pupils and celebrate their successes. This builds confidence and encourages them to strive for new achievements.

    Variety of teaching methods: I try to use a variety of teaching methods and approaches to keep pupils' attention and interest. This helps each student to find their own way to absorb information effectively.

    Conflict resolution: In the case of conflict situations, I strive for peaceful resolution using mediation and discussion. It is important that students understand how to solve problems constructively.

    As a homeroom teacher m0.jpg y goal is to create a safe and productive learning environment where each student can maximize his or her potential.

    Shakhnoza Khamrayeva
    Sehriyo School, Tashkent
    WhatsApp: +998881585511