• Boosting Your Students’ Confidence

    @Siza-73fd5aa5ff .exactly 👆.Every student couldn't learn by the same strategy. We should apply different strategies by which they can learn or get knowledge easily

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 These 5Cs are very helpful to build confidence 👆

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1
    Sir, all your points are excellent. Here, I want to write a couple of sentences about point 3. I like "Connection" because building strong relationships with peers and teachers creates a supportive network. When students feel supported, they are more active, share their ideas, and don't hesitate to ask for help. This sense of belonging significantly boosts their confidence and overall well-being.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @AFSHA28f0a2936e a great method dear appreciated.

  • @Burfatmukhtiar thank you respected sir also want your ideas about it.

  • @FarhanMehboob thank you respected sir for your supporting feedback.

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 Talking about themselves and receiving a positive reaction helps to build confidence. We can help students to develop into the best versions of themselves by showing them that their stories are important. Create many opportunities for sharing so students get to practice this skill.

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 first of all I M agree with your post,
    Now options is very important if confidence is bulid your classroom with a all students, some time teacher only focus 4 or 5 students in classroom and this is wrong impression for others, my suggestion is we all give chance all in classroom

    Burfat Ali

  • Hello Mjankb
    To boost students' confidence, focus on positive reinforcement by celebrating their achievements and encouraging a growth mindset, where they see abilities as developable through effort. Help them set and achieve manageable goals, provide support during challenges, and create a classroom environment that fosters respect and participation. Encourage self-reflection and offer leadership opportunities to build a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, teach them to replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations and model confident behavior yourself to set a strong example.
    Best regards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Aqsa-Khatri Dear Aqsa, if your classroom is full of students. Let's assume nearly 40 to 45 student. How you will use these strategies within scheduled time ??

    Primary School Teacher