• Online platforms VS Paper

    Hello everyone from sunny Uzbekistan.
    I would like to encourage you to make extensive use of Internet resources in education.
    In today's world, technology plays a key role in education. The use of internet resources and online platforms can significantly reduce the use of paper, contributing to environmental sustainability.

    One of the main advantages is access to learning materials in digital format. E-textbooks, articles and resources replace traditional printed publications, reducing paper waste. Online platforms such as Google Classroom and Moodle provide convenient tools to organise the learning process. Teachers can post assignments, tests, and study materials digitally, and students can complete assignments and turn them in online, eliminating the need for printed versions.

    Virtual whiteboards, such as Padlet and Jamboard, allow students and teachers to collaborate on projects and share ideas without the use of paper. Electronic notes and documents are replacing paper notes, providing easy access to information and the ability to edit it at any time.

    The use of Internet resources and online platforms not only reduces the ecological footprint, but also improves the quality of education, making it more accessible and effective.
    I look forward to your ๐Ÿ‘ if you like the idea.

    Shakhnoza Khamrayeva
    Sehriyo School, Tashkent
    WhatsApp: +998881585511

  • @Shakhnoza Good afternoon, Shakhnoza!
    Are you suggesting we completely abandon traditional printed publications? Have you considered the main advantages and disadvantages of this system?

    Best regards,
    Mr Denis
    ICT & IT & Computer science teacher

  • @Denis-Kudaymetov said in Online platforms VS Paper:

    Are you suggesting we completely abandon traditional printed publications? Have you considered the main advantages and disadvantages of this system?

    Good afternoon Denis!
    Published or printed books are valuable. Excluding them is wrong way.

    According to my observations, I noticed that in schools pupils are given a large number of printouts for additional assignments.
    I suggest always replacing paper handouts with online assignments to avoid overusing of papers.

    Shakhnoza Khamrayeva
    Sehriyo School, Tashkent
    WhatsApp: +998881585511

  • @Shakhnoza I hope you are well dear friend. Go digital. Electronic documents have two huge advantages: ease of retrieval and access. Unlike paper files that must be searched manually and often by memory, electronic files can be retrieved using keywords included in either the file name or the content, no matter where the document is located.

  • @Samar-yousef said in Online platforms VS Paper:

    I hope you are well dear friend. Go digital. Electronic documents have two huge advantages: ease of retrieval and access. Unlike paper files that must be searched manually and often by memory, electronic files can be retrieved using keywords included in either the file name or the content, no matter where the document is located.

    It's so great to be on the same wavelength with you! I really appreciate your enthusiasm and shared passion for [mention the topic you're both passionate about]. It makes collaborating so much more fun and rewarding.

    Shakhnoza Khamrayeva
    Sehriyo School, Tashkent
    WhatsApp: +998881585511

  • Evolving digital world makes libraries, metropolitans, museums smart and digital.
    f.e. My best companion is my Kindle, it's like Mary's little lamb:)) everywhere I went, it is sure to go, it followed to Trondheim last year, is about to go to Budapest this year
    Why does Kindle love me so?
    Why, I love my Kindle, you know!

    ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜Š Adding a joke to our lovely forum

  • I don't deny that printed material or assignments are useless now but being digitally literate we must focus on techy tools and gadgets to enhance the teaching and learning process.

  • @Shakhnoza Hello from sunny!
    I agree that using internet resources in education is crucial. Digital tools reduce paper waste and enhance learning. Platforms like Google Classroom and Moodle streamline assignments, while virtual whiteboards like Padlet and Jamboard facilitate paper-free collaboration. Embracing these technologies improves education quality and supports environmental sustainability. ๐Ÿ‘

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan