• The Importance of Including Girls in Tech Projects


    My favorite strategy is to use Gamification for students to work based in motivation. Girls love to collaborate and coding with AI could be awesome.

    Activities as Hour of Code with Generation AI assure engagement by teaming up with the trusty Agent to develop AI-powered inventions, exploring the vast potential of AI and the importance of fair, reliable technology. This program allows students to correct coding problems, solve fun puzzles, and apply principles of responsible AI.

    Generation AI is highly recommended as an engaging and creative introduction to computer science and responsible AI. There is a one-hour tutorial for students with the basics of coding, using MakeCode blocks or Python, and demonstrates how computational thinking can be used to solve problems. Understanding AI and its implications for girls is crucial for all students, making this an essential experience for fostering future-ready skills

    Here is the link:

    Also I found 5 more ideas to promote girls in STEM

    • Provide girl-centered programming so students can see themselves reflected in the curriculum.
    • Introduce authentic hands-on challenges that are relatable and centered around connecting and supporting the community.
    • Assist girls in building their toolbox to solve complex problems that encourage understanding, application, and empathy while focusing on mistake-making as an asset.
    • Work alongside and learn in parallel with STEM/STEAM community mentors who participants see as role models.
    • Build real-world connections to STEM/STEAM by engaging guest speakers and a career-focused curriculum so students see how this learning relates to their future.

    Mr. Bryan

  • @BRYANb8875625e5
    In my country the rate of girls who choose IT in Grade 11, is relatively low compared to boys. Mauritius is known as an IT hub in the Indian Ocean. When ICT was firstly introduced in 2002 in primary schools, mostly females staffs applied for the post. They were recruited without any know-how and expertise in the IT field. They were offered continuous professional course so as to educate the young minds. It has been observed that most boys choose Computer Studies for O and A level. It's at tertiary level, that girls choose this field. Therefore, girls should be encouraged to opt for this subject at O and A level itself. The syllabus for A and O level is mainly programming. Girls are not motivated to I personally think initiatives should be taken to motivate girls. It can be involved them in inquiry based learning. Equal opportunities should be given to students to master this field.

  • @Housna

    It's great that you're highlighting this important issue Housna.

    The low rate of girls choosing IT is concerning but not uncommon globally. Your observation that girls tend to enter the field at the tertiary level suggests that earlier intervention is key. Encouraging girls to opt for Computer Studies can help bridge this gap.

    I think one effective strategy could be to introduce inquiry-based learning, which can make the subject more engaging and relevant. Additionally, showcasing female role models in IT (This is so fun and works very well), organizing coding workshops, and providing mentorship programs can inspire girls to pursue IT earlier.

    We are the one that can ensure equal opportunities and support for all students to master IT, this is crucial. Let's work towards creating a more inclusive and balanced future in tech. Best of luck.

  • @BRYANb8875625e5 sir I agree with you and really appreciate you to work on this Idea. Here in my country or if I talk about my school we promote inclusive education . And for better sustainability it is demand of today that girls should also be given equal opportunitiee as male and there should not be any discrimination on gender.

  • πŸ™‹ We've talked about Skype a scientist in another thread and I think now that a thing a teacher could do is to look for and invite a female expert!
    After a lecture we can organize a small discussion asking a guest about their professional jounrney, motivation for becoming a scientist and then have organize a good reflection after the meeting, emphasizing the role of women in STEM.

  • Science is for everyone, but women are still underrepresented, making up only 33% of researchers. Stereotypes hide important parts of scientific history and keep gender inequality alive in these fields. Now, more than ever, the world needs science, and science needs women! Discover how the Fondation L'OrΓ©al - UNESCO hashtag#ForWomenInScience Programme is changing the narrative. Join us: https://lnkd.in/eJk6ZGbj hashtag#FWIS2024 hashtag#FWIS


    This is the link of source (UNESCO):

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Mariam

    Hi Mariam,

    Sure, promoting inclusive education is essential for creating a fair and equitable learning environment for all our students. Ensuring that girls have the same opportunities as boys is crucial for their personal and academic development and is amazing once we create this environment. Gender should never be a barrier to accessing quality education.

    Mr. Bryan

  • I have recently came across the NASA website and spent quite a lot of time there, as they have so many great resources for learning!

    I would like to share "First Woman", a multimedia graphic novel about the first woman on the moon.

    The novel comes with an extended reality (XR) app that allows you to experience life in space! I am absolutely fascinated by it.

    If you try it with your students first, please let us know! πŸ‘½ πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€

  • @Ana_moderator thank you fo sharing!
    I will definitely incorporate the resourse into my English-language lessons!

  • @Ana_moderator yes sure ms Ana I will also try this . It will be definitely helping for students as well as for me to know and explore more about the world of science. Thank you for sharing

  • Hello everyone,
    Hope everything is going well.

    Here are an international Forum and Competition specifically designed for girls in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics):

    Women and Girls in STEM Forum

    Mr. Bryan

  • @BRYANb8875625e5
    Hello Bryan,
    Thanks for sharing. Interesting. The platform is the fourth edition for encouraging girls' participation which will ultimately promote gender equality.