• Academic Integrity vs. AI: strategy, policy, practice.

    Artificial Intelligence has introduced innovations not only in teaching but also in learning, which educators all around the world have already witnessed. Unfortunately, a number of students consider AI as a tool complete the part of a job to be done by the students themselves and widely employ it to write essays, papers, and reports.

    How do your schools deal with AI in terms of academic integrity? Have you made any rules and regulations or chenged you school policy? What instruments and tools to you use to detect AI-generated content? How do you persuade students to avoid misuse of AI?

  • Academic integrity and AI intersect in various ways, prompting educational institutions to formulate strategies, policies, and practices to maintain ethical standards. Institutions are increasingly leveraging AI to detect plagiarism and uphold academic honesty, employing algorithms to analyze similarities in student submissions against vast databases. However, balancing technological advancements with ethical considerations remains crucial. Policies are evolving to address the ethical use of AI tools, emphasizing transparency and accountability in their implementation. Moreover, educational practices are adapting to incorporate AI education, teaching students about the responsible use of technology and fostering critical thinking skills to navigate the complex landscape of academic integrity in the digital age. Overall, the integration of AI into academic integrity frameworks requires a multifaceted approach that promotes ethical behavior while harnessing the benefits of technological innovation.R.jpg OIP.jpg OIP (1).jpg

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • In Greek schools, handling AI in terms of academic integrity involves implementing strict rules and regulations to prevent misuse. School policies have been updated to address the potential use of AI-generated content, along with the incorporation of detection tools to identify such material. To discourage students from exploiting AI, educators emphasize the importance of original work, critical thinking, and ethical research practices, fostering a culture of academic honesty and integrity within the school community.

  • @Antonia said in Academic Integrity vs. AI: strategy, policy, practice.:

    critical thinking,

    Indeed, teaching critical thinking in this situation is such a great way to prevent the misuse of AI: preparing open-ending questons, asking to connect the information with the real life of the students or analyzing AI risks and errows

  • The intersection of academic integrity and artificial intelligence (AI) presents significant challenges and opportunities in education. Strategies to uphold integrity involve robust policies that clearly define acceptable AI use, emphasizing original work and proper attribution. Policies may include the use of AI-detection tools, comprehensive honor codes, and clear guidelines on AI-assisted work. In practice, educational institutions need to foster a culture of integrity through awareness programs, training for both educators and students on ethical AI use, and developing assessment methods that reduce the temptation to misuse AI, such as oral exams or project-based evaluations. Balancing the benefits of AI in learning with rigorous integrity standards is crucial for maintaining the value and credibility of academic achievements.R.jpg

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Antonia
    Of course, Antonina, two side effect is inevitable, in this case, we need to develop those skills that AI is deprived of, incapable to replace. create and develop what true human being is good at.

  • Our students have only android cell phones but they are not allowed to bring these android phones in class so they make use of it at home only. We instruct them to visit only educational websites to search for their topics of their textbooks as I have my own educational youtube channel so I ask my students to learn english subject there. All the units of the textbook are available there on my youtube channel. The link of this channel is youtube.com/gelccmatiari . They learn those topics at home and on next we discuss with them in class. We add new things which they have not learned or have faced difficulty in learning on their own as english is their second language.

  • @Ekaterina-P Artificial Intelligence has indeed brought significant innovations to education, enhancing both teaching and learning experiences. However, as you pointed out, it also poses challenges regarding academic integrity. At our school, we have implemented several strategies to address the misuse of AI and uphold academic standards.

    Firstly, we revised our academic integrity policy to explicitly include guidelines on the use of AI. Students are educated about what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate use of AI tools. We emphasize that while AI can be a valuable aid for research and learning, it should not be used to complete assignments or write papers on behalf of students.

    To detect AI-generated content, we use advanced plagiarism detection software that includes AI content recognition features. Tools like Turnitin have been updated to flag AI-generated text, helping us identify work that may not be original. Additionally, we encourage teachers to incorporate unique and personalized assignments that are less susceptible to AI misuse and require critical thinking and personal reflection.

    To persuade students to avoid misusing AI, we focus on education and ethics. We conduct workshops and seminars that highlight the importance of academic honesty and the long-term benefits of genuine learning. We also provide support for students struggling with their coursework, offering tutoring and resources to help them succeed without resorting to unethical practices.

    By combining clear policies, advanced detection tools, and a strong emphasis on ethics and support, we strive to create an environment where students can harness the benefits of AI responsibly and maintain the integrity of their academic work.

  • @BRYANb8875625e5 Thank you for your detailed answer! Our school followssimilar strategies which you listed. As we are an International Baccalaureate school, we've been provided with the revised Academic Integrity Policy from IB. We also use particular software (unfortunately, Turnitin is not accessible to us now) to detect plagiarism especiallyin essays and works to be uploaded for external assessment. As an English teacher myself I encourage my students to use AI for initial research and quote it in their works. My colleague who teaches high school students usually easily recognises the works generated by AI since they are radically different from the students' own ones in style.

  • @Ekaterina-P

    Thank you Ana, It's great to read that your school follows similar strategies and upholds academic integrity with the revised IB policy. Using specific software to detect plagiarism is crucial, especially for externally assessed works. Encouraging students to use AI for initial research and proper citation is a valuable practice, and it's impressive that your colleague can distinguish AI-generated work from students' own writing.

    This combined effort ensures students develop their authentic voice and critical thinking skills while leveraging technology responsibly. For now, my students just use Copilot AI to get information not to create documents or assignments, but it's a matter of time.

    mr. Bryan

  • I believe many AI tools have already been implemented in higher education sections to detect and protect academic outcomes.
    How about high schools?
    Especially in secondary schools, students at these ages are curious and dominating their own web lives.
    How do we know the assignments they handed back are not made of AI?
    Just by AI detectors?
    How do you deal with it?šŸ˜²
    Do teachers have this kind of discussion in your country?

    A big curiosity!šŸ™„

  • @Vanny

    Hi Vanny,

    Tomorrow I will be showcasing the benefits of AI in SPED education at a TV program here in Puerto Rico. We don't have any use of AI promoted by our educational system. When I asked why, is because they are writing public policy now. But our students know about it and know how to use it. Hope to see more open spaces like this forum to talk and share experiences with AI and the transformation it brings to mainstream education and SPED.

    Mr. Bryan

  • @Ekaterina-P as you raised very important topic
    I want to add that Ai has drastically changed our style of teaching but at the same time it can't be ignored to see copyright, because we don't know that what ever we are asking our students to do r they do by themselves or completely copy and paste. The creativity of student must be there if even they use any technology. The fair check and balance must be there.
    Schools must make such policies to ensure fair use of AI.
    Also the students misuse of technology must be supervised properly.

  • Hi, in my school, the exposure to the usage of AI is still limited, as class lessons still in normal classroom, plus the kids didn't bring their gadgets to school. I would say some measures that we can take maybe from presentations projects like, in-class writing assignments, oral presentations, and project-based assessments that require critical thinking and personal insights.

  • @Ekaterinadd-P As a piano teacher at the Isidor Bajić Music School, I believe in leveraging technology, including AI, to enhance music education while ensuring academic integrity. While AI has undoubtedly revolutionized various aspects of teaching and learning, it's essential to address concerns about its misuse.

    We integrate AI technology into our music curriculum in constructive ways. For example, AI-powered music composition software can assist students in exploring different musical styles, analyzing compositions, and generating ideas for their own pieces. By incorporating AI tools as educational aids rather than shortcuts, we empower students to develop their musical skills while embracing technological innovation responsibly.

    Overall, while AI presents exciting opportunities for music education, it's essential to approach its integration thoughtfully and ethically. By establishing clear guidelines, utilizing detection tools, and promoting responsible usage, we can harness the benefits of AI while upholding academic integrity in our music school.

  • @BRYANb8875625e5 Best of Luck!

    Technologies really changed the nature of how we learn and teach.

    I think the rationale behind the competition focus on promoting green education, the use of generative AI, the development of creativity and gamification is to understand the landscape of innovative teaching in general internationally.

  • @Bilim IMG_2920.jpg

    Thank you for your wishes Bilim,

    It was an amazing experience. Love when spaces open to share best practices in education based in technologies. Technology has indeed transformed the way we learn and teach, opening up numerous possibilities for more effective and engaging education.

    The rationale behind focusing on green education, the use of generative AI, the development of creativity, and gamification in teaching competitions is quite insightful. These elements not only address contemporary educational needs but also prepare students for the future.

    Mr. Bryan

  • @BRYANb8875625e5
    You mentioned that your students are already exposed to AI and are using it, though your educational system doesn't promote it as public policy is being written now. It's good initiatives being undertaken by integrating the AI to enhance studentā€™s learning experiences. Educators are well equipped technologically and they are embedding it to enhance the teaching and learning experiences. You are working with students who have special needs, does your country has a specific curriculum for them?

  • @Housna

    Hi Housna,

    The answer for your question is NO,

    We don't have a curriculum for SPED students. We give them access to the traditional curriculum for regular students and adapt the educational experiences and assessment. I'm trying to create a curriculum for Students with Autism because we are having lots of new cases annually. Incidence and prevalence is very high in Puerto Rico and we don't know what happen.

    Mr. Bryan

  • @BRYANb8875625e5
    Hello Bryan,
    Hope all fine. In my country also, the regular curriculum should be adapted and modified as per the learning needs of students having disabilities.