• Useful apps made by my students

    Follow the link.
    Download the application.
    Listen to the backstory that the battery will tell.
    Click on "talk."
    Ask any question about batteries.
    And listen to the answer.

    For example: How do used batteries harm the environment?

    By asking millions of questions like this, students get answers that will help them sort recyclables the right way.

    If you remember I told you about my student`s project in my photo_2024-07-07_17-21-33.jpg photo_2024-07-07_17-27-44.jpg previous post

    Shakhnoza Khamrayeva
    Sehriyo School, Tashkent
    WhatsApp: +998881585511

  • I like the project your students made. Nice idea by the way.
    Kindly add iOS feature to the QR code, I can't download the app.
    Nice idea and a huge round of applause for you.