• Inclusive Education Resources

    In this topic I suggest to collect educational materials, tools, tips, and strategies that help teachers evaluate and improve the status of inclusive education in schools

    Please feel free to share your ideas or practicies below

  • UNESCO IITE webinar "Digital Technologies for Disability Inclusion: All Learners on Equal Terms"

    Key webinar topics:

    • Understanding the potential of ICT and AI for inclusive education
    • Eliminating exclusion of persons with disabilities from quality education
    • Facilitating curriculum adaptation
    • Ensuring appropriate and timely training, motivational incentives and support
  • @Ana_moderator Inclusive education aims to provide equal learning opportunities for all students, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. Here are some valuable resources and tools to support inclusive education:

    Assistive Technology
    Kurzweil 3000

    Description: An assistive technology tool that supports reading, writing, and learning for students with learning disabilities.
    Features: Text-to-speech, writing tools, and study aids.
    Dragon NaturallySpeaking

    Description: A speech recognition software that helps students with physical disabilities or learning challenges to write using their voice.

  • @Ana_moderator
    Dear Ana,
    In my teaching experience, I’ve learned that inclusive education is very important. I use different teaching methods and tools to help students with different needs. Working with special education experts has been really helpful in finding the best strategies. I also keep learning about new ways to improve inclusion. These steps have made my classroom better for all students.

    Primary School Teacher