• The role of assessment in education

    @Samar-Mohamed assessment is necessary for learners observation either they are getting the knowledge or not are they able to write read or not .

  • @Samar-Mohamed Assessment in education helps measure student learning and progress, providing valuable feedback for improvement. It identifies strengths and weaknesses, guiding personalized instruction. Regular assessments motivate students to achieve learning goals. They inform curriculum adjustments to better meet student needs. Assessments also ensure accountability and maintain educational standards.

  • @Samar-Mohamed of course assessment is very important, it's the way through which we could know either our teaching is effective or not .either our students are learning by concepts or not.we should take any type of assessment time to time. It also increases focus of students on studies.

  • @Raj-Kumar Which type of assessments do you use in your classroom from the above assessments?
    How do you use these assessments?
    Which assessment is very useful & effective?

  • @FarhanMehboob. I often use all of assessments which you have discussed..All assessments are not use at a time or in a day but whenever i need to take any type of assessment i immediately take it.i don't wait for coming day to take .

  • @Engr-Zeeshan assessments brings positive impact in our education system. It increases interest & intensify the focus of our students in their studies. We should take any type of assessments time to time .

  • @Engr-Zeeshan which type of assessments do you often use in your classroom ?
    Which type of assessment do think is very effective?

  • @SHABE1037d01a49 This assessment is also valuable.👍🏻

  • Portfolios are collections of student work showcasing mastery of specific content.
    Classwork and homework
    Teacher-assigned assessments
    Peer and self-assessments
    Pre- and post-tests
    Item descriptions and student reflections
    Types of Portfolios:
    Growth Portfolios:
    Show student progress over time.
    Include early and later assignments to demonstrate improvement.
    Pre- and post-tests highlight understanding increases.
    Showcase Portfolios:
    Highlight a student’s best work related to specific skills or outcomes.
    Students may choose items to include from completed assignments.
    Student Involvement:
    Students can describe or reflect on each item in the portfolio.
    Teachers may assist younger students in making choices about included work.
