Dear forum members!

As a moderator of this forum, I am truly grateful for your contributions and experience.
We highly appreciate the content you are posting! The forum was designed as a platform for teaching experience exchange and, therefore, I would like to draw attention to one of the first rules of the forum 
It is great, when the posts reflect your personal teaching experiences.
This means that if you are sharing your teaching tools, please mention what you have tried and can recommend personally.
If you start a topic, explain how it relates to your personal experience.
If you create new topic, or share some information, please, make sure that it is not just forwarding materials from another teaching source or theory. Also, remember about copyright (see my previous post).
I believe that the value of our forum lies not in the quantity but in the quality of posts and discussions, and I hope this approach to posting will help make the forum more useful, relevant for teachers' professional needs and brings more "real life" and "fresh air" to our forum!
Thank you to all of you who have already shared stories about how you overcome challenges, or seek advice from the collegues.
I hope that I have managed to communicate my idea clearly and, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please let me know. I would appreciate your input.
Anastasiia, the forum moderator