• Why tourism is necessary for students of School?

    Tourism is essential for school students for several reasons:

    1. Learning beyond textbooks: Tourism helps students experience and learn about different cultures, histories, and environments firsthand, supplementing their classroom education.

    2. Develops social skills: Interacting with new people and situations during tours enhances communication, teamwork, and social skills.

    3. Broadens perspectives: Exposure to diverse environments and cultures fosters empathy, understanding, and a broader worldview.

    4. Encourages curiosity and exploration: Tourism sparks students' curiosity, encouraging them to ask questions, explore, and discover new things.

    5. Builds confidence and independence: Traveling and navigating new places helps students develop self-reliance and confidence.

    6. Fosters personal growth: Tourism provides opportunities for students to step out of their comfort zones, try new experiences, and develop resilience.

    7. Enhances academic learning: Visiting historical sites, museums, or scientific attractions can make academic subjects more engaging and memorable.

    8. Promotes cultural exchange: Tourism allows students to share their culture with others and learn about different traditions and ways of life.

    9. Supports language skills: Interacting with people who speak different languages helps improve language skills and encourages language learning.

    10. Creates lifelong memories: School tours and travels create lasting memories and a sense of shared experience among students.

    By incorporating tourism into their education, students can gain valuable life skills, knowledge, and experiences that complement their academic learning.

  • @RAHEELSAHITO hello, could you share your experience of using tourism as an educational instrument? Where did you take your students? Was it a local trip or something more scaleful?

  • @Ana_moderator It was towards the biggest city of my country Karachi Pakistan.

  • @RAHEELSAHITO sir hello, nice information.
    It's really a healthy activity for children . Taking our students to local academic trips make then mentally healthy and active . We also take our students to museums and exhibition held at local level . They not only find information but also social contect give them confidence to run in society.

  • @RAHEELSAHITO Tourism is really necessary for Students because It helps in the development of moral and volitional qualities, such as conscious attitude towards health, perseverance, and purposefulness . It also nurtures global citizenship and cross-cultural understanding .

  • @RAHEELSAHITO Hi my dear brother .Thanks for sharing your post .according to my opinion i go to your side .Tourism or educational trips are very helpful towards learning .here i share my personal experience with my learners.it was one day trip of Karachi from Hyderabad (the distance is about164km) .We decided two Places .i.e mausoleum of Quaid_e_Azam and sea_view beach.my students took interest and gather knowledge. after day next every student shared their views with enthusiasm.
    in conclusion tourism and educational trip are necessary in education .students learn a lot towards their studies .And they also learn daily living skills.

    Afshanshah pst ggps hani
    Hyderabad,sindh Pakistan

  • I had organized a trip for my students to Makli Necropolis, a site rich in historical and cultural significance. This excursion provided an invaluable learning experience, allowing students to explore and appreciate the architectural marvels and historical narratives of the region. The visit to Makli Necropolis not only deepened their understanding of our cultural heritage but also sparked curiosity and interest in preserving and studying such important sites. The students were engaged, inspired, and gained a greater appreciation for the rich history of our country. Few Pics are attached here.IMG_20240801_002557.jpg IMG_20240801_002302.jpg IMG_20240801_002236.jpg IMG_20240801_002203.jpg

    Asma Shahzad
    Govt.Girls High School Ward.1 Thatta
    Sindh Pakistan

    As-salamo-alaiqum Brother
    hank you for sharing such insightful thoughts on the importance of tourism for school students. Your points beautifully capture how these experiences extend learning beyond textbooks, offering firsthand exposure to different cultures and environments. The emphasis on social skills, curiosity, and personal growth highlights the holistic development tourism can foster in students.

    It's wonderful to see how travel can make academic subjects more engaging and relatable, and how it promotes cultural exchange and language skills. The lifelong memories and shared experiences from these journeys are truly invaluable, enriching students' lives in countless ways.

    Your perspective is a great reminder of the transformative power of travel in education

  • @RAHEELSAHITO great Sir it is long term impact on students because the see and observe different things from regular learning.Students become active and energize because they are very excited to explore the new places and thinks that they haven't se before.They can understand the topic easily with the joy.With lots of fun they learn many things.I took my students towards museum,park,field, library, and floor mill.few of them were surprised tour.After feedback I realized that that type of activities are very effective and powerful fir the students,they can freshen the students and boost their memory to remember again again.as we heard that change is always good.