• Fish bowl activity

    In 21st century one of the best way of teaching type is gamifying classroom to enhance learners interest and the best activity is fish bowl activity in which every learner will share their ideas by waiting his or her turn patiently and will enjoy alot here i want to share some personal pictures regarding my induction training in which we did this same activity and enjoyed alot ..![alt text](image url)![alt text](image url)IMG_20240718_123901.jpg IMG_20240718_123737.jpg

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1
    Very intresting activity ...recently i performed this activity in an induction training ...
    Really sharing ideas to co teachers is so amazing & memorize the past love it


  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 We also performed this activity during Indection Development training .A Fishbowl activity is especially useful when you want to make sure all students participate in a discussion, when you want to help students reflect on what a good discussion looks like, and when you need a structure for discussing controversial or difficult topics.