3: What challenges have you faced in integrating technology, and how did you overcome them?
This question consists of two parts : challanges and solution of the challanges.
Challanges faced in integrating technology are:
- Whether the administration of the school allow to integrate technology in teaching learning process or not. Particularly it is not officially allowed to integrate technology in teaching learning process. Still we are using traditional methods of teaching.
- All the students don't haves access to technology.
- Al parents of all students don't allow their childen to use technology for learning purpose.
- Reaction from society: Anyone from society can raise objection on using technology for teaching learning purpose.
- Reaction of colleague teachers: Colleague teachers can also raise objection on using technology for teaching learning as it is not officially allowed.
The answer of second part of the question " How did you overcome them?" is after convincing administrstion, studdnts and their parents and colleague teachers technology can be used to some extent.