• What's Your Best Study Hack? Let's Share and Learn!

    One study hack I find really effective is the Pomodoro Technique. It involves studying for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break. After four cycles, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. This method helps improve focus and productivity while preventing burnout. Using a timer can keep you disciplined and make study sessions feel more manageable.


  • @MehranKhan Great dear friend, I am on the same wavelength with you. Also I'm a huge proponent of using visual study techniques like mind maps! I find them to be incredibly effective for organizing information, identifying connections, and boosting recall.

    The process of creating a mind map really helps cement the material in my brain. As I arrange the key concepts, sub-topics, and supporting details in a visual layout, I'm actively engaging with the information in a meaningful way. It's much more than just passively reading or highlighting notes.

    The visual nature of mind maps also makes complex topics feel more digestible and coherent. Seeing the big picture and the relationships between different ideas is so much easier when you have it all laid out in a diagram or concept map.

    And the great thing is, there are so many different ways to approach mind mapping. You can use color-coding, icons, images, and personal shorthand to make the maps truly customized to your learning style. Some people even find it helpful to animate or digitize their mind maps for added interactivity.

    Personally, I find that mind maps complement the Cornell note-taking method really well. I'll start by taking traditional linear notes, and then translate those into a visual map to solidify my understanding.

    Do you have experience with mind mapping or other visual study techniques? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on the pros and cons, and any tips you've picked up along the way!

  • I always use learning by doing method. It will help me a lot and students enjoy the whole class time.

  • @MehranKhan
    Great tip! I love using mind maps to visually organize information. It helps me see connections between concepts and makes recall easier during exams. Plus, it’s a fun and creative way to study. Looking forward to trying out the Pomodoro Technique!

  • @MehranKhan as you are aware that teaching in rural areas specially need full of your efficiency. I generally use one effective study hack of community-based learning groups. In rural areas, where resources might be limited and access to educational materials scarce, forming study groups within the community can be a game-changer. By pooling resources, students can share textbooks, educational materials, and even teaching expertise among themselves. This collaborative approach not only enhances learning through peer support but also builds a sense of community and accountability. Teachers can facilitate these groups by organizing regular sessions and providing guidance, ensuring that students receive diverse perspectives and support beyond the classroom.

    Zeeshan Mahboob
    High School Teacher
    Government Boys Higher Secondary School Dando
    Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder
    District Tando Muhammad Khan
    Province of Sindh
    Cell # 0092 336 214 9427
    email: kingasadking921@gmail.com

  • @NaseemShaheen94 great to hear that. Thanks

    Educate People, Save The World..

  • @Samar-Mohamed yeah I like mind mapping too. It is the most easy way for me to deliver the lesson as each and every main point is pointed out already. Thanks

    Educate People, Save The World..

  • @Kalimullah-Memon Great to hear Sir. Thanks

    Educate People, Save The World..

  • @Sahar730dd459d2 Great. I will wait to hear from you the technique. Thanks

    Educate People, Save The World..

  • @Engr-Zeeshan Great Sir. This one technique is not yet used by me. I will try your teaching style. Thanks

    Educate People, Save The World..

  • @MehranKhan Fourteen years ago, when I started my duties as a Primary School Teacher, the first day was a bit challenging. I wondered how I could begin working smoothly and confidently in the classroom. With all the little eyes watching me, I decided to start with reading books, giving dictations, and ensuring that students made fair copies.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @FarhanMehboob said in What's Your Best Study Hack? Let's Share and Learn!:

    Fourteen years ago, when I started my duties as a Primary School Teacher, the first day was a bit challenging. I wondered how I could begin working smoothly and confidently in the classroom. With all the little eyes watching me, I decided to start with reading books, giving dictations, and ensuring that students made fair copies.

    I can certainly understand the apprehension and uncertainty you must have felt on your first day as a primary school teacher 14 years ago. Starting a new role, especially one with so much responsibility for young students, can be quite daunting. However, it sounds like you had a solid plan to help ease into your duties and establish a productive classroom environment.

  • @MehranKhan Amazing topic, I like to share my learning hack. I'm quick learner but some subjects always give me hard time so I use to record my teachers lectures .after that, I replay recordings again and again. One more hack that really helps me before exams . I use to make short bullet notes to recall all important thing related to the topic.

  • @MehranKhan The best study hack is to use active learning techniques, like summarizing information in your own words and teaching it to someone else. Break study sessions into short, focused intervals with regular breaks to maintain concentration. Create a dedicated, distraction-free study space. Use visual aids like charts and diagrams to reinforce memory. Regularly review and practice previous material to ensure long-term retention.

  • @Samar-Mohamed Aslam o Alaikum dear,

    Yes the first day of duty is very difficult specially in the field of teaching. Because you have no clue or no experience that how to deal with the things you are unknown. My brother Farhan have more insights like this. He is creative in his own field of ICT as well.

    Thanks for your appreciation dear

    Zeeshan Mahboob
    High School Teacher
    Government Boys Higher Secondary School Dando
    Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder
    District Tando Muhammad Khan
    Province of Sindh
    Cell # 0092 336 214 9427
    email: kingasadking921@gmail.com

  • @MehranKhan Nice topic you chhosed, by this we got more tricks and hacks,
    Ok, if I talk about me so I do the same, I break the time according to the topic then manage in which time what I have to teach and also mind mapping by this we got how much students got understand, and also give some break to relax mind and critical thinking.

  • @MehranKhan Hello, The 'study hack' that I ever use is mnemonics during my study sessions.
    Creating acronyms or memorable phrases helps me recall complex information more easily. It's a fun way to make studying a bit more engaging!Looking forward to hearing your study hacks too!

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • @FarhanMehboob Yes. The 1st day was a bit challenging for me too

    Educate People, Save The World..

  • @Sehar-Kazi Nice hack. That shows how hard worker you are. Best of luck

    Educate People, Save The World..

  • @RASHEED-ULLAH That nice Sir. Reflex action is must for our success. Thank you

    Educate People, Save The World..