• How to cope with "self-censorship" in public schools?

    hi dear,
    I could not completely understand your circumstances, but as far as your problem is concern, so I would suggest you kids are non-political character of the society. I recommend you just focus on boosting their critical thinking and leave them free to think about their environment. you could only channelize their thinking route, and if poverty and other issues of society bothers you so you may encourage them to get enough education to change the condition not only for their own but for people around them. We teachers are only the guider to guide them on their right path.


  • @EMINA043e019d70

    Hi @EMINA043e019d70
    Hope everything is going well,

    I understand your frustration with the lack of support and vision from your school authorities and colleagues. It's challenging to remain enthusiastic and innovative when faced with resistance and obstruction. However, focusing on small wins within your classroom, seeking like-minded allies, and engaging with the community can help sustain your passion. I saw myself in your testimony. Try to document your successes and continuing your professional development can also provide the resilience needed to navigate this environment. Your dedication to fostering a progressive educational atmosphere is commendable, and even small changes can make a significant impact over time.

    My advice as a SPED Teacher, stay strong and keep inspiring your students with your passion and dedication. We are here to collaborate.

    Mr. Bryan

  • @Housna
    Thank you very much for understanding and encouragement. It's definitely a matter of constant, everyday work, not giving up, believing in higher goals, and above all, loving your job. That's more or less how I see it.

  • @Bousl2336873cb4
    I totally agree, but the biggest problem IS that lack of "administrative support" so everything comes down to individual initiative. That is sometimes tiring but I am not the one who gives up.
    Best regards from Serbia

  • @BRYANb8875625e5
    Thank you very much for your encouragement, I really appreciate it. As for the "like-minded allies and engaging with the community", here's a link to a video about a project I've just done with a colleague of mine and our students, that is intended to fight against mental and verbal bullying in our schools. The video is in Serbian, but you can feel the zest and enthusiasm of the project participants, both students and teachers.

  • @Samreen-Tahir
    Thank you for sharing your point of you. I wouldn't say that children should be non-political part of the society. It's true that we are not supposed to talk about politicians and parties at school but children should certainly be allowed to freely express their opinion about the current situation in the country and criticize all bad phenomena in it. They have a right to "raise their voice" against the things that bother them. That's a kind of "politics" I'm talking about. Critical thinking naturally leads to concrete actions.

  • @EMINA043e019d70
    Hello Emina,
    You and your colleague did a great job in devising ways to reduce mental and verbal bullying in the school premises. The video showed how pupils are motivated to participate in different activities that prevent the mental and physical bullying. New pedagogical approaches have been implemented. Use of mind maps and charts have been made to show the causes of bullying.

  • @EMINA043e019d70,
    Yes you are right. Kids have no filter and censorship, so i think in your class limits you can allow them to share views.

  • At first, I was sad about what I read and was thinking of appropriate response (I mean pondering on forum vision and speculationg upon inevitably 'nasty' aspects of human interrelation), later I see this rock of support and subtle understanding of the things by like-minded people. We are here to learn a lesson and teach a lesson. And what matters is the understanding, perception and acceptance and revival. Unpleasant experience is a part of life, mistakes are gifts.

    Dear, Emina cheer up and seize the day!🙌

  • @Bilim
    I'm very grateful for all the understanding and support I got here from like-minded people. And as for the "seize the day" philosophy, it's no coincidence that my favourite movie (and inspiration) of all time is "Dead poets society" 😄

  • @EMINA043e019d70

    Hi @EMINA043e019d70
    Hope everything is going well.

    It's wonderful to read how much support and understanding you've found here and all of us too. "Dead Poets Society" is such a powerful film, it's no surprise it resonates so deeply with you. Keep embracing that inspiration and making the most of every moment here in the Forum. I'm learning from everyone, everyone has always something to share.

    Mr. Bryan