• Citizenship education and tackling disinformation in schools

    In today's digital landscape, citizenship education must address the pervasive issue of disinformation. Schools play a pivotal role in equipping students with the critical thinking skills necessary to discern fact from fiction in an increasingly complex media environment. By integrating lessons on media literacy, information verification, and the ethical responsibilities of online citizenship, educators can empower students to navigate the digital world with confidence and discernment. Tackling disinformation in schools not only safeguards the integrity of information but also cultivates a generation of informed and responsible citizens equipped to actively participate in democratic discourse.2.png

  • Citizenship education in schools serves as a cornerstone for nurturing informed and responsible citizens. Addressing the challenge of disinformation within this framework requires a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, curricula should incorporate lessons on media literacy and critical thinking, teaching students how to evaluate sources and identify misinformation. Secondly, schools can facilitate discussions on the ethical implications of sharing unverified information and the importance of responsible online behavior. Additionally, partnerships with media organizations and fact-checking initiatives can provide students with practical tools for navigating the digital landscape. By empowering students to become discerning consumers and creators of information, schools play a vital role in countering the spread of disinformation and promoting a more informed society.3.jpeg

  • One practical solution within classrooms involves interactive exercises that simulate real-world scenarios involving disinformation. For instance, educators can design activities where students are presented with news articles or social media posts and are tasked with fact-checking them using reputable sources. This hands-on approach not only enhances students' critical thinking skills but also familiarizes them with the process of verifying information. Additionally, incorporating role-playing activities where students take on the roles of journalists, fact-checkers, and consumers can deepen their understanding of the complexities of information dissemination. By engaging students in active learning experiences, schools can instill a sense of responsibility and agency in combating disinformation, empowering them to be proactive contributors to a more informed society.5.png

  • I woud recommend "Rethinking schooling for 21 century" (2017 UNESCO in alliance with MGIEP). There is a content analysis of hundreds of policy documents of 4 world regions are made in order to illuminate the prevalence of modern concepts, one of which was Global citizenship. Their key findings are: instrumental role of education, instrumental function of schooling, role of foreign language is underestimated, elitist approach to education and endemic credentialism...
    In this sense E-Forum is a platform that unites world experts and practioners to share with working methods in reimagining together the fundamental priorities of education system for peace.
    Besides , PISA constantly reminding stakeholders around the world that schooling is needed to build cognitive, communicative and social-emotional skills, let globally competent, globally minded students REASON, COMMUNICATE, TAKE PERSPECTIVES and care about the future.

    By the way, has anyone ever heard south african concept UBUNTU standing for collective identity?

  • This table provides a concise overview of the various aspects of citizenship education and their importance in equipping students with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage responsibly in society.


    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • It's exact2.png

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • Sure, here's a summarized version of the information in a table format( see table)
    These aspects collectively contribute to nurturing informed and responsible citizens.3.png

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • Certainly! Here's a summarized version of the solution in a table format (see table).

    This table presents a structured overview of how interactive exercises within classrooms can simulate real-world scenarios involving disinformation, fostering critical thinking and media literacy skills among students.


    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • Dear colleague Meriam
    it's very interesting

    Thank you

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • Dear colleagues, I am reading your posts with great interest, thank you for sharing!

    I leave this reminder there - if you take the information fro your posts from a website or other source, please be sure to include a link to that source in accordance with the forum rules and guidelines

  • Dear @all, in the future, I also recommend trying to present information and ideas in one long post rather than splitting your ideas into multiple smaller posts.

    If it's not possible to upload multiple pictures in one post, you could try attaching a PDF or other document with this information instead.

    As a moderator, I will greatly appreciate your cooperation in this regard. Thank you for your understanding

  • @Bousl2336873cb4


    Hope everything is going well. Thank you for sharing these invaluable resources on spotting and fighting disinformation. As educators, it's crucial for us to equip our students with the tools they need to navigate the complex media landscape and become informed, active citizens. As a SPED Teacher I feel this is a very hard challenge. Their cognitive level sometimes presents an obstacle to discriminate. The toolkit for teachers on how to spot and fight disinformation is particularly timely and essential.

    The emphasis on digital citizenship skills and critical thinking is also crucial. Both are my central emphasis with my students. In today's digital age, media literacy is not just an added skill but a fundamental part of being an informed citizen. The guidelines for tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy will be an excellent resource for teachers.

    Thank you again for these resources. They are a great step towards preparing our students to be responsible, informed, and active participants in their communities and beyond.

    Mr. Bryan

  • Nice descxription
    Thank you for your participation

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • In today's digital landscape, citizenship education must prioritize addressing the pervasive issue of disinformation. With the ease of sharing and consuming information online, individuals face a constant barrage of misleading or false content, making it crucial to equip them with the critical thinking skills necessary to discern fact from fiction. Effective citizenship education should focus on media literacy, teaching individuals how to evaluate sources, fact-check information, and understand the motives behind the dissemination of false narratives. By empowering citizens with the tools to navigate the digital realm responsibly, we can cultivate a more informed and resilient society capable of combating the spread of disinformation.

  • @Bousl2336873cb4
    In the contemporary digital landscape, citizenship education must confront the pervasive challenge of disinformation head-on. With the rapid proliferation of online platforms and the ease of content creation and dissemination, misinformation and propaganda can spread like wildfire, undermining democratic processes and social cohesion. To counter this threat, citizenship education must emphasize critical thinking, digital literacy, and media literacy skills. Individuals need to learn how to assess the credibility of sources, distinguish between fact and opinion, and recognize the techniques used to manipulate information. Moreover, fostering an understanding of the broader societal implications of disinformation, including its potential to exacerbate polarization and erode trust in institutions, is essential. By empowering citizens with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world responsibly, citizenship education can play a vital role in building a more resilient and informed society.

  • @AHLEM18c600e513
    In addressing the pervasive issue of disinformation within the digital landscape, citizenship education must evolve to emphasize the cultivation of critical digital literacy skills. This involves not only teaching individuals how to discern reliable sources from misinformation but also fostering a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms driving the spread of false information online. Citizenship education can incorporate lessons on cognitive biases, echo chambers, and the algorithms shaping our online experiences. By equipping individuals with the ability to navigate the complexities of the digital realm, citizenship education empowers them to be proactive, discerning participants in the online discourse, thereby mitigating the harmful effects of disinformation on society.

  • @OUSSAfd6aa665af

    I agree,

    Citizenship education in schools is crucial for nurturing informed and responsible citizens, especially in combating disinformation. A multi-faceted approach is needed, starting with incorporating media literacy and critical thinking into the curriculum to help students evaluate sources and recognize misinformation.

    Schools should also facilitate discussions on the ethical implications of sharing unverified information and the importance of responsible online behavior. Partnerships with media organizations and fact-checking initiatives can provide practical tools for navigating the digital landscape. By empowering students to become discerning consumers and responsible creators of information, schools play a vital role in countering disinformation and promoting a more informed society.

    I try to combine this approach with community-based learning for my students with disability. For them this combination seems to be more relevant and build a bridge from school to their communities.

  • Digital devices are under debate recently, OECD on the basis of large scale assessment is trying to figure out wether they have detrimental distraction or truly secret to success. The reason is that they have exponential increase, parallel to potential risks, they are being actively used as digital aids from preschool to universities.

  • Digital devices have come under scrutiny recently, with debates revolving around their disadvantages. Foremost among these concerns is their potential to cause distraction, particularly among students and workers, due to constant notifications and access to social media. Moreover, excessive device usage has been associated with negative impacts on mental health, including increased anxiety, depression, and addiction. Sedentary lifestyles resulting from prolonged screen time contribute to health problems such as obesity and cardiovascular issues. Privacy and security risks abound as personal data becomes increasingly vulnerable to breaches and unauthorized access. Paradoxically, while digital connectivity offers the promise of social interaction, over-reliance on digital communication can lead to social isolation. Additionally, concerns arise regarding the impact on learning, with fears that shallow engagement and diminished critical thinking skills may result from excessive device use. Lastly, the environmental toll of device production, usage, and disposal adds to the list of disadvantages, contributing to electronic waste and energy consumption. These concerns underscore the necessity for a balanced approach to digital device usage, mindful of both their benefits and potential drawbacks.

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • The quote oversimplifies the debate around digital devices by presenting them as either solely detrimental distractions or keys to success. It ignores the broader context of discussions on digital literacy, privacy, mental health, and access disparities. The quote lacks evidence or context regarding the assessments mentioned, which undermines its credibility. By framing the debate in such binary terms, it overlooks other important dimensions like social interactions, creativity, and well-being. This simplistic portrayal may polarize opinions and hinder constructive dialogue on the complex relationship between humans and technology.

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."