• Content and Language Integrated Learning

    Thank you, @Sanjay-Kumar-1 for your remarks, and the important and broad tips you have mentioned, that's true, with CLIL methodology students enlarge their mindset as they explore different fields, subjects, spheres, and concepts and get acquainted with various cultures and approaches. And in parallel with getting knowledge they practice languages and master their fluency in speaking, writing, and listening skills.

  • @Tabassumlaghari you are welcome,
    I want to share other links to a YouTube channel and a website where you can find informative and interpretive videos about CLIL and useful resources for lesson planning.
    CLIL Matters
    CLIL Resources

  • @Adel-8d693e36c4 That's true, when we explore new cultures we compare, analyze, and appreciate ours more and more. Cross-cultural communication enriches our personalities and knowledge, enlarges our mindset, and helps us to respect different points of view and diverse outlooks.

  • @BRYANb8875625e5 you are welcome.
    Sometimes I use students' interests and hobbies to foster language learning and we dig deep into Science and Technology, Art, and Sports. It helps my students to be motivated and more involved.
    Here are some of the presentations my students and I created due to their interests.
    Museum International Day

    World Press Freedom Day

    Red cross establishment date

  • @Hasmik-Ch
    Really nice topic to discus here actually it is new experience for me.... Dear Ma'am i want to learn more about CLIL.please share your experience and guide us how we can implement this methodology in our classes

  • @Hasmik-Ch It's good to reading this text refers to Overall, CLIL supports a holistic educational approach, where students enhance their subject knowledge while simultaneously improving their language skills, preparing them for a more interconnected and globalized world.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @Hasmik-Ch That's I great! Surely I will visit.

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • @Hasmik-Ch
    I think CLIL is beneficil for those educational set ups where education system is bilingual like Pakistan where much content is in second language i,e English. The students learn more subjects in second language so together with learning content of the subject they need to learn English Language Skills without which they wiil not be able to grasp the content of the subject. As you have mentioned 5 Cs which is the main part of CLIL. I think these 5 Cs are necrssary for language learning. You have explained CLIL comprehensively and the others have commented on it. You have agreed with them also. After reading all this I've commented in the perspevtive of my country Pskistan's educational set up.
    Yousuf Memon
    From Matiari Sindh Pakistan.

  • @Yousuf-Memon thank you for your comment. I am very glad to hear that in terms of academic objectives students in your country also practice different subjects in English. In this era of digital education students are keen on learning foreign languages as it helps them to explore more than we have in our textbooks. They surf the net and meet different content in frames of their hobbies and interests, they play games with their peers from different countries, they have no boundaries to contact English speakers and native speakers from dozens of countries, so they have lots of other resources and opportunities to get knowledge, master their speaking skills. What we do in our classes, is: to bring this content to our class, using English and sometimes Russian to enlarge their imagination and fantasy, to show what their peers learn, what common challenges they meet, what they can do by knowing English, and what makes their learning enjoyable and entertaining.

  • @FarhanMehboob
    Indeed, the integration of subjects also plays a great role in learning with this methodology. English (or another target language), digital skills, and content-based learning provide the students with up-to-date knowledge, and it forms also tolerance and respect toward other countries and national values.

  • @Kalimullah-Memon thank you,
    I would like to share one of the projects we had with my colleagues from Romania, Jordan, Ukraine, Tunisia, Italy, and Turkey (and my school from Armenia) where we aimed to collect all the inspiration our students had and the sayings and quotes inspiring them to have mindfulness and motivation. During this project, they explored science, history, technology, sport and medicine, art and literature, music and architecture, geography, and ICT. The amazing fact was that all the teachers participating in the project were not English teachers but all the findings and materials our students provided and collected were in English. We created educational materials in English which were formed by the needs and demands of our students and which inspired both the young generations and adults.
    Here is the link to the final product of the project, the blog >>> "Inspirations"

  • Really impressive work.

  • @Hasmik-Ch
    Good work. I appreciate your work.

  • @Hasmik-Ch Thank you for your insightful comment! I completely agree that the integration of subjects within the CLIL methodology is vital in providing students with a holistic and up-to-date education. By combining language learning with digital skills and content-based instruction, we not only enhance their cognitive abilities but also cultivate essential life skills. The emphasis on tolerance and respect toward other cultures and national values is particularly important in today’s globalized world. This approach not only enriches students' academic knowledge but also prepares them to become empathetic and informed global citizens

    Primary School Teacher