• Communication with Graphics and ICT

    A picture tells a thousand stories, they say! Have you ever wondered about how a picture can tell a story? When we hear a story, when we read a story, our mind forms an image of what is being described. Theymake us connect to the story. Similarly, when we see a picture, ourmind tries to build the story from the picture. No wonder that picturestory books have been favourite reading books for children and adults.
    Story telling is a traditional method of transmitting information from one person to another; one generation to another. Story tellingcan also be used to create awareness about social issues and challenges.
    Drawing pictures is also not new - human beings have been using pictures totell stories, describe things throughout our history - from cave paintings to Deccani paintings to the comic strip or tothe movie poster. A movie clip is made of hundreds thousands of pictures.

    Using ICT the skills are assumed:

    1. Capturing images from different devices (Mobiles, Cameras, videos)

    2. Importing images from the devices (Pen drives, Mobiles, Memory Cards, CD's and DVD's)

    3. Organizing and combining images on the computer/Laptop.

    4. Familiarity with image editor, image shiner, text editor, inserting images into a document

    5. Local language typing for better understanding.
      Using Digital methods for creating graphics with ICT, interacting with various ICT applications and devices and developing messages for communication.

    1000050253.jpg 1000050252.jpg 1000050251.jpg

    This topic is sourced from the ICT_Students_Book, which I downloaded using the internet (Google). I have shared some snapshots from the Sindhi textbooks of Class 3 and Class 4, published by the Sindh Text Book Board, Jamshoro.

    Express the science behind the story "Rabbit and tortoise". Also Express the stories of other snapshots.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @FarhanMehboob Assalamualaikum sir, Yes it is more relevant method to convey the message/content making visuals/ graphics and more easiest tools by using ICT skills.

    Pictures are powerful tools for storytelling. They help us visualize and connect with stories, much like how picture books engage readers of all ages. Storytelling has traditionally been a way to share information and raise awareness about social issues. Throughout history, humans have used visuals— from cave paintings to comic strips and movie posters—to convey messages.

    In the realm of ICT, essential skills include:

    •Capturing Images: Using devices like mobiles and cameras.
    • Importing Images: From pen drives, memory cards, CDs, and DVDs.
    • Organizing Images: On computers or laptops.
    Editing Images: Using image editors, text editors, and inserting images into documents.
    • Local Language Typing: For enhanced understanding.

    These skills enable effective use of digital graphics and ICT applications for communication and message development.

  • @Tabassum-Laghari Your thoughts are much appreciated. I shared some photos from the Textbook published by Sindh Text Book Board Jamshoro. When these pictures combined. A moral story is generated.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @FarhanMehboob Absolutely! It is

  • @FarhanMehboob Hi dear sir here i express a psychological factor which is behind the story of turtle and rabbit .The rabbit's overconfidence and decision to rest highlight the psychological aspect of the race, demonstrating that underestimating one's opponent and overestimating one’s abilities can lead to failure.And the turtle’s consistent effort and patience illustrate the importance of persistence and steady progress.

    Afshan shah
    Pst:GGPS Hani latifabad#7
    Islamic Republic Of Pakistan

  • @FarhanMehboob Aslam o Alaikum,
    brother you opened one more window of ICT use. Keep your spirits high. You are going good.
    Stay tuned!

    Zeeshan Mahboob
    High School Teacher
    Government Boys Higher Secondary School Dando
    Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder
    District Tando Muhammad Khan
    Province of Sindh
    Cell # 0092 336 214 9427
    email: kingasadking921@gmail.com

  • @Engr-Zeeshan Dear Lovely Brother, Thank you So much for well wishes.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @AFSHAN-SHAH Yes. An overconfident person can never achieve true growth. They encounter difficulties at every step and remain unaware of it. In the same way, we teachers should also collaborate and support each other here. You have described this story very well, and for that, I am thankful.

    Primary School Teacher