• Let's talk about the callenges of educational change worldwide

    @BRYAN Yes, along with local problems, we globally try to provide equal education available to all.

  • @Bilim in my opinion educational change in the modern era faces several significant challenges,the main challenge is if technology is given completely in the hands of students there may be drastic impact on their skills of thinking and exploring their own ideas. Like they are getting dependent on technology completely .some of major challenges may be,

    1.Technological Integration
    Access and Equity: Not all students have equal access to technology and the internet, leading to a digital divide. In my case my school is a primary school we have no system or facility of solar or alternative resource for electricity we also don't have any computer lab . Student s are taught on android phones which staff has . When I see you people talking about your school management in terms of technology I really feel about my students that they are deprived of these facilities but instead of that we are trying to teach them with the use of phone.
    2. Teacher Training : Many educators need ongoing professional development to effectively integrate technology into their teaching. As I'm getting training actually in this platform all other teachers should also be given access for this .

    3.Curriculum Reform
    Relevance:Updating curricula to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world, including the integration of 21st-century skills.

    4.Socioeconomic Disparities
    Funding Inequities: Schools in affluent areas often have more resources than those in lower-income areas, affecting the quality of education.

    5.Political Influences Educational policies can be heavily influenced by political agendas, which may not always align with educational best practices.

    1. Teacher Recruitment and Retention
      Shortages,:Many regions face shortages of qualified teachers, particularly in specialized subjects like STEM.

    2. Assessment and Accountability
      Measuring Success: Finding effective ways to assess student learning and teacher effectiveness beyond standardized tests. Like UNESCO is organising students competition or other international competitions.
      Preparing students to compete in a global job market while also fostering a sense of local and national identity.
      Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach that involves stakeholders at all levels, from policymakers and educators to students and parents, to create a more equitable, effective, and adaptive educational system.

  • @Bilim
    In my opinion some of the challanges of educational change are as follows:

    1. Readiness for change: one of the challanges of educstioal change is readiness for change weather it comes from teacgers, students, psrents, administrators, society or government. As long as all these are not ready for bringing change in education, the change can not be brought.
    2. Awareness about educational technology: All people involved in education are well awared about educational technology. So this is second challange of educational change.
    3. Trained teachers: Many teachers are not still so trained to impart education to students which meet the needs globally.
    4. Lack of resources: The fourth challange of educational change is that there are insufficient funds for educstion so all the needs of quality education are not fulfilled in many schools particularly the schools of backward areas.
    5. Political influence: This is also a major challange of educational change. The political persons are given portfolios in education departments so the make many hinderences.
    6. Curriculum: The curriculumn is not designed which meets the needs from locally to globally. So many students can not compete at global level.
  • @Bilim

    Inclusion for all, love it.

  • @Mariam

    Socioeconomic disparities indeed have a profound impact on education in Puerto Rico. Students from low-income families in the island often face significant challenges, such as limited access to resources, less parental involvement, and inadequate school facilities. Sometimes is very sad.

    Addressing these disparities requires a comprehensive approach in my opinion, including increased funding for schools in disadvantaged areas, community support programs, and initiatives to ensure equal access to technology and educational materials. By working together to mitigate these inequalities, we can create a more equitable education system in the Caribbean that provides all students in Puerto Rico with the opportunities we deserve.

    Mr. Bryan

  • A few years ago, I read a book called "Teach Like Finland: 33 Simple Strategies for Joyful Classrooms," by Timothy D. Walker. The author reflected on the Finnish educational model, which is considered one of the educational world's "miracles."
    Finnish students have short school days, light homework loads, and little standardized testing, but they still have some of the highest PISA scores in the world.

    The book discusses deep learning and understanding, holistic education, and focusing on the whole child's development, including emotional, social, and academic growth. It emphasizes active participation and collaboration in the classroom, as well as maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The book also emphasizes creating a supportive and positive learning environment.

    I was really interested to learn about the role of teachers in the Finnish education system.
    Teaching is considered one of the most respected and well-paid careers. You need to study hard for many years before starting work at school, but when you do, you already have good experience and an understanding that you will be highly velued by society as a teacher.

    In my personalopinion, this policy helps to attract great people to the educational system, people who can shape and improve the quality of education, create facilities, incorporate technologies, provide schools with educational materials etc.

    I believe this book is translated into many languages, I read it in Russian. As an educator, I gained many insights from this book and I highly recommend checking out. The author Timothy D. Walker "Teach Like Finland: 33 Simple Strategies for Joyful Classrooms"
    It can even an idea for a reading club with colleagues 🤓

  • @Ana_moderator

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on "Teach Like Finland". It's fascinating how the Finnish educational model prioritizes deep learning, holistic education, and the overall development of students while maintaining a balanced and supportive environment.

    The emphasis on active participation, collaboration, and the respect and value given to teachers is truly inspiring. It’s impressive how these elements contribute to the high PISA scores despite shorter school days and lighter homework loads. Your recommendation is timely, and I agree that it would make a great topic for a reading club with colleagues.

    It’s always valuable to explore successful education systems and consider how we can adapt those strategies to our own classrooms or even an educational system. Thanks again for the recommendation Ana.

    Mr. Bryan

  • @Bilim Hello Bilim! This is very important theme for discussion.

    In Serbia, the discourse on technology's role in education echoes global patterns but also highlights unique challenges within the country's educational landscape. While classrooms increasingly integrate technology, disparities persist in digital access and training across schools and educators.

    Urban and affluent schools typically boast ample technology resources, including computers, tablets, and internet connectivity. However, rural and underserved communities often grapple with limited access to digital tools and infrastructure. Moreover, many Serbian educators lack sufficient training to effectively utilize technology in teaching or access professional development opportunities.

    While technology may offer efficiency, it lacks the human touch crucial for fostering empathy, creativity, and critical thinking. Teachers play a pivotal role as mentors, guides, and inspirations, nurturing students' intellectual curiosity, resilience, and adaptability. The key to cultivating future-ready learners lies in harmonizing human expertise with technological advancements.

    As a music educator, I am dedicated to leveraging technology to enrich learning experiences while prioritizing the holistic growth of my students. By blending technology with traditional teaching methods, I aim to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and creativity essential for success in a dynamic world.

  • @Bilim , hi,

    The preference for reading books among children nowadays can vary widely based on factors such as individual interests, access to books, and exposure to digital media. Many children today are exposed to digital media such as smartphones, tablets, and computers from a young age. This exposure can influence their reading habits, with some children preferring digital formats like e-books or audiobooks over traditional printed books. furthermore, technology has made reading more accessible and interactive through platforms like e-readers and educational apps. While digital media and technology have introduced new forms of entertainment and learning opportunities, many children still enjoy reading books.

  • But, in some cases, pupils are lack of motivation to study. They didn’t understand the importance of education and how it connects to their future goals. They are pressured by parents, teachers and the community just to pass the exams. Like exams are determine their future.

  • Hello Myloga
    based on your experience, how can we resolve this problem which affects almost all students as well as their parents.
    Best Regards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Bilim
    Hello Bilim,
    One of the educational challenges that I think is common globally is resistance on behalf of administrators and educators. Whenever a new concept or strategy is proposed after several research made, there is always a few who show reluctancy to adopt the new systems and processes. Ultimately this may hinder the proper implementation.

  • @Nenad-Stojacic said in Let's talk about the callenges of educational change worldwide:

    Urban and affluent schools typically boast ample technology resources, including computers, tablets, and internet connectivity. However, rural and underserved communities often grapple with limited access to digital tools and infrastructure. Moreover, many Serbian educators lack sufficient training to effectively utilize technology in teaching or access professional development opportunities.

    We have had a similar situation in Russia, however it is changing for the better.

    Within the framework of the national project "Education", the Ministry of education aim to create a new educational environment for schools, especially in rural areas and small towns.

    We have a "Tochka Rosta" (Point of Growth) project, they are opening centers for education in digital and humanitarian fields. These centers are usually located on school grounds. They have high-tech equipment for studying technology, informatics, and life safety.

    I have spoken with some teachers, and they appreciate this initiative. However, sometimes this high-tech equipment is not being used to its full potential because educators lack professional digital skills training 😞