• Teachers stop teaching

    When do you think teachers will stop teaching?


  • @Adel-8d693e36c4 In my opinion, it is not observed that teachers stopped the teaching, when they get retired they establish their tuition centre or any learning resources through offline or online means.

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • Dear Sir,
    I think when your learning stops you should stop your teaching.
    When your students get exhaust you should stop your teaching.
    When the growth of your students stops,
    You should stop the teaching.
    When you think you are not able to face challenges,hardens which comes towards you to make your students a responsible person.You should stop Teaching.

  • Hello ADEL
    If teachers stop teaching, it would lead to significant educational gaps, hindering students' knowledge, critical thinking, and social development. This absence would likely increase behavioral issues, reduce socialization, and deprive students of crucial emotional support, potentially leading to mental health challenges. On a societal level, it could result in a less competitive economy and widen educational inequality. While technology and AI might fill some gaps, they cannot fully replace the nuanced and empathetic roles of teachers, leading to a depersonalized and less adaptive education system.

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Adel-8d693e36c4
    Teachers don't stop teaching but can take a break in teaching when they see their students are bored and are not learning or not taking interest in learning or not paying attention to teacher. Then they start energizer to freshen minds of studdnts. After the energizer the students get ready for learning and teacher starts teaching again.

  • @Adel-8d693e36c4
    Aslamo Alaikum Adel,
    Hope you enjoy this forum well
    In response to your post, I think A teacher may stop teaching when students have grasped the lesson well, allowing them to practice or explore on their own. Sometimes, they may pause to address classroom behavior or manage disruptions. Additionally, a teacher might stop to reflect on the lesson's effectiveness and adjust their approach if needed.

    Primary School Teacher

  • In my view, it will never happen that teachers stop teaching

  • @Adel-8d693e36c4
    Hello Sir
    It sounds differently "Teachers stop teaching". This has led me into deep thoughts and Im agreed a teacher could not stop teaching whether learn new things or not because teacher has always something for students. So my perception to this question is different, and anyone has their opinions, its my approach.

    A teacher is often seen as a guide or mentor who leads students on a journey of learning and self-discovery. Once students have found their way and are confidently walking their own path, the role of the teacher naturally evolves. Just as a guide in the wilderness steps back when travelers learn to navigate the terrain, a teacher may step away when their students are capable of seeking knowledge and wisdom independently. In this sense, a teacher’s purpose is not merely to impart knowledge, but to empower students to think for themselves, to question, and to explore. When students reach a level of self-sufficiency, the teacher’s role becomes less about instruction and more about offering guidance when needed.

    The teacher’s ultimate success lies in making themselves unnecessary, knowing that their students are now capable of continuing the journey on their own. So teacher could stop teaching. 😊

    "Shaping young minds and empowering girls to become emotionally and financially independent".