• Micro-learning for Educators in Teaching & Learning

    Hello Sir hopefully you have good time,

    Absolutely Micro-learning is a processs of learning content through bite sized, well planned modules and short-term learning activities. I find it helpfull for both educator and students development. Educator could revise and add new learnings to their knowledge. Teaching is continuous process so educator will easily get advantage from Micro-learning methods in their tough routines.

    "Shaping young minds and empowering girls to become emotionally and financially independent".

  • @Samreen-Tahir The core concept of this topic can be conclude that, Micro-teaching is a teacher training and faculty development technique whereby the teacher reviews a recording of a teaching session, in order to get constructive feedback from peers or students about what has worked and what improvements can be made to their teaching technique.

  • @Sehar-Kazi

    Hi dear,
    Yes mostly Micro-learning is for teacher traning programs, but whta i find it helpfull for a teacher to polish his or her teaching and learning. Teachers could refresh their knowledge and deliver more significantly to their students. As Micro-learning technique avoid boredom and keep the crunch of topic fresh.

    "Shaping young minds and empowering girls to become emotionally and financially independent".

  • @Samreen-Tahir Yes. "Micro-learning for Educators in Teaching & Learning" is about giving teachers small, focused lessons that are easy to understand and use right away in their classrooms. These short lessons help teachers quickly learn new skills, keep up with the latest teaching trends, and improve how they teach, all without taking up too much of their time. This method encourages ongoing learning, flexibility, and practical use of what they've learned, leading to better teaching and more engaged students.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @FarhanMehboob
    Absolutely Sir, micro-teaching is beneficial for teachers to enhance and update their knowledge to be more effective in their class.

    "Shaping young minds and empowering girls to become emotionally and financially independent".

  • @Samreen-Tahir What do you think, which one is best; micro teaching or macro teaching keeping curriculum and syllabus in this regard.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @FarhanMehboob
    Hello sir hope you are doing well,
    Absolutely macro-learning is essential in all manner but Micro-learning helps to retain the learnings got through macro learning. Combining micro and macro learning creates a flexible learning environment where teachers can engage in short, targeted lessons to quickly upskill while still committing to longer courses for deep, transformative learning. Micro learning can serve as a reinforcement tool after a macro learning experience, ensuring that teachers retain and apply their newly acquired knowledge over time.

    "Shaping young minds and empowering girls to become emotionally and financially independent".

  • @Samreen-Tahir Dear Tahir,
    You have described it very well. In your opinion, which option would be most beneficial for children? Since we have different categories of children, each child has their own unique needs. What are your thoughts on this matter? Thank you.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @FarhanMehboob
    Hello Sir,
    Hopefully you are doing well
    As you enquire about micro or macro learning which is good for students if we take primary school students, For them my point is that, if a balanced approach incorporating both micro-learning and macro-learning can be effective, depending on the learning objectives and the students' needs. Micro learning could be used as to divide units into smaller chunks to maintain their attention, engagement and flexibility to absorb the concept . Whereas Macro-Learning is important for developing foundational knowledge, exploring concepts in depth, and engaging in hands-on activities that build essential skills. In micro-learning we can use flash card drill, mini quizzes and games, and short writing prompt ,these may vary in different subject. Macro-learning we may use project base learning, story telling or retelling, story writing, science experiment .

    "Shaping young minds and empowering girls to become emotionally and financially independent".

  • @Samreen-Tahir Your points really helpful for students and also for primary students. Using micro teaching techniques students will learn more and in energetic way.

    Primary School Teacher