• Stress-management for students (and teachers): activities to reduce stress (new ideas each week!)

    @Ana_moderator hello hope you will be good ...
    Interesting topic about stress it is a natural phenomena not we elders but kids also take stress a lot Adults are not the only ones who experience stress; kids can be stressed too.
    A good amount of stress is healthy, but too much stress can cause negative effects on wellbeing.
    There are many ways to relieve stress for kids.
    Stress Relief Activities for Kids

    1. Deep belly breathing - Deep breathing can help kids take in more oxygen, slow their heart rate, and calm their minds during stressful situations.
    2. Enjoy nature - Being in nature is a great stress reliever for kids as it can decrease muscle tension, blood pressure, and improve brain activity.
    3. Exercise - Exercise is essential for kids regardless of stress level because it releases endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that make one feel good.
    4. Share your feelings - Sometimes being stressed can make us feel like we’re carrying a heavy load. Sharing these feelings with a trusted person can make us feel better.
    5. Color - Coloring is always a fun and creative activity for kids that can take the focus away from stressful thoughts and feelings.
    6. Listen to music - Listening to music is one of the best ways to spend your time while boosting brain activity, effectively getting rid of stress.
      7.Garden - Gardening is a great stress-relief activity because one is surrounded by nature and actively helping it grow. This takes the attention away from stress and problems.
      8.Use problem solving skills - Focusing on how to solve a problem can help kids feel more in control and reduce their stress levels in the process.
    7. Eat healthy food - There are some foods that can increase stress levels. Kids can stick to whole foods and consume less sugar to lower stress.
      There are so many stress releasing activities for both teachers and learners some others are spend time with your family friends go for outing painting enjoying movie listening stories etc so if any one want to add some additional activities kindly add in them and all of you are agree ?????
  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 great explain 1

    Burfat Ali

  • @Burfatmukhtiar yes why not sir it means like mostly people do Yoga is an exercise that requires an immense amount of focus. This can distract from stressful situations and improve a child’s overall mood and health.
    Maryam jan

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1
    10. board games like chess, uno cards, guess in 10, Risk and so on.
    11. out door activities like go to playground, jogging, playing drone , playing kite, fishing , cycling
    12. Involving in art & crafts and origami
    13. Can do some simple hands-on activities like making giant bubbles, jigsaw puzzles
    14. if interested in numbers con do sudoku,
    15. language activities like word search, scrabble,
    16. If more people at home can play hide and sick game

    hah, such activities i come through in my life with my children to avoid stress .

  • @Ana_moderator I like to lighten the mood with funny stories or playing non-educational games just for fun, like charades and the Chinese Whispers game with students.. It helps everyone relax and take a break from our regular lessons. Laughter truly makes a difference in how we feel.

    Shazia Baloch
    JEST Teacher
    Address: Sindh Pakistan

  • @Ana_moderator Certainly! addressing students' stress is paramount for their well-being and academic success. Here's my perspective on the strategies mentioned:

    1. Mindfulness Exercises: These are excellent for grounding students and helping them manage stress. Starting or ending a lesson with a brief mindfulness session can set a positive tone and improve focus.

    2. Physical Activity Breaks: Integrating movement breaks is crucial, especially for younger students or those with high energy levels. It refreshes their minds and bodies, aiding in concentration.

    3. Open Communication: Creating a supportive classroom environment where students feel safe to share their feelings is key. It builds trust and enables you to provide timely support.

    4. Setting Realistic Goals: Breaking down tasks into manageable steps helps students feel less overwhelmed. It promotes a sense of accomplishment and motivates them to stay engaged.

    5. Positive Environment: Visuals and soothing elements can transform the classroom into a calming space. This supports stress reduction and enhances overall comfort.

    6. Time Management: Teaching effective time management skills equips students with tools to handle academic demands efficiently. It reduces procrastination and stress associated with deadlines.

    7. Healthy Habits: Emphasizing the importance of sleep, nutrition, and exercise fosters a holistic approach to stress management. Encouraging these habits supports students' overall well-being.

    8. Empathy and Support: Showing empathy and offering support can make a significant impact. It strengthens teacher-student relationships and helps students feel understood and valued.

    9. Humor: Using humor appropriately can lighten the mood and create a positive classroom atmosphere. It builds camaraderie and resilience among students.

    10. Flexibility: Allowing flexibility in assignments accommodates students' diverse needs and reduces unnecessary stress. It acknowledges their individual circumstances and promotes fairness.

    In practice, combining these strategies based on students' responses and needs ensures a comprehensive approach to stress reduction in the classroom. It's about creating a nurturing environment where students feel supported and empowered to succeed academically and emotionally.

  • I still remember my grandparents having misunderstandings or voices no matter what , they just left from there, went and sat on the balcony and watched the sky, moon and stars. Just a few minutes or hours, then back to normal conversations. Now I understand it is also a method of relieving stress.

  • @Ana_moderator Hi I am shah from Sindh,for stress management I prefer to use creative and engaging activities that make learning enjoyable and stress free.

    Afshanshah pst ggps hani
    Hyderabad,sindh Pakistan

  • @Ana_moderator Hi I am shah from Sindh.I do this relaxing activity with my young learners.When they closed their eyes I give them some imaginations like feel that we are in a garden .There are so many birds are chirping.Feel the greenary and listen birds sound.This activity is very effective for my young learners .

    Afshanshah pst ggps hani
    Hyderabad,sindh Pakistan

  • Hello,
    Normally educators are stressed due to indiscipline that prevails in the school. Stress management of teachers and students is a key aspect that administrators need to consider. Administrators of school should cater for his staffs so as to reduce the level of stress.

  • Hello colleagues,
    Hope everyone is great.

    I found some apps for us as teachers to work in our own strategies. If we are ok, our students will be ok. Hope these top three on each category make a difference. I made some research and use some of these and are amazing.

    1. Mindfulness and Meditation Apps
    Cultivating mindfulness and practicing meditation can be a powerful strategy for managing stress. Applications such as the Calm app – available for Apple and Android devices, can help. They provide guided meditations, sleep stories, and breathing programs to help reduce anxiety, improve focus, and promote better sleep.

    2. Exercise Technology
    Exercise has long been recognized as a stress reducer. With the advent of technology-enhanced exercise programs like Peloton, staying active has never been more engaging or accessible. Peloton offers on-demand and live workouts ranging from cycling and running to yoga and strength training.

    • Daily Yoga
    • Down Dog
    • Asana Rebel

    3. Sleep Technology
    Quality sleep is crucial for managing stress and maintaining overall health. Sleep technology applications, like Sleep Cycle, Headspace, and ShutEye, track sleep patterns and provide insights to improve sleep quality. Additionally, Sleep Cycle gently wakes you up during your lightest sleep phase, helping you start the day feeling refreshed and less stressed.

    • BetterSleep
    • Calm
    • Noisli

    4. Digital Reading and Audiobook Platforms
    If you’re an avid reader, you already know that immersing oneself in a good book can be a great stress reliever. Digital reading platforms and audiobook applications such as Kindle and Audible make it easier to fit reading into a busy schedule.

    5. Stress Tracker Apps
    Understanding your stress patterns can be the first step in managing them effectively. Stress tracking applications like Stress & Anxiety Companion provide tools to log, identify, and manage stress triggers. It also offers guided breathing exercises and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques.

    • Welltory
    • Stress Tracker
    • CareClinic

    6. Music and Sound Therapy Apps
    Sound therapy has been recognized for its potential to reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Apps such as Brain.fm and sounds on the free website myNoise, provide a range of soundscapes and music designed to help with focus, relaxation, and sleep. Even Spotify has a selection of green and pink noise: relaxation sounds that can aid sleep.

    • ENDEL

    Mr. Bryan

  • Greetings @Ana_moderator
    I have been teaching my group of students since 2021 now. We are able to understand each other. This bonding has been our strength to face any challenge in our teaching and learning environment. To cope with stress, we have daily rituals.

    1. Breathing activity - Pupils practice deep breathing between lessons.
    2. Humour - We bring humour at a given time of the day. At times it emerges during a specific lesson. For example, I remember once in a French class, when doing a lesson on syllables with sound a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rClQRR1bUYY pupils were actively engaged in the activity without any stress even though they were assessed informally.
      At another instance, in an English class, while doing a lesson on "Superheroes", a student told me, "Teacher, you know, I'm Spiderman, my father is Superman and my mother is Wonder woman!" We all laughed and felt re energized and motivated again to continue the lesson.
    3. Being connected to nature - On a rotation basis, students water plants in the classroom. We have created a nature corner. As @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 shared that "...being in nature is a great stress reliever..." Indeed it's true. I have myself experienced relief whenever i watered or trimmed the plants. As goes the saying, "Nature is the purest portal to inner-peace." Being connected to nature, will definitely calm our mind and will help us to cope with stress.
    4. Setting rules and be all ears to students - By clearly communicating do's and don'ts to students, lots of stress have been reduced. I do not have to raise my voice to bring order back into my classroom. Students know what they are allowed and not allowed to do in class or at school. Well, they are kids after all. Even if they omit, their peers will politely remind them to behave.
      By being all ears to my students i can better scaffold them in their learning. Hence they do not have the stress of not knowing. They slowly work on their weaknesses. Feedback to parents are given on a regular basis via their respective notebook. Therefore, at home parents help their children to improve.
    5. Energizer song - Pupils usually kick start their day by singing and dancing on an Energizer song. They forget their stress and feel happy. I witnessed that pupils learn with their emotions. Once they cheer up after the energizer song, they stay with me body, mind and heart. Thus teaching and learning becomes easier.
  • Implementing a weekly stress-management program for students and teachers involves diverse activities such as mindfulness practices, physical exercises like yoga and group workouts, creative outlets such as art therapy and writing, fostering social connections through discussions and community service, and ongoing self-care challenges like digital detox days and guided meditation sessions. These activities aim to promote relaxation, resilience, and overall well-being in both educational and professional settings.

  • @Ana_moderator said in Stress-management for students (and teachers): activities to reduce stress (new ideas each week!):

    n this topic I invite you to explore existing activities and teaching instruments to reduce stress in the classroom

    What do you use and what is really working?
    n the classroom, various activities and teaching instruments can effectively reduce stress among students. Here are some approaches that educators commonly use and find effective:

    Mindfulness Exercises: Activities like mindful breathing, guided meditation, and body scans help students center themselves, manage emotions, and improve focus.

    Physical Movement: Incorporating short breaks for stretching, yoga, or even brief walks can help release physical tension and boost mood.

    Art and Creative Expression: Providing opportunities for art therapy, creative writing, or music activities allows students to express themselves creatively and relax.

    Positive Affirmations and Gratitude Practices: Encouraging students to practice gratitude journaling or affirmations fosters a positive mindset and reduces anxiety.

    Technology-Assisted Relaxation: Using apps or online resources for guided relaxation, calming music, or virtual nature experiences can aid in stress reduction.

    Classroom Environment: Creating a calming atmosphere with comfortable seating, natural lighting, and soothing colors can contribute to a relaxed learning environment.

    Supportive Classroom Culture: Establishing a culture of respect, empathy, and support among students helps reduce stress and encourages open communication.

    Mindful Eating: Promoting healthy eating habits and mindful eating practices during snack or lunch breaks can positively impact students' overall well-being

  • @Ana_moderator Thank you for sharing such interesting activities, I will definitely use them during my lessons.
    I would like to share my experience with my colleagues. I usually use "Blob Tree" with " 3 Ws and 1H". I show my students the tree, they choose the figure that best describes their feelings after which they do the activity with " 3Ws and 1H" answering the following questions: 1.Why did I choose that particular figure? 2. What makes me feel that way? 3. What should I do to get to another figure? 4. How can I get to my goal?
    Below I put the activity.a67b8c53-437b-4fc5-b488-7a0fddd6842c-image.png

  • Re: Stress-management for students (and teachers): activities to reduce stress (new ideas each week!)

    Managing stress is crucial for both students and teachers to maintain a healthy and productive learning environment. Here are some stress management activities tailored for both groups:
    for students:
    Physical Exercise:
    Activity: yoga classes, sports, or simple stretching exercises during breaks.
    Benefit: Physical activity releases endorphins, improves mood, and reduces stress.

    Creative Arts:
    Activity: drawing, painting, music, or creative writing sessions.
    Benefit: Provides an emotional outlet and a way to express feelings creatively.

    Breathing Exercises:
    Activity: teaching deep breathing techniques or holding guided breathing sessions.
    Benefit: It helps calm the nervous system and reduces immediate feelings of stress.

    Time Management Workshops:
    Activity: Sessions on prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and using planners.
    Benefit: It helps students feel more in control and reduces the overwhelm of academic pressures.

    Peer Support Groups:
    Activity: Forming study groups or discussion circles where students can share their concerns.
    Benefit: Promotes a sense of community and mutual support.

    For Teachers:
    Professional Development on Stress Management:
    Activity: Workshops and seminars on techniques to manage stress and prevent burnout.
    Benefit: Provides teachers with strategies to handle their workload and stress more effectively.

    Peer Support and Mentoring:
    Activity: Establishing mentoring programs or regular support group meetings.
    Benefit: Allows teachers to share experiences, solutions, and emotional support.

    Physical Wellness Programs:
    Activity: access to fitness classes, gym memberships, or walking clubs.
    Benefit: Encourages physical health, which directly impacts mental well-being.

    Break and Relaxation Spaces:
    Activity: Creating quiet, comfortable spaces for teachers to relax during breaks.
    Benefit: Provides a place to decompress and recharge during the school day.

    Time Management and Organization Workshops:
    Activity: Training on effective classroom management, lesson planning, and grading strategies.
    Benefit: It helps reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed by improving efficiency.

    Access to Counseling Services:
    Activity: Providing easy access to professional counseling and mental health services.
    Benefit: Offers a confidential space to discuss stress and seek professional help if needed.
    Joint Activities for Students and Teachers:

    Community Building Events:
    Activity: organizing school-wide events like picnics, sports days, or talent shows.
    Benefit: It strengthens the sense of community and provides a break from routine stressors.

    Wellness Challenges:
    Activity: Creating wellness challenges that encourage healthy habits, such as drinking more water or walking a certain number of steps daily.
    Benefit: Promotes healthy competition and collective well-being.

    Workshops on Healthy Lifestyle Choices:
    Activity: Sessions on nutrition, sleep hygiene, and the importance of regular physical activity.
    Benefit: It educates both students and teachers on the importance of a healthy lifestyle for stress management.
    Incorporating these activities can create a more supportive and stress-free environment for both students and teachers, enhancing overall well-being and productivity.

  • Stressed or anxious
    Finds it hard to stop thinking about work/ teaching.
    Already appreciating.
    I have been taking lots of walks in nature during my trip to Al Manzar indus river of Sindh and practising guided meditation whilst walking in the form of a Nature Break

    Burfat Ali

  • Hello colleague
    Switching off during the summer can be challenging, but you can make it easier by creating a loose routine that includes outdoor activities, hobbies, and physical exercise. Disconnecting from work, setting achievable goals, and practicing mindfulness can help reduce stress. Limit screen time, especially on social media, and spend quality time with loved ones. Short getaways or staycations can also provide a refreshing change of scenery.
    Best regards from Tunisia

    "Empowering students through engaging education, fostering environmental consciousness, and advancing scientific literacy. Committed to shaping future leaders in Life and Earth Sciences."

  • @Burfatmukhtiar Great. Concerning meditation,do you practice it inside classes? If so,how
