• AI & Ethics

    What ethical concerns arise with the use of AI in education? How can schools ensure that AI is used responsibly and equitably?

  • @Noor-ul-Sabah
    Positive use of AI in every walk of life is consideered good. Likewise positve use of it in education is useful and beneficial. But its negative use is not beneficial.
    Norms and rules should be made in education to use it positively. In this way we can get good results of AI in education.

  • @Noor-ul-Sabah
    AI tools should be used positively to gain from them. Their negative use is dangerous. If these tools are used positively in education their impact on students will be good. If they are used negatively their impact on students will be bad.
    To use these AI tools norms and rules should be made to used them rightly. Then we can get good results

  • @Noor-ul-Sabah

    Hello dear Noor, hopefully you have good days,

    AI technologies are increasingly being integrated into educational settings, offering significant benefits but also raising important ethical considerations. Topic is vast to say but as precise as I could be :

    AI and ethics intersect in schools:

    1. Benefits of AI in SchoolsPersonalized Learning:

    AI can tailor educational content to individual student needs, pacing, and learning styles.
    AI can provide immediate feedback and customized assessments to help students and teachers identify areas for improvement.

    2.Administrative Efficiency:

    AI can handle repetitive tasks like grading, freeing up teachers to focus on instruction and student engagement.
    AI can streamline administrative tasks, such as attendance tracking and scheduling, improving overall efficiency.

    1. Accessibility:

    AI can support students with disabilities by providing tools like speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and other adaptive technologies.
    AI-powered translation and language learning tools can assist non-native speakers in the classroom.

    Ethical Issues in AI for SchoolsBias and Fairness:

    Algorithmic Bias: AI systems can unintentionally perpetuate biases present in the training data, leading to unfair treatment of students based on race, gender, socioeconomic status, or other factors.

    Equitable Access: Ensuring all students have access to AI tools and resources is critical to prevent widening the digital divide.

    Privacy and Data Security:Data Privacy: Schools must protect the personal and educational data of students, ensuring it is collected, stored, and used in compliance with privacy laws and ethical standards.

    Data Security: Robust security measures are essential to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive student information.

    Transparency and Accountability:Transparency: AI decision-making processes should be transparent so that students, parents, and educators understand how decisions are made.

    Accountability: Clear guidelines are needed to determine who is responsible for the outcomes of AI-driven decisions in education.

    Impact on Teacher Roles

    Teachers should retain control over instructional decisions and not be overly reliant on AI systems.

    Teachers need ongoing training to effectively integrate and oversee AI tools in the classroom.

    Student Autonomy and Engagement:

    AI should support rather than replace student decision-making and critical thinking.
    AI tools should be designed to engage students actively in the learning process, not just passively consume content.

    The integration of AI in schools offers significant potential to enhance education, but it must be approached with careful consideration of ethical issues. By prioritizing fairness, transparency, privacy, and the roles of teachers and students, schools can harness the power of AI responsibly to benefit all learners.

    "Shaping young minds and empowering girls to become emotionally and financially independent".

  • @Noor-ul-Sabah Thanks for that wonderful point to mention about AI and ethics. Really we can' t ignore the dominance of AI and ChatGPT in our life and in education in specific but urgent matters appear like plagiarism and ethical responsibility.Also some questions arise such as : Will AI eliminate manpower and creativity? What do you think about that,dear educator?


  • Ethical concerns with AI in education include data privacy, unbiased systems, and transparency of decisions. Schools should ensure that AI is neutral, addresses students' individual needs, and is used effectively through proper training. Parents and students should be informed about the benefits and risks of AI. Additionally, monitoring AI decisions and regularly reviewing its impact are crucial to maintaining responsibility and fairness. (Googled)

    Primary School Teacher

  • @Noor-ul-Sabah Aslam o alikum Noor according to my point of view regarding your query is The use of AI in education brings several ethical concerns, which need to be addressed to ensure responsible and equitable use.
    Integrate AI literacy into the curriculum, teaching students and educators about the strengths, limitations, and ethical implications of AI.
    Example: Workshops or classes that help students understand how AI works and encourage them to critically evaluate AI-driven outcomes.By proactively addressing ethical concerns and implementing thought can benefits all students while minimizing risks.

  • @Adel-8d693e36c4 Aslam o Alikum sir Adel
    You've raised an excellent question that indeed requires serious reflection: Is AI diminishing our manpower and creativity? according to my perspective
    In Pakistan, while AI tools have become increasingly prevalent in various sectors, including government, and students are adept at utilizing them, there is a significant concern that I’ve observed through personal experience. The reliance on these technologies is gradually eroding students' creative writing skills, critical thinking, and their natural ability to solve problems independently. Instead of engaging in self-learning and personal assessment, many students now use AI tools to quickly find answers, which diminishes their creativity and intellectual growth. Furthermore, there is a noticeable decline in handwriting skills, as students increasingly rely on digital platforms. While AI undoubtedly offers convenience and vast opportunities, it also poses a risk to essential aspects of learning, such as creativity, active engagement, and the development of foundational skills like handwriting. This highlights the urgent need for a balanced approach in integrating technology into education to ensure that it enhances rather than hinders students' overall development.

  • @Adel-8d693e36c4 in my opinion AI will undoubtedly transform the landscape of work and creativity, but it is unlikely to eliminate manpower or creativity. Instead, AI is poised to reshape how we work and create, leading to new forms of collaboration between humans and machines. As AI takes over routine tasks, it will free up human potential to focus on more complex, creative, and meaningful work, thereby enhancing both manpower and creativity rather than replacing them.

  • I think if students know the advantages and disadvantages of AI then it will be beneficial to use AI.

  • @Samreen-Tahir
    Well explained, ma'am.

  • @Adel-8d693e36c4
    Will AI eliminate humanpower and creativity?
    The answer of your question in my opinion is:
    The impact of AI on humanpower and creativity is complex and multifaceted. Here's a breakdown:


    • Job Displacement: AI can automate repetitive and routine tasks, potentially displacing some jobs, especially in industries like manufacturing, logistics, and customer service.
    • Job Transformation: AI also creates new opportunities. While some jobs may disappear, new roles will emerge, especially in AI development, maintenance, data analysis, and related fields.
    • Human-AI Collaboration: Many jobs will likely evolve to incorporate AI tools, enhancing productivity rather than replacing human workers. For example, AI can handle data processing, leaving humans to focus on decision-making and strategy.


    • Augmenting Creativity: AI can assist in creative processes, providing tools for generating ideas, composing music, designing art, and more. It can help creatives by speeding up certain processes or offering new perspectives.
    • Creative Autonomy: While AI can generate creative content, it lacks the deep emotional understanding, context, and originality that human creativity offers. AI-generated works are often based on existing patterns and data rather than original thought.
    • New Forms of Creativity: AI might also lead to new forms of creative expression, where humans and AI collaborate in innovative ways, blending technology and art in ways that weren’t possible before.

    In summary, AI is unlikely to eliminate manpower and creativity but will transform how we work and create. The key lies in adapting to these changes, ensuring that AI complements human abilities rather than replacing them.

  • @Noor-ul-Sabah

    Hi @Noor-ul-Sabah
    Hope everything is going well for you.

    As a SPED Teacher equity is my concern. While AI has the potential to enhance learning, it could also exacerbate inequalities if not all students have equal access to the technology. Schools must ensure that AI tools are accessible to all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, and that teachers are trained to use these tools in ways that benefit every student.

    Mr. Bryan