• Bullying in educational establishments

    I would like to share my experience working with local organizations. We had a project in which we equipped teachers with tools for forum theater as a way to prevent bullying and other discriminatory behavior in schools.

    Forum theatre is an interactive method that uses a form of conventional play to address social issues.

    We worked with a community of about 15 schools, where teachers used forum theater with their students. We created a toolkit of playing cards with detailed guidelines that teachers can use in the classroom to start conversations about bullying and then move on to the play.
    We received very positive feedback from teachers, who said that the students were more engaged and ready to discuss serious issues when acting as actors. First, during the performance, and then during reflection, they gained a deeper understanding of the topic.

    These materials are free and easy to use, but unfortunately, they are only available in Russian at the moment. However, they can be translated and used in other languages as well.

  • @Ana_moderator

    Hi @Ana_moderator,

    That sounds like a wonderful and impactful initiative. Your work with local organizations and the implementation of forum theater to prevent bullying and discriminatory behavior is truly commendable. It's inspiring to see how interactive methods like forum theater can make a significant difference in addressing social issues in schools. Seems like an excellent resource for teachers. It's great to read that the students were more engaged and gained a deeper understanding of these important topics through this method.

    Mr. Bryan

  • Bullying can have profound impacts on a child's social and emotional development, affecting various aspects of their interpersonal skills and social interactions. Here are some key ways bullying influences a child's social development:

    1.Trust Issues

    • Victims of bullying often develop mistrust towards their peers and adults, making it difficult to form healthy, trusting relationships in the future.
    1. Social Isolation

      • Bullying can lead to social withdrawal and isolation as victims may avoid social interactions to escape further bullying. This isolation can impede the development of social skills and friendships.
    2. Difficulty in Forming Relationships

      • Children who are bullied may struggle with forming and maintaining friendships. They might find it hard to approach others, fearing rejection or further bullying.
    3. Aggressive or Withdrawn Behavior

      • Victims may become overly aggressive or defensive in social situations, mirroring the aggression they experienced, or they might become excessively shy and withdrawn.
    4. Impaired Social Skills

      • Bullying can hinder the development of essential social skills, such as empathy, communication, and conflict resolution. Victims may become less adept at navigating social situations.
    5. Low Self-Esteem and Confidence

      • Persistent bullying can erode a child's self-esteem and confidence, leading them to doubt their social worth and abilities. This can make social interactions more challenging and less rewarding.
        However there are several more issues that could affect child's other factors of development infect too.
        Here we can find some ideas how to deal with bullying in classrooms.
  • @Bousl2336873cb4 Bullying happened at all times. I wish we can enforce something that can stop bullying at school. In my school, we introduced merit demerit system.

  • @Sahar730dd459d2
    There are various strategies which can be embedded at school level to prevent bullying. Making use of innovative pedagogies can help in mitigating bullying acts. In addition, when new strategies are integrated in the teaching and learning process, students tend to be less disruptive.

  • Hello Housna
    Good morning,
    The use of innovative pedagogies can help to mitigate acts of intimidation which are always subject to the educational regulations and policies of each country and especially the discipline of each teacher.

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Bousl2336873cb4
    Absolutely the educational regulations and policies of the country are significant in devising ways how to curb the issue of intimidation acts in the school. At school level educators are encouraged to embed innovative approaches such as gamifications and AI to prevent students from promulgating bullying acts.

  • Hello again
    That's the problem I

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Sahar730dd459d2 said in Bullying in educational establishments:

    In my school, we introduced merit demerit system.

    Could you please tell me more about how your school's system is structured and what is required to implement this system?

  • @Housna said in Bullying in educational establishments:

    AI to prevent students from promulgating bullying acts.

    I am really interested in how AI can be used to prevent students from promulgating bullying acts? Do you have any experience so far?