• My reflection on my journey of education

    Education is the most essential component needed in order to be successful. Having previous knowledge helps people manage even day to day activities and situations.

    Although not everyone experiences life in the same way, each and every one of us has some basic previous knowledge that serves as a “survival kit”. This “survival kit” possesses some ideas that will help someone manage a situation for the first time. These ideas may have been acquired from previous life experiences, storylines in movies and other people’s anecdotes. Education serves as the source of many more ideas that can help complete that “survival kit”. In order to become a true scientist, our “survival kit” full of previous knowledge should incorporate skills and techniques that will allow us to be successful scientists in the near future.

    During my post graduate studies students had to attend different seminars. These seminars were given by different researchers. They offered a variety of topic, from neuroscience, enzymology, biotechnology to drug delivery. Each student needs to attend at least four seminars, in order to increase their knowledge as a scientist.

    During the seminars each speaker would give their experience as a researcher. Their experience made me identify with them and wanted to pursue even more a research carrier. It made me realize that they were in the same position that we are right now and that they took chances in order to accomplish their dreams. They told us to take chances and give our best because that what gonna paid off later on. It made us believe that our dreams as a scientist can come true if you work hard.

    These seminars make us grow as scientist and increase our knowledge in different areas. They showed us different techniques used by them, and that will be used by us in the near future. This way we can pass on our knowledge to future generations and just as the speakers were, be a role model to them. As professionals they guided us, telling us what would be better for us and how much effort it requires.
    These seminars also gave us the opportunity to be interviewed by the universities. Each university gave opportunity to students to be interview in order to recruit for a summer research internship. During these interviews we could practice what we learn in class about how to perform an interview. The advice gave by our teachers help me to be chosen by the city of scientific research and applied biotechnology. These seminars made all of us grown as a scientist in so many ways. We acquire a ton of knowledge that would be helpful in our future. The speakers taught me that it not gonna be essay but if work hard it will be possible.
    This experience made me value all the opportunities that life offered us.

  • Samar, the ideas you bring forward are very compelling!

  • Thank you for your reflections! I really like your idea of connecting education with a "survival kit"

  • @Bilim I'm so glad you found the ideas I presented to be compelling. Thank you dear friend.

  • @Ana_moderator Thank you so much for that feedback, I really appreciate it! I'm glad you responded positively to the idea of incorporating a "survival kit" into education. That's a concept I've been quite passionate about, as I believe it's so important to equip young people with not just academic knowledge, but also practical life skills and tools to navigate the challenges they may face.

  • @Samar-Mohamed
    Hi Samar,
    Hope everything is going well.

    What a mission to create this survival kit to our students. Each with particular dreams, strengths and needs. Our job is fundamental to promote the best life project for our students and this kit is our aspiration to give them success 🙏🏻

    Mr. Bryan

  • @BRYANb8875625e5 Hi Bryan,
    Thank you so much for your reply. I recommend worksheets and exercises to help students clearly define their short-term and long-term goals, as well as visualize their ideal future.Also time management and supply students with resources on stress management.what about your mission .
    Best regards,
    Dr. Samar yousef

  • @BRYANb8875625e5 Hi Bryan,
    Thank you for your reply. I recommend worksheets and exercises to help students clearly define their short-term and long-term goals, as well as visualize their ideal future. Encourage them to identify their core values, strengths, and passions to align their goals accordingly.also time management is so important

  • @Samar-Mohamed said in My reflection on my journey of education:

    inars also gave us the

    Nice to have you in the forum Samar sir.

  • @Samar-Mohamed
    I think the journey of our educational institutes also continues on the pattern of "survival kit" as every unit or lesson or chapter of any subject is started with previous knowledge of students. Before starting any topic a teacher always tries to know what previous knowledge students possess then he teaches that topic. Though this "survival kit" is a new term for me but as you have explained it in your post so I call it as "previous knowlege". So this previous knowlege or according to you "survival kit" is no doubt a fundamental part of life. No doubt our life begins with previous knowledge and then gains new knowledge and this continues for life long. Same is the case with our educational system also. So I call education a life or we can say education is life. As it is said we impart education to students to prepare them for their life. Our life begins with education may it be formal sducation or informal education but education is essential part of life. Why should we call it essential part of life when we call it life itself.
    Yousuf Memon.

  • @MYOUS633cc8ba80 I appreciate your insightful perspective on how the concept of a "survival kit" or "previous knowledge" is fundamentally woven into the educational process. You make an excellent point – the practice of assessing and building upon students' prior knowledge before introducing new material is a core part of effective teaching and learning.

  • @Raj-Kumar Dear friend thank you for your reply on my reflection and your words.

  • @Samar-Mohamed That's an awesome idea, dear.

    Shazia Baloch
    JEST Teacher
    Address: Sindh Pakistan

  • It's really inspirational that how you connected dots and give ideas in the shape of survival kits. We should focus on our survival kits if we want to become scientist in near future.

  • @Shazia-Baloch Thank you dear friend and best regards.

  • @Sanjay-Kumar-1 Dear friend thank you for your reply on my reflection and your words.

  • @Samar-Mohamed
    Helo i appreciate you in your journey ..i really impressed you ....


  • @Uzma-qamar your reflection journey of education is really inspiring.

  • @Uzma-qamar Thank you my dearest friend

  • @Samar-Mohamed An impressive journey.

    Primary School Teacher