• Everything we can do is with Technology!

    Human learned to find easiest ways of living on earth, then improved living standards by further adopting new techniques such as started writing on stones, trees and archiving information on both.

    Further improved and we reached to text books which carry learning materials for us, then we found electronic modes of recieving information such as TV, Radio, Telephone and then revolutionlized these into ICT and invented computers and now smart phones with smart gadets for recieving information on finger tips and with the high frequency and speed.

    Nations avoided or late in adopting technology for human development are still struggling and are far behind the global race for development.

    Adopting technology in Education sector is much necessary and become essential element of human development.


  • @DMM-I0f47787e53 said in Everything we can do is with Technology!:

    Adopting technology in Education sector is much necessary and become essential element of human development.

    Brother organizations like UNESCO are also continuously progressing for the same by gathering the stakeholders like you and me on a forum of disscussion for changing old traditional ways of teaching with new ways of teaching i.e. greening class rooms, use of AI tools, ICT, or gamification. Choose the best one. Now a days a new term also introduced `Forest Schooling´. What do you think about that...

    Zeeshan Mahboob
    High School Teacher
    Government Boys Higher Secondary School Dando
    Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder
    District Tando Muhammad Khan
    Province of Sindh
    Cell # 0092 336 214 9427
    email: kingasadking921@gmail.com

  • @DMM-I0f47787e53
    Absolutely, integrating technology into education has become increasingly crucial and every teacher around the world is fighting for that. It is because technology allows students and educators to access vast amounts of information instantly and deeper learning beyond traditional reading materials. Moreover, the digital tools make learning more interactive and create interest through interactive exercises. Through technology, not even classrooms can connect globally, fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration among educators from different parts of the world like we are discussing in this platform. For these reasons, technology is essential for a future career. So, educators are needed to prepare students with the digital skills and literacy required in the modern workforce.

  • @DMM-I0f47787e53 Indeed, technology has transformed our lives, making information more accessible. From writing on stones to textbooks and now smart gadgets, each innovation has improved our learning experiences. Nations slow to adopt technology struggle to keep up with global development. Integrating technology in education is essential for human progress, enhancing learning and preparing individuals for the digital age. Investing in educational technology is crucial to ensure everyone can thrive in a tech-driven world.

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan