• How a teacher motivates their students?

    Learning experience is bubbling over in your eager students. As a teacher, you’re not just an educator; you’re a guide, a mentor, and a source of inspiration for your student’s learning. But how can you harness that initial burst of enthusiasm and transform it into a sustained flame of motivation that fuels their learning throughout the school year? In this blog, we’ll delve into practical insights and strategies, straight from a teacher’s perspective, to help you in the art of motivating and inspiring your students within the classroom.

    Burfat Ali

  • I teach in the 1st-8th grades of the school. We know that not everyone has the talent to draw. When I first entered the class, there were many children who refused to draw, saying that they could not do it. I said that we will draw music. I put Vivaldi's seasons and suggested that they make lines using only a graphite pencil: straight, curved, wavy, etc. I said, whatever way you feel, take the music in such lines. I took out many images from the tangled lines and then I said to the boys - you say you can't draw, - look what beautiful images you got. From that day on, my students started drawing, that's how their self-esteem increased. I cheer up my students a lot when they draw a line, I say "Magic words" Live, live, live long, it turned out great, you drew a beautiful picture of me...
    We should encourage our student with small successes.
    And how do you encourage and motivate your student?

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia

  • teacher is not just about mastering the subject matter, but also about motivating and engaging students.
    Here are key steps to achieve this:
    1. Show Passion for Teaching: Your enthusiasm for the subject and teaching itself will ignite curiosity and excitement in your students. Share your love for learning and demonstrate how the subject connects to real-world applications.
    2. Build Strong Relationships: Get to know your students and show genuine interest in their lives. Building a supportive and respectful classroom environment encourages students to participate and excel.
    3. Use Innovative Teaching Methods: Incorporate creative and interactive techniques into your lessons. Use multimedia tools, hands-on activities, and real-life examples to make learning more engaging and relevant.
    4. Encourage Critical Thinking: Challenge students to think critically and solve problems independently. Foster a classroom atmosphere where questions are welcomed and exploration is encouraged.
    5. Provide Positive Reinforcement: Recognize and celebrate students’ achievements and efforts. Positive reinforcement boosts confidence and motivates students to strive for their best.
    6. Be Adaptable: Adjust your teaching strategies based on the needs of your students. Flexibility and openness to feedback help in addressing diverse learning styles and difficulties.
    7. Lead by Example: Exhibit qualities such as integrity, dedication, and a strong work ethic. Your behavior and attitude set a standard for your students to follow.

    By embodying these practices, you can become a teacher who not only imparts knowledge but also inspires and motivates students to reach their full potential.

    Further I would like to know what is the one change you can make in your teaching approach to better inspire and engage your students?

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • @Burfatmukhtiar
    I am deeply passionate about teaching and bring boundless energy to the classroom. I honor my students for their unique abilities and acknowledge their flaws, understanding that any learning gaps reflect my teaching methods rather than their capacities. I am devoted to nurturing their confidence and fostering an environment where they feel empowered to share their thoughts. To inspire and recognize their efforts, I implement rewards such as "Student of the Month" and offer them leadership roles in various curricular and co-curricular projects, believing that these opportunities will ignite their potential and drive them toward excellence.
    When students sometimes find the material boring, I try to employ various strategies to keep them engaged and interactive during class: like in English class we read lesson through role-playing, sometimes Gamification like, spelling words, finding new words, giving some hints to write story and other such games to learn with fun.

    "Shaping young minds and empowering girls to become emotionally and financially independent".

  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this important topic. I think we can keep our students motivated in the classroom: if we

    • Set Clear Goals: Define achievable objectives.
    • Use Varied Methods: Incorporate different teaching styles.
    • Create a Positive Environment: Foster respect and open communication.
    • Connect to Real Life: Show practical applications of lessons.
    • Encourage Choice: Allow options in projects and topics.
    • Provide Feedback: Offer constructive criticism and celebrate successes.
    • Promote Collaboration: Use group activities for social learning.
    • Incorporate Gamification: Add game-like elements to lessons.
    • Show Enthusiasm: Be passionate about the subject.
    • Build Relationships: Understand students’ interests and challenges


  • @Ani-Bareghamyan As-salamo-alaiqum Sister,

    Memory updated
    Your approach to motivating students is both creative and inspiring. By connecting drawing to music and helping students discover their own potential, you've found a way to make art accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Your use of positive reinforcement and the emphasis on small successes is a powerful way to build confidence.

    In my case, encouraging and motivating students would involve creating a learning environment where curiosity is celebrated and mistakes are seen as part of the learning process. For example, I might use activities that allow students to explore their creativity in different ways, such as collaborative projects where each student contributes a unique element. I would also incorporate storytelling, where students can express their ideas and emotions through both visual and verbal means, making connections between their personal experiences and the subject matter.

    Additionally, I would focus on providing personalized feedback, recognizing each student's individual progress, and helping them set achievable goals. Creating a sense of community in the classroom, where students feel safe to take risks and express themselves, would also be a key strategy.

  • @Burfatmukhtiar Thanks for sharing. I think the successful teacher is a facilitator and a motivator as well. The teacher all the time tries to create an engaging atmosphere during the lesson.


  • @Burfatmukhtiar

    You've captured the essence of teaching. That initial excitement is such a precious resource, and turning it into lasting motivation is truly an art. I think one of the keys is creating a classroom environment where students feel safe to take risks and explore their curiosity. Building strong relationships with students and showing genuine interest in their ideas can make all the difference. Incorporating student interests into lessons and giving them a sense of ownership over their learning also helps keep that flame burning bright.

    For our students is important not only to motivate wish is temporal, but it is also better to inspired them wish is something that will be with them forever.
