• Connect to start collaboration for international school projects

    Find people, organisations, and schools to collaborate with.

    You can search for a colleague, a teacher with a group of students in order to organise a video conference, launch a project, find a pen pal or just exchange your experience

    Post a request with your ideas or reply to someone's existing post to start collaboration

  • eTwinning is also a French-speaking platform where teachers from all countries (Arabic, French-speaking and English-speaking) can collaborate as well as their students (according to age, scientific level, etc.).


    eTwinning Project Approval-2017_001.jpg

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • Project Idea: International Collaborative Partnerships in Schools
    Dear colleagues, I would like to propose a collaborative project for students.
    Project Description: This project brings together students from different countries to work collaboratively on creating a finished product (an app, website, etc.). This collaboration aims to motivate participants and develop 21st-century skills (soft skills: collaboration, communication, creativity). It also facilitates dialogue and cultural exchange between participants.

    Project Goal:
    To create a platform for international dialogue and collaboration between students.

    Project Objectives:

    • Facilitate interaction between students from different countries to identify optimal formats in the field of IT technologies.
    • Organize ongoing dialogue and collaborative work between students in the development of applications and other IT projects.
    • Present finished IT products for further quality improvement.

    Best regards,
    Mr Denis
    ICT & IT & Computer science teacher

  • Denis, love your idea!
    We can start with Central Asian countries.

  • @Ana_moderator

    Since 2023 I started a chat with LATAM teachers to collaborate and share resources for students in Special Education Programs. I'm planning to visit some schools to train teachers in Autism Spectrum Disorders Educational Approaches to share my experiences and free resources.

    LATAM is facing a big proliferation of students with autism and some countries does not has public policy to train teachers, share information to parents and the importance of assistive technology. As teachers we have a big power to transform others reality and fortunately, we are in the best era to move and change.

  • Hello @Bilim
    I am ready to begin collaboration. We can start right after the beginning of the next academic year. Our school follows the Cambridge curriculum. If our programs align (e.g., ICT/CS IGCSE/A-level), we can collaborate in these areas. If not, we are open to exploring other avenues for collaboration. We are eager to discuss further!👨‍💻 👩‍💻

    Best regards,
    Mr Denis
    ICT & IT & Computer science teacher

  • E-Teach Forum is the best opportunity to motivate each other .learn by other's experiences.we can enhance our skills,get knowledge and have an opportunity to show our expertise in different subjects through modern techniques within limited resources by our creativities.I am feeling very lucky being the part of such a great educator's community of other countries.🥰

  • E-teach forum is the best opportunity for educators to show their capabilities or talent .It's the best motivation for those who didn't get any opportunity to show there abilities. By this forum we can learn many things ,we can boost our learning skills, share experiences. I'm too glad that i got such a great opportunity & I feel vary lucky to become a part of that & to communicate other educators or teacher from other countries .

  • @Aqsa-Khatri @Ana_moderator @Bilim @Bousl2336873cb4 @BRYANb8875625e5 @Denis-Kudaymetov @Noorulain-Khatri
    Respected all dears,
    E-Teach Forum is indeed an incredible platform for educators to showcase their talents and capabilities. It's a fantastic source of motivation, especially for those who haven't had many opportunities to shine. Through this forum, we can enhance our learning skills, share valuable experiences, and connect with educators from around the world. I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity and feel fortunate to be a part of such a vibrant and supportive community. Engaging with fellow educators globally has been enriching, and I'm excited about the continuous learning and growth this forum offers.
    My offer to you Lets Grow Together . . .

    Zeeshan Mahboob
    High School Teacher
    Government Boys Higher Secondary School Dando
    Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder
    District Tando Muhammad Khan
    Province of Sindh
    Cell # 0092 336 214 9427
    email: kingasadking921@gmail.com

  • @Engr-Zeeshan
    Brother Zeeshan, much appreciated your idea. Let's start and grow together

    Primary School Teacher

  • Greetings. I have a suggestion. Let us start a collaborative project by creating and implementing a common lesson. Each one may create an activity (a total of at least 3 activities as per Bloom’s Taxonomy) to assess the learning of students. We will compile them, follow the same process, share our views and discuss here.
    Subject: English
    Topic: Abstract nouns
    Duration: 50 minutes
    Pre-requisites: Students already know

    1. Which noun is derived from which verb or adjective.
    2. The difference between a verb and an adjective.
      Aim: To demonstrate ease and willingness to use the English Language.
      Goal: To enable learners to formulate abstract nouns from verbs and adjectives.
      Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students may be able to:
    3. Identify abstract nouns from a text. (Annex 1)
    4. Match abstract nouns to verbs and adjectives.
    5. Form abstract nouns from words on a crossword. (using HotPotatoes software. I created one. Follow this link and click download to view the activity https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TYSHlddRp9gfQmdsqcRwlDFlKmvcKoQz/view?usp=drive_link)

    Coronavirus Disease in Mauritius
    Coronavirus which is also known as Covid-19 is a communicable disease. This disease is very harmful since it caused many deaths in Mauritius. It was a painful experience for the infected person and his family as they were placed in isolation where they could not meet their closed ones. Many sensitization advertisements were telecasted on the television to make people aware of the sanitary precautions to adopt such as wearing of mask and sanitizing the hands. On 20 March 2020, the Mauritian Government announced the start of complete lockdown. All shops, supermarkets and bakeries were closed. Therefore, many people started cultivation of their own vegetables. For prevention of the spread of the pandemic, the borders were closed. As a consequence, there was a decline in the percentage of tourists coming to Mauritius which led to a slowdown in the economy. Mother Earth started to heal during the lockdown period as there was less pollution. People could realise the importance of their health, family and how to save for the future. Each citizen showed respect towards each other by maintaining social distancing. Many volunteers showed signs of generosity by the distribution of food to the needy ones who in turn expressed their gratitude. With the determination of the citizens who abided by the rules and regulations, today, we have a Covid-19 free population in Mauritius.

    Anyone willing to collaborate, please inform here.

  • Asalamo-alaiqum brother
    What a fantastic initiative! Your proposal for International Collaborative Partnerships in Schools is inspiring. It's a great way to enhance students' technical skills and encourage cultural exchange. The focus on 21st-century skills like collaboration and creativity is particularly valuable. I'm eager to see how this project develops and am happy to support it.

  • @DEEPT224B07C27D great idea, I hope that you find reliable partners for your project.
    Looking forward to hearing more about your future collaborative inititive 👍

  • Title: Seeking Collaboration for Virtual Lab Simulation on Photosynthesis Project


    Hello Educators,

    I am a teacher based in Govt Boys Higher Secondary School Barchani Taluka Bulri Shah Karim District Tando Muhammad Khan (PAKISTAN) and I work with grade Six Level students. I am currently working on a project titled 'Virtual Lab Simulation on Photosynthesis,' which I recently presented at the 'Teaching in the 21st Century 2.0' competition organized by UNESCO.

    I am looking to collaborate with teachers and classrooms from around the world to enhance this project. We can organize video conferences, exchange teaching practices, and involve students in collaborative experiments and discussions. This will not only enrich the project but also provide students with a global perspective on science education.

    If you are interested in collaborating, please reply to this post or reach out to me directly at +923433712262

    Looking forward to connecting and creating something amazing together!

    Best regards,
    Govt Boys Higher Secondary School Barchani

  • @Denis-Kudaymetov
    It's an interesting program, Mr. Denis, stay tuned.

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia

  • @Ana_moderator
    Thank you @Ana_moderator
    It'll be indeed a great pleasure to work with other educators on this project.
    We'll definitely achieve wonderful things as a team for the best interest of our students!

  • @Sanjay-Kumar-1
    Greetings @Sanjay-Kumar-1
    Through these collaborative projects, we are better preparing our students to face the changing needs of the society. Who knows, one day, our students might work together!
    Along with meeting the learning needs, learners will discover diverse cultures around the world.

    Regarding my project on "Abstract nouns", I have already finalised 2 activities to assess the learners.

    As per Bloom's Taxonomy, the
    1st Activity - (1. Knowledge) - will enable learners to recall the basics of abstract nouns.
    2nd Activity - (2. Comprehension) pending ?
    3rd Activity - (3. Application) - will enable learners to apply their knowledge to solve a crossword where they will score marks.

    @Sanjay-Kumar-1 Grateful if you could design the 2nd activity.
    Once done, we'll implement the project.
    Other colleagues who teach English Language may implement the same and share their views too.

    Thank you.