• Pre-screen Concludes for Teacher Competition: 46 Outstanding Entries Advance to Peer Evaluation"

    Dear Forum Members,

    We are excited to announce that the pre-screen phase of our competition has officially concluded yesterday. The Peer Evaluation and Jury Evaluation phases are now live on our "Entries" page.


    This year's teacher competition received an overwhelming response with 235 projects from educators across multiple countries worldwide. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each participant for their enthusiastic participation and exceptional contributions.

    Out of the numerous submissions, 46 projects have been selected to advance to the Peer Evaluation phase. The selected projects are listed in the Entries section of the main competition website.

    If your project is not listed, we regret to inform you that you have not advanced to the next stage of the competition. While we recognize that not all participants could make it to this round, please remember that your efforts were commendable, and you have accomplished a great deal by sharing your work with us. Apologize for not being able to reply to your emails one by one, but rest assured that the E-library team has carefully reviewed each of your projects and made this decision.

    We now turn our attention to the 46 participants whose work has progressed to the next stage. We kindly invite you to take part in the Peer Evaluation which commences on August 6th. During this phase, you will have the opportunity to vote for peers whose submissions you find exemplary. Each participant is allowed three votes per day, and we emphasize that any form of voting manipulation or cheating will not be tolerated.

    Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to fostering excellence in education. Your commitment to professional growth and collaboration is what makes this community thrive.

    E-library Team

  • @Fish-Fisher dear why only 46? This decision has disappointed many participants. Out of 235, 46 is very few. We've all been working on this for a month, eagerly waiting for the projects to be uploaded. All projects should have been uploaded, and then the quality could have been left to public voting. The projects of those most active on the E-library haven’t been uploaded. We are extremely disappointed. Everyone can’t win; winning or losing is a matter of luck.. Everyone should have been given a chance to advance to the next round.

    Shazia Baloch
    JEST Teacher
    Address: Sindh Pakistan

  • @Fish-Fisher Thanks for sharing 🙏


  • Sorry to those who have sent emails to unesco_elibrary@101.com, I'm not able to reply to your emails one by one, there're so many of them. Please share this post with those who still asking why their projects are not on the Entries page, thank you!

  • @Fish-Fisher
    Sorry but we are totally disappointed ...dont understood your strategy of selecting projects ...if here a voting system then why you select only 46 projects yourself ...one side you tell this unlimited worldwide journey....share your experiences .work ..way of teaching ....new ideas ...to each other in broad term.....but othet side you all team make it narrow only our ideas select yourself not world wide


  • @Fish-Fisher @chanellelaw @Shazia-Baloch @Adel-8d693e36c4 @Uzma-qamar @admin

    Dear E-Teach Forum Members,

    I would like to express my concerns regarding the selection process for the "Teaching in the 21st Century 2.0" competition. Many participants, including myself, are disappointed by the decision to advance only 46 projects to the Peer Evaluation stage out of the 235 submissions received.

    The competition promised a broad and inclusive platform for sharing innovative teaching practices and ideas. However, the criteria for selecting the projects that would advance to peer review were not clearly communicated. This lack of transparency has led to confusion and dissatisfaction among many participants who feel their work did not receive a fair chance to be evaluated.

    I believe that all projects should have been given an opportunity to be considered in the next stage, or at least, the criteria for selection should have been more explicitly defined. This would have ensured a fairer and more transparent process, aligning with the competition’s goal of fostering global educational exchange.

    I hope the organizers will consider these points for future competitions to enhance transparency and inclusivity.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    Best regards,

    Zeeshan Mahboob
    High School Teacher
    Government Boys Higher Secondary School Dando
    Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder
    District Tando Muhammad Khan
    Province of Sindh
    Cell # 0092 336 214 9427
    email: kingasadking921@gmail.com

  • @Fish-Fisher @chanellelaw @admin
    I deeply regret that my video was not shared in the competition. I want to share my experience here. Whenever there are competitions, I tell about my school's events. On 14th August, our school sets up a large stage and invites everyone. Various categories such as Speeches, Naats, Hamads, and others are organized, with many students participating. All students play their roles, and the judges listen to them as well as the participating students. It's not just the judges who listen and make decisions; the entire audience watches the students' performances.
    @Fish-Fisher As you text, you are not in a position to reply mails to all the participants one by one but it is appropriated that you are able to read our mails and posts. Thanks for it also.
    I am grateful to UNESCO and its team for giving us the opportunity to share our views, experiences, and learning on this forum, and Thanks to my all colleagues, participants who liked my posts and reward with reputation.
    I hope to see something similar in the next competition.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @Engr-Zeeshan I totally agree with all you mentioned in the post. The idea of the competition is a great chance for all educators regardless of race to showcase potentials,ideas and experiences.
