• Stress-management for students (and teachers): activities to reduce stress (new ideas each week!)

    @Housna said in Stress-management for students (and teachers): activities to reduce stress (new ideas each week!):

    Classrooms rules:

    In my opinion, classroom rules can be a great tool, especially when they are created by the students themselves.

    I hope the training has been successful! I think it would be interesting to hear your insights on different strategies for reducing stress among students if there were any πŸ™‚

  • @Ana_moderator

    Hi Ana,
    Sensory toys, mini mandalas, mindfulness cards. lavender mist and others according to the student's needs. This July I will visit a municipality island that is part of Puerto Rico main island. Parents need strategies and kids needs physical resources to find their self-regulation. I make these sensory toys become low technology tools for good.

    Mr. Bryan

  • @Ana_moderator
    Hello Ana,
    I completely agree with you when students create their own Classroom rules, the rules identified by them have greater impact on their socio-emotional behaviour compared to when the teacher devised them. Especially if children have done hand printing and created a sort of a chart which highlights the Classroom rules, this chart will be more proactive and pupils will thrive to abide to the rules set for the whole classroom. Indeed the training was very helpful, breathing exercises were proposed to be carried out as it is a good mean to manage stress among pupils. Use of affirmations has positive impact on children. They can write or say affirmations that resonate with them, reinforcing positive beliefs about themselves. Teachers were encouraged to make their students laugh and integrate music.

  • Hello Housna
    Helping students manage stress involves promoting healthy habits like eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep. It's like teaching them how to balance their time, like planning when to study and when to relax, so they don't feel overwhelmed. We can teach them simple tricks like taking deep breaths when they feel stressed or doing quick exercises to relax their muscles. It's also about creating a safe space where students feel comfortable talking about their worries and seeking help when they need it, just like how they would ask for directions when they're lost. By encouraging them to take breaks, have fun, and not be too hard on themselves when things don't go perfectly, we can help them feel more in control and less stressed.

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Ana_moderator

    I just downloaded the Climate Change Coloring Book πŸŽ“
    Once my students came back to school this will be part of my Calming Corner.

  • Creating a stressless environment in school and home will build a healthier life style for them. At school teachers can use variety task activities to widen their happiness.

  • Create teacher-student relationship where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and seeking help.


  • @Bousl2336873cb4
    Hello Chokri,
    Students are provided with healthy meals everyday in my schools and holistic classes are conducted on daily basis. Various initiatives are taken by the Ministry to encourage pupils to come to school. The breathing activity is often carried out to make students relax and concentrate in the classroom. I'm working in a low performing school and these students face various challenges. They have various difficulties.

  • Hi Housna
    Okay, you mean a school for students from a poor social class or their low scientific level
    Best regards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Ana_moderator In my class, I will regularly use music to make my students do a free dance / steps that can get back their attention to my class. I will spend around 2-3 minutes playing their favorite music / song and one/two students will lead their classmates to follow their dance routine and that's how to begin to focus and motivate to study πŸ™‚

  • @MYLOG47799627c6

    I am agree with you @MYLOG47799627c6

    In my opinion, creating a stress-free environment both at school and at home is essential for building a healthier lifestyle for children. At school, as teachers we can implement a variety of engaging and diverse activities that not only enhance learning but also promote joy and well-being.

    Thats the importance to adopt strategies like gamification to promote joy through the process of learning. Similarly, at home, maintaining a supportive and nurturing atmosphere where children can unwind and feel secure is crucial. Emotions are important in our classrooms, that is an open door for more and better learning.

    Mr. Bryan

  • Hi Bryana
    Creating a healthy and stress-free environment for students can be achieved by setting up a "relaxation zone" in the classroom. Here is a simple idea:

    Relaxation and Calm Area:
    Set up a corner of the classroom with comfortable cushions, rugs, and a few plants. Add books, puzzles, and quiet games. Students can use this space to relax, read, or play quietly when they feel stressed or need a break. Ensure this area is always accessible and encourage students to use it when needed. This fosters an environment where students can manage their stress and feel more relaxed throughout the day.
    Best regards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Bousl2336873cb4

    Hello Chokri,

    It is a Zone d'education Prioritaire (ZEP) school where students from poor socio-economic background come there. This philosophy ZEP was firstly implemented in France. It was a success there, in 2003 it was implemented in my country. The concept ZEP is a success too here as the rate of absenteeism which was

  • Hello Housna
    surely you must provide more effort than in another establishment better favored...... tell me a little about your great experience.
    Best Regards from Tunisia
    ChokriπŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Ana_moderator
    Interesting Topic Ana. I have observed that teachers have more stress because many teachers are married. When their wives or family members fight with them they can't say any single word against them and abusing silently and then they go to school and give punishment to students because their stress is very high.
    In this condition teachers need to firstly they calm down and then join their classes and same condition for student when their parents fight with them they also did not saying single word against them and then they go to school and feeling bored and they can't understand lecture.
    In both conditions teachers need to make a plan to find stressed students from class and then make a funny educational activities or games plan for all class in morning time in first period as they feeling happy and active.

    Educate your daughters and sisters.

  • @Sadamdars56 thank you for sharing your perspective.

    I would say that teachers can get stressed for various reasons, whether at home or work. Undoubtedly, this stress affects their daily work routine. Therefore, it is important to not only use these activities with students but also to try them ourselves (or with students in the morning).

  • @Ana_moderator
    Agree new ideas for students is very important, always students need new thing which teacher apply in class room

    Burfat Ali

  • @Ana_moderator It's true that there is frustration in.our society specially in the underdeveloped countries.So it is necessary to use educational democracy in our classes.At the start our session.we have to create a pleasant environment so that each student can.feel comfortable in learning with you and can share any problem regarding the topic or any other class related issue.
    So the ice breakers and other fun activities can make the class interactive and ready to learn.easily.

  • @Ana_moderator hello hope you will be good ...
    Interesting topic about stress it is a natural phenomena not we elders but kids also take stress a lot Adults are not the only ones who experience stress; kids can be stressed too.
    A good amount of stress is healthy, but too much stress can cause negative effects on wellbeing.
    There are many ways to relieve stress for kids.
    Stress Relief Activities for Kids

    1. Deep belly breathing - Deep breathing can help kids take in more oxygen, slow their heart rate, and calm their minds during stressful situations.
    2. Enjoy nature - Being in nature is a great stress reliever for kids as it can decrease muscle tension, blood pressure, and improve brain activity.
    3. Exercise - Exercise is essential for kids regardless of stress level because it releases endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that make one feel good.
    4. Share your feelings - Sometimes being stressed can make us feel like we’re carrying a heavy load. Sharing these feelings with a trusted person can make us feel better.
    5. Color - Coloring is always a fun and creative activity for kids that can take the focus away from stressful thoughts and feelings.
    6. Listen to music - Listening to music is one of the best ways to spend your time while boosting brain activity, effectively getting rid of stress.
      7.Garden - Gardening is a great stress-relief activity because one is surrounded by nature and actively helping it grow. This takes the attention away from stress and problems.
      8.Use problem solving skills - Focusing on how to solve a problem can help kids feel more in control and reduce their stress levels in the process.
    7. Eat healthy food - There are some foods that can increase stress levels. Kids can stick to whole foods and consume less sugar to lower stress.
      There are so many stress releasing activities for both teachers and learners some others are spend time with your family friends go for outing painting enjoying movie listening stories etc so if any one want to add some additional activities kindly add in them and all of you are agree ?????
  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 great explain 1

    Burfat Ali