• Traditional vs Modern Teaching


    • Traditional Teaching: Relies on lectures and textbooks, with a focus on rote memorization and individual assignments.
    • Modern Teaching: Incorporates interactive methods like group work, digital tools, and project-based learning, emphasizing critical thinking and collaborative skills.

    Key Difference: Modern teaching engages students through dynamic activities and technology, whereas traditional methods focus on passive learning through lectures and reading.

    Shazia Baloch
    JEST Teacher
    Address: Sindh Pakistan

  • @Shazia-Baloch Nice dear! Very well precisely elaborated.

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • @Shazia-Baloch it's good to hear about teaching methods in classroom. Which teaching method you are using in the classroom and what do you think how students engage and learn effectively and efficiently??

    Primary School Teacher

  • Hello Shazia
    Traditional teaching is characterized by a teacher-centered approach where the teacher is the primary source of knowledge, focusing on rote learning, memorization, and standardized testing within a rigid and fixed curriculum. Technology use is minimal, with reliance on traditional tools like textbooks and blackboards. Assessments are mainly through standardized tests and exams, and the classroom environment is formal and structured, emphasizing discipline and order. In contrast, modern teaching prioritizes student-centered learning, encouraging engagement, collaboration, and hands-on activities. It emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity through a flexible curriculum that adapts to individual needs. Technology is extensively integrated, with digital tools and online resources enhancing the learning experience. Assessment methods are diverse, including formative assessments, peer reviews, and projects, with a focus on continuous feedback. The classroom environment is dynamic and inclusive, fostering creativity and collaboration.
    Best Regards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Shazia-Baloch ...most of the government schools teach by traditional method specially in rural areas but not ALL. Teachers also teach by modern teaching methods in the cities. Fortunately most hard working & talented teachers have appointed in the government schools they really doing god job & teaching by modern teaching method Alhamdulillah .I hope we'll eliminate traditional method from our schools & use modern techniques to improve our teaching environment in sha Allah.

  • @FarhanMehboob.
    By which method are you teaching in your school which techniques do you use in your classroom?

  • @Aqsa-Khatri said in Traditional vs Modern Teaching:

    Thank you for usual support. In our school, I employ Formative Assessment, interactive & collaborative learning, some hands-on and technology based activities to ensure that all students are engaged and able to learn effectively. As you know, there are a number of multicast schools in our region.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @Aqsa-Khatri Dear Aqsa I already informed In a post about the techniques. The methods that I mostly depends on the lesson of the course. Some time I use lecture and demonstration method otherwise I use learner- center.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @Shazia-Baloch with the passage of time the teaching techniques and methodologies have been changed . Students are more focused and critical thinking is encouraged . So yes the traditional teaching is not incorporated in classrooms .