• From Struggles to Smiles: How My Students Turned My Challenges into Joy

    Exactly Mariam,
    Those innocent eyes keep waiting for us, and if we save our energy for other tasks, it can greatly impact the responsibility we have as teachers toward their future. The effect on students' future can be significant. We should always teach our students with a smile and happiness in energetic way, as this approach can make their future even more colorful.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @Adel-8d693e36c4 Thanks.
    Once, I asked my student Asif Dangnoo, who is in class 3, to share a story with the class about a time when he felt either very happy or very sad. Asif shared his story, and the other students listened carefully and tried to understand his feelings. Through this activity, the students not only learned to understand Asif's emotions but also practiced expressing their own feelings. This helped them develop skills like empathy, communication, and building good relationships with others.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @Aqsa-Khatri Thanks Aqa Khatri,
    Your words are really nice to see about your experience and believing in yourself that you can change the minds after getting deeper into the teaching passion.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @Aqsa-Khatri Thank you very much, do you have any experience in this regard. Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions in this forum

    Primary School Teacher

  • @Tabassumlaghari Yes. when I was Bachelor you can say unmarried I suffered from such days. As you know, in rural area there are no fast foods or Hotels or something like that. So, having cup of tea with toast starts mine some days

    Primary School Teacher

  • @FarhanMehboob Yes. It's is so in rural areas 😄

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • @FarhanMehboob @Tabassumlaghari @Mariam @Aqsa-Khatri @Adel-8d693e36c4
    Have you not read the poem "Children" by Henry Longfellow ? Who says children are source of joy who dispell all worries of others.
    Here is the full text of the poem "Children" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

    Come to me, O ye children!
        For I hear you at your play,
    And the questions that perplexed me
        Have vanished quite away.
    Ye open the eastern windows,
        That look towards the sun,
    Where thoughts are singing swallows
        And the brooks of morning run.
    In your hearts are the birds and the sunshine,
        In your thoughts the brooklet’s flow,
    But in mine is the wind of Autumn
        And the first fall of the snow.
    Ah! what would the world be to us
        If the children were no more?
    We should dread the desert behind us
        Worse than the dark before.
    What the leaves are to the forest,
        With light and air for food,
    Ere their sweet and tender juices
        Have been hardened into wood,—
    That to the world are children;
        Through them it feels the glow
    Of a brighter and sunnier climate
        Than reaches the trunks below.
    Come to me, O ye children!
        And whisper in my ear
    What the birds and the winds are singing
        In your sunny atmosphere.
    For what are all our contrivings,
        And the wisdom of our books,
    When compared with your caresses,
        And the gladness of your looks?
    Ye are better than all the ballads
        That ever were sung or said;
    For ye are living poems,
        And all the rest are dead.

    So when you are gloomy go to children. They will make you happy.

  • @Yousuf-Memon Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem "Children" is a heartfelt piece that looks at how innocent and pure children are. It shows how important they are and the important things adults can learn from them.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @FarhanMehboob Thanks for being so thoughtful.You're right teachers can have positive impacts on their learners but it depends on the teachers' mood and the surrounding atmosphere.


  • @Yousuf-Memon Thank you sir for sharing this poem: 'Children' Yes! We have read this poem in the early classes. It expresses connection with children.

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • @Yousuf-Memon ..competely agree with you 👍🏻

  • @FarhanMehboob..exactly sir our children are best motivation for us ,they freshen our lives like a garden 🥰

  • @FarhanMehboob TYSM sir ! These words meant to me alot ...Your motivational words give me more strength to make my teaching better & brighten ✨

  • @FarhanMehboob

    Hi @FarhanMehboob
    Hope everything is going well.

    Your story is such a powerful reminder of the impact that students can have on a teacher's day. It's incredible how their positivity and enthusiasm can instantly lift your spirits, even after a rough morning. I think that when students bring that kind of energy into the classroom, it creates a ripple effect transforming not just our mood, but also the entire learning environment.

    Positive energy from students can serve as a reminder of the bigger picture, helping us reconnect with the passion for teaching, even when the day starts off on the wrong foot. It’s almost like a boost of motivation that keeps us going and reminds us why we chose this profession in the first place.

    Mr. Bryan

  • @BRYANb8875625e5 Hello Bryan,
    Hope everything is going well,

    Thank you for your thoughtful response. You've perfectly captured how student positivity can turn a challenging day around. It's true that their energy not only uplifts us but also enhances the entire learning experience. This mutual exchange of motivation is what makes teaching so rewarding. Your words remind me why I love this profession.

    Primary School Teacher