• Lesson study

    What do you know about lesson study ?
    How it is useful for Teachers ?
    What its impact on pupils ?
    How we prepare for lesson study ?
    What is the sequence when we prepare it ?

  • @Heba-Ali-Mohamed lesson study can be a nice instrument for teacher professional development.

    I started thinking that E-Teach forum members could learn from each other through a lesson study process, online!

    I wish we could elaborate on your questions and on this topic in general

  • @Heba-Ali-Mohamed lesson study is main part of lesson plan because teacher should be know what he given students

    Burfat Ali

  • @Ana_moderator we learn from each other agree but lesson study is important in classroom for teacher and students because we should be know what we learnt before enter classroom

    Burfat Ali

  • At my school I presented alot of lesson study ... I'm not sure if we can try to make it online from the Forum, but I believe we could make the first step which based on planning .
    May be me or anyone of our colleagues suggest a topic and collaborate together in planning for this topic by putting the outcomes from this topic or lesson and how we achieve it by choosing together the suitable learning strategies and suitable activities and assessments.

  • But about the next step the teaching itself im not sure we could because in lesson study according my experience we have to attend the lesson by ourselves the teacher represent what we discussed in planning stage and the others should attend and observe and take notes so that we can continue in our procedures Reflection and revision .

  • I presented a lot of lesson study at my school and I attended the largest lesson study in Japan we have been hundreds attend in a school we distributed in different classes and observe teachers and students and after the session ended we reflect with the teacher who responsible of the session every step and the pupils respons

  • @Ana_moderator yes true ma'am lesson study is a cycle that revolves around the main target to assess the feedback from students and and to make more strategies for further improvement to deliver the lesson again .
    Actually group of teachers may be 3 or 4 plan the lesson and then teach it in group of students where one demonstrates and others carryout the activities for it. Later they observe the and assess the students learning outcomes and reflect in detail. After that they revise it and see the drawback to improve it and then make more strategies and deliver to the students.

  • @Heba-Ali-Mohamed A lesson plan is a detailed guide prepared by teachers outlining the structure and content of a specific lesson. It includes objectives, materials needed, instructional activities, and assessment methods. The plan helps ensure that the lesson is organized and covers all necessary points. It provides a roadmap for teachers to follow, ensuring consistency and focus. Effective lesson planning enhances the learning experience and helps achieve educational goals.

  • @Heba-Ali-Mohamed lesson study is teaching improvement process and we study the lesson before delivering the lecture in the class a famous saying is prior knowledge prevent us from poor performance.

  • Hi @Heba-Ali-Mohamed My dear sister.It is an interesting post. I am quite familiar with lesson study because I recently completed my B.Ed degree and gained experience in it through my subjects 8607 and 8608 from AIOU.
    These courses focus on developing and applying effective literacy teaching strategies, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical teaching experience.

    Afshanshah pst ggps hani
    Hyderabad,sindh Pakistan

  • @Heba-Ali-Mohamed lesson study means go through the lesson before lecture deliver in the classroom and design a lesson plan accordingly.
    It well define structure of the lesson.
    In lesson study, first student previous knowledge is assist ,as a result students level of knowledge is analyze for further lesson exced.
    Lesson plan accordingly to the topic must be structure to prepare for lesson study. We must sequence the lessons as per lecture duration we must prepare lesson study atlest a day before lecture day.

  • @Heba-Ali-Mohamed It's useful for teachers as it promotes continuous improvement, reflective practice, and professional learning communities. For pupils, it enhances learning outcomes by refining instructional strategies.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @Heba-Ali-Mohamed In a lesson study, the process begins with designing a lesson that teachers will plan together. Next, one teacher delivers the lesson while their colleagues observe and take notes. After the lesson, the group discusses what they saw and provides feedback. The lesson is then revised based on this feedback. Finally, the revised lesson is taught again, and its effectiveness is evaluated.

    Primary School Teacher