• Help the students in their hard time

    How can you find the students who are facing issues personally?
    How you treat them to know the reality?
    How you take the action they are in serious or critical condition?
    How you tell their parents and help to resolve their issues?
    What types of issues the girls have faced? and how we can overcome them?

  • @Noorulain-Khatri asalamoalikum dear mam a teacher should be a diagnostic he or she must know about his or her learners to find that what issues they are facing teacher must do a personal conversation with learners to know the matter and try to resolve the issue with the help of parents .

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1right Sir thanks for giving valuable suggestion

  • @Noorulain-Khatri To find students with personal issues, watch for changes in their behavior or performance. Talk to them privately and listen carefully to understand their problems. If they are in serious trouble, involve a counselor or professional. Let their parents know what’s happening and offer support to help resolve the issues. Girls often face problems like bullying, mental health struggles, and social pressure. Address these by creating a supportive environment, encouraging open conversation, and providing access to help and resources.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 Certainly, Parents always want their children's problems to be solved. They wish for their children to get proper attention and to do well in school to ensure a good future.

    Primary School Teacher

  • @FarhanMehboob thsnks Sir.I am agree with you Alhumdulillah I have done all the possible things almost and feeling proud when they all give respect me and they overcome the situation and trust me more,they cooperate me. I think these All are the biggest achievement for me.Alhumdulillah.

  • @Noorulain-Khatri By showing empathy and
    Caring nature.

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan