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    Hi All,

    Today, one of my students won the "Most Innovative Idea" award in a pitching competition for kids' business projects. This is one of the PBL (Project-Based Learning) projects done in our school, integrating the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) with social issues.

    Out of 4,000 applicants, my student was chosen as one of the top 20 finalists and won one of the main awards in the grand finale. This achievement is a result of continuous support for her SDG projects. She chose to focus on SDG 10, reducing inequalities. Her PBL project was inspired by her sister with a disability, leading her to create an app to support the life progress of people with disabilities. Indeed, the implementation of the SDGs in teaching has been a very effective approach, encouraging my students to think outside the box and enhance their creativity and entrepreneurship skills.

  • Wow! What a superb achievement, Sahar! My warmest congrats!

    As far as I remember, SDG 10 calls for active participation in social, economic and political life to decrease the inequality through legislative regulations and measures to provide equal social protection. That's why a credit must be given to YOU and your Student for your wonderful business project.
    That' really worth mentioning cause a lot to be desired by 2030. Today many countries are still struggling to achieve, getting united in their collaborative endeavours f.e in Kazakhstan we are setting up Central Asian Hub to accelerate the achievement of 17 SDGs by strengthening key goals that impact positively the implementation of each other and embrace the subgoals.

    In this sense, there are myriads of opportunities in education that teachers can utilize, put into practice the most effective pedagogical appoaches to broaden the horizon of students so to come up with better understanding of the world and thier human stance in it.

    Keep going, keep growing, dear dedicated Teacher!

  • @Sahar730dd459d2 That's fantastic news! Congratulations to your student for winning the award and for tackling such an important issue. I'm curious to learn more about the app she developed. Could you share some details about its features and how it aims to support people with disabilities?

    Best regards,
    Mr Denis
    ICT & IT & Computer science teacher

  • This is an outstanding accomplishment that showcases the power of project-based learning and integrating SDGs into our curriculum. Your student's success not only highlights her individual talent and hard work but also reflects the effectiveness of our teaching methods. The fact that she was inspired by a personal connection to create a solution for a broader societal issue demonstrates the real-world relevance of these projects. This achievement serves as a testament to the importance of fostering creativity, critical thinking, and social awareness in our students. Congratulations to both you and your student on this remarkable recognition!