• Ways to use GPT in the classroom

    Hello! I want to try Chat GPT for my lessons but I don't know how to start.
    Can you share exapmles how teachers can use GPT in their activities?
    I am an English teacher

  • @Helena ChatGPT could assist in creating lesson plans or providing supplementary teaching materials.

    What is for sure is that ChatGPT can ease the process of preparation for lessons and save the time.

    I do like the video of one teacher where he explains and demostrates the way teachers can apply GPT in their work. I think his examples can be used for English lessons.

    YouTube video:
    50 Ways Teachers can use Chat GPT to Save Time

    I invite you to check it out and share your ideas about it, what would you like to try first?

  • Here is another idea to use GPT in the Classroom. This time for collaborative storytelling projects.

    Collaborative storytelling projects powered by GPT offer a dynamic and engaging way for students to develop their writing skills, foster creativity, and collaborate with peers.

    Here's the lesson scenario on how GPT can be integrated into the classroom for collaborative storytelling:

    Introduction to GPT: Begin by introducing students to GPT and explaining how it works. Provide a brief overview of natural language processing and how GPT generates human-like text based on the input it receives.

    Story Prompt Generation: Invite students to collectively brainstorm story prompts or themes. These prompts can be related to literature, science fiction, fantasy, historical events, or any other topic of interest. Utilize GPT to generate a diverse range of prompts based on students' input.

    Group Formation: Divide the class into small groups, each assigned to a specific story prompt. Encourage students to discuss and select the prompt they find most compelling.

    Collaborative Writing Sessions: Using GPT as a writing assistant, students collaborate within their groups to develop their stories. They can take turns writing paragraphs or sections of the story, utilizing GPT to generate ideas, enhance coherence, and overcome writer's block.

    Peer Review and Feedback: After each writing session, facilitate peer review sessions where students provide constructive feedback on their peers' work. Encourage them to use GPT to suggest alternative phrasings, improve clarity, or explore different narrative directions.

    Revision and Iteration: Encourage students to revise and refine their stories based on peer feedback and their own creative instincts. GPT can serve as a valuable tool for generating alternative storylines, refining character development, or enriching descriptive details.

    Culmination and Sharing: Once the collaborative stories are complete, host a sharing session where each group presents their story to the class. Encourage students to reflect on their collaborative writing process, highlighting challenges, breakthroughs, and lessons learned.

    Reflection and Discussion: Facilitate a class discussion on the role of technology in collaborative storytelling and the potential benefits and limitations of using GPT in the creative writing process. Encourage students to reflect on how GPT influenced their storytelling experience and the final outcome of their stories.

    If you try this instrument, then please share your feedback here - what worked well, what would you do differently 👨‍💻

  • @Helena said in Ways to use GPT in the classroom:

    Hello! I want to try Chat GPT for my lessons but I don't know how to start.
    Can you share exapmles how teachers can use GPT in their activities?
    I am an English teacher

    I am a Tunisian teacher of life and earth sciences and I often use Chat GPT

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • I am a Tunisian teacher of life and earth sciences and I often use Chat GPT, this some ideas to use ChatGPT:
    Activity 1: Creative Writing:

    • Ask students to write a short story, poem, or dialogue in English on a given topic.
    • Then, have them use ChatGPT to generate additional suggestions, ideas, or even phrases to enrich their text.
    • Encourage them to think critically and select the suggestions that best fit their writing.
    • Have a classroom revision where students share their creations and discuss the choices they made using ChatGPT.

    Activity 2: Language Practice:

    • Provide students with sentences or paragraphs in English with gaps to fill in.
    • Ask them to use ChatGPT to get suggestions on how to complete the gaps.
    • They can then compare ChatGPT's suggestions with their own responses and discuss nuances of the English language.
    • This activity can be done individually, in pairs, or in small groups, depending on the class dynamics.

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • Chat GPT is a great tool for 21st century education. I have used it few times in my class. usually, in my lesson, I will divided my students in small group and assigned them to a learning topic. I show them few examples of phrases they can use when searching up information in the GPT. Students search information related to their topic and then they come out with a mind map from it. Its very fun.

  • @Saharudin_Setapa I think nowadays students use GPT for searching up needed info more than Google 😂

  • @Helena
    Hi Helena,
    Incorporating Chat GPT into English lessons can revolutionize your teaching methods. For instance, teachers can use Chat GPT to generate writing prompts, provide grammar and language practice, facilitate literary analysis discussions, organize debates, support language learning, assist with research, create interactive storytelling experiences, and conduct virtual writing workshops.

    This technology opens doors to interactive and engaging activities that foster creativity, critical thinking, language proficiency, and collaboration among students. By integrating Chat GPT seamlessly into lessons, English teachers can enhance the learning experience and empower students to explore English language and literature in innovative ways.

    Hope is useful-

  • @Saharudin_Setapa

    Hi Saharudin,
    Hope everything is going well.

    Using GPT in your classroom is a great way to leverage technology for 21st-century education. I like to use GPT4 because it is more actual because it is connected to the internet. If we divide students into small groups and guiding them on how to search for information, you not only enhance their research skills but also encourage collaboration and critical thinking (something that I work with my students with autism). The process of creating a mind map from the information they gather is an excellent way to visually organize their ideas and deepen their understanding of the topic and I love to see them being independent in that way.

    It's wonderful that your students find this method fun and engaging. Keep up the great work and continue exploring innovative ways to integrate technology into your teaching Saharudin.

    Hugs from Puerto Rico.
    Mr. Bryan