• How Does a Teacher’s Mood Influence Student Behavior and Classroom Dynamics?

    @Tabassumlaghari I think, the practical steps taken by a teacher are:
    Take care of himself/herself by getting enough rest, eating well, and removing stress.
    Communicate positively with students by using supporting words and showing appreciation.
    Create a supportive atmosphere where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities. Build good relationships with students by understanding their needs and interests.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @NAJMAc79e2494d9 Aapa Najma, A Teacher should Communicate positively with students by using supporting words and showing appreciation, Create a supportive atmosphere where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, Build good relationships with students by understanding their needs and interests.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 agree behind the behaviour is very important

    Burfat Ali

  • If teaching groups online (as opposed to 1-2-1) then introduce games or an element of competition at the start. It could be something simple like a multiple choice quiz and they answer a,B, c, d in the chat box.
    ALLOWING extra time to process information and re-explaning tasks multiple times helps, as there are likely to be many distractions at home or In whichever location they are in.
    Don’t forget to Praise a lot! For more helpful tips on teaching without the stress,

    Burfat Ali

  • @Sehar-Kazi Yes absolutely it is.

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • I think the teacher should be aware of the different techniques or methods that lessen anxiety and stress inside the classroom. Among these techniques,SEL.is a better way for both teachers and learners. SEL techniques are activities done inside the classroom and they can be weaven into the fabric of the curriculum to create more supportive and inclusive classroom.


  • @FarhanMehboob Great 👍

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • @NAJMAc79e2494d9 said in The behaviour of teachers can have a significant impact on Students .:

    The behavior of teachers can have a significant impact on students :

    Positive impacts:

    Learning outcomes: Teachers' enthusiasm, patience, and support can enhance students' engagement, motivation, and academic performance.
    Emotional well-being: Teachers' empathy, kindness, and understanding can create a safe and inclusive learning environment, promoting students' emotional well-being and self-esteem.
    Role modeling: Teachers' behavior can serve as a positive example for students, teaching them important life skills like respect, responsibility, and conflict resolution.
    Inspiration: Teachers' passion and creativity can inspire students to explore new interests and develop a love for learning.
    Negative impacts:

    Stress and anxiety: Teachers' high expectations, criticism, or favoritism can lead to student stress, anxiety, and decreased motivation.
    Low self-esteem: Teachers' negative feedback, sarcasm, or dismissiveness can damage students' self-esteem and confidence.
    Disengagement: Teachers' lack of enthusiasm, poor communication, or ineffective teaching methods can lead to student disengagement and disinterest.
    Unhealthy relationships: Teachers' behavior can sometimes create unhealthy relationships with students, such as dependency or fear, which can hinder students' emotional growth.

    You've provided an excellent overview of the significant impact that teachers' behavior can have on students, both in positive and negative ways. Let me expand on the key points you've highlighted:

    Positive Impacts:

    Learning Outcomes:
    Teachers who exhibit enthusiasm, patience, and genuine support for their students can foster a learning environment that promotes engagement, motivation, and academic achievement.
    When students feel valued, encouraged, and believed in by their teachers, they are more likely to take risks, persist through challenges, and reach their full potential.
    Emotional Well-being:
    Teachers who demonstrate empathy, kindness, and understanding create a safe, inclusive, and nurturing learning space where students feel comfortable to express themselves and take emotional risks.
    This can have a profound impact on students' self-esteem, resilience, and overall emotional well-being.
    Role Modeling:
    Teachers serve as powerful role models, and their behaviors and actions can teach students invaluable life skills, such as respect, responsibility, conflict resolution, and ethical decision-making.
    When teachers model these positive behaviors, students are more likely to internalize and emulate them.
    Teachers' passion, creativity, and dedication can inspire students to explore new interests, develop a love for learning, and seek out challenging experiences that push them to grow.
    Inspiring teachers can help students discover their talents, nurture their curiosity, and unlock their full potential.
    Negative Impacts:

    Stress and Anxiety:
    High expectations, excessive criticism, or perceived favoritism from teachers can lead to significant student stress and anxiety, which can undermine their academic performance and well-being.
    When students feel constant pressure or fear of failure, it can erode their intrinsic motivation and joy in learning.
    Low Self-esteem:
    Negative feedback, sarcasm, or dismissiveness from teachers can damage students' self-esteem and confidence, hindering their academic and personal growth.
    Students who receive such treatment from their teachers may struggle to develop a positive self-image and a belief in their own abilities.
    Teachers who lack enthusiasm, struggle with effective communication, or employ ineffective teaching methods can contribute to student disengagement and disinterest in the subject matter.
    When students feel disconnected from their teachers or the learning process, it can lead to decreased participation, effort, and academic achievement.
    Unhealthy Relationships:
    In rare cases, teachers' behavior can create unhealthy relationships with students, such as dependency or fear, which can hinder students' emotional development and healthy social-emotional learning.
    Maintaining appropriate boundaries and professional relationships is crucial for supporting students' growth and well-being.

  • @FarhanMehboob Aslam o Alaikum dear brother,

    No doubt you responsed very well of the qustion raised by @Tabassumlaghari.

    Zeeshan Mahboob
    High School Teacher
    Government Boys Higher Secondary School Dando
    Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder
    District Tando Muhammad Khan
    Province of Sindh
    Cell # 0092 336 214 9427
    email: kingasadking921@gmail.com

  • @NAJMAc79e2494d9 The behavior of teachers plays a crucial role in shaping students’ academic experiences and overall development. Positive behaviors, such as showing enthusiasm for the subject, demonstrating empathy, and fostering a supportive classroom environment, can motivate students, enhance their learning, and build their self-esteem. Conversely, negative behaviors, such as displaying frustration, showing bias, or being disengaged, can lead to a lack of motivation, increased anxiety, and diminished academic performance.

    Additionally, teachers serve as role models, and their conduct can influence students' social behaviors, attitudes towards learning, and interpersonal skills. When teachers model respect, integrity, and resilience, students are likely to adopt these values, which can carry over into their relationships and future endeavors. Therefore, it is essential for educators to be mindful of their actions and interactions, as they can significantly impact students’ experiences and outcomes both inside and outside the classroom.

  • Hello dear colleagues, how do you manage stress 😤 in order to continue working and communicating with students?

    What are your tips and strategies for dealing with it?

  • @Ana_moderator Hello Dear,

    @Ana_moderator said in How Does a Teacher’s Mood Influence Student Behavior and Classroom Dynamics?:

    Hello dear colleagues, how do you manage stress 😤 in order to continue working and communicating with students?

    What are your tips and strategies for dealing with it?

    In my point of view, managing stress effectively is key to continuing our work and communication with students. In Pakistan, where teaching can come with unique challenges, it helps to maintain a balance between work and personal life.

    Taking time to relax and engage with family can provide much-needed relief. Additionally, having a supportive network of colleagues can make a big difference, as sharing experiences and advice can lighten the load. It’s also valuable to focus on positive aspects of your work and find small joys in daily interactions with students.

    By integrating these practices into your routine, you can better manage stress and stay effective in your role.

    Best regards,

    Zeeshan Mahboob
    High School Teacher
    Government Boys Higher Secondary School Dando
    Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder
    District Tando Muhammad Khan
    Province of Sindh
    Cell # 0092 336 214 9427
    email: kingasadking921@gmail.com

  • @Ana_moderator When I experience stress during work, I take a short break or engage in a different activity to shift my focus. I also share my concerns with friends or colleagues, which helps me relax and maintain a smile on my face.

    Incorporating these strategies into my routine helps me manage stress effectively.
    1. Take Short Breaks: I step away from my work for a brief period to refresh my mind.
    2. Engage in Different Activities: I shift my focus to activities outside my routine to reduce stress.
    3. Share Concerns: I discuss my stress with friends or colleagues, which helps me relax and maintain a positive outlook.
    5. Practice Stress-Relief Techniques: I use methods such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or other relaxation techniques.

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • @Samar-Mohamed The behavior of teachers plays a crucial role in shaping the learning environment and influencing students' academic and social development. Positive teacher behavior, such as showing enthusiasm, being approachable, and demonstrating respect, can foster a supportive classroom atmosphere that encourages student engagement and motivation. When teachers model effective communication skills and exhibit patience, it promotes a sense of safety and belonging among students, which is essential for their emotional well-being.

    Conversely, negative behaviors, such as displaying favoritism, being overly critical, or lacking empathy, can lead to a disengaged and discouraged classroom atmosphere. Students may feel unsupported and less inclined to participate or take risks in their learning. Additionally, such behaviors can hinder the development of positive relationships between teachers and students, affecting students' confidence and self-esteem.

    Overall, the way teachers interact with their students can either enhance or impede their educational experience, underscoring the importance of reflective and intentional teaching practices.

  • @Ana_moderator Everyone is teaching with hard work ,they feel tired or getting some stress but
    If your colleagues are supportive & cooperative specially your administrative then you never feel stress. Though Physically you are tired but mentally your are relax & try to work hard more n more because support, motivation & appreciation is very important for your strength to do work well & positively without any stress.

  • @Ana_moderator As i mentioned above that how we get rid of our stress during work.
    A teacher should be able to engage their students as well as their positive behavior is also impact on children & also on their mindset.

  • @Burfatmukhtiar That's right. Motivation should be one of the engagement tools in the hands of the teacher to create an interactive atmosphere whether online or offline.


  • @Adel-8d693e36c4 Thanks!

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan