• Learning by Gallery walk activity

    In the 21st century learning one of my favourite activity which i thought is best activity for learners gross and fine both motor skills enhancement they will take interest and also will know about different ideas and one of the best thing is that they will use their 4 skills that are communication
    Critical thinking

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 said in Learning by Gallery walk activity:

    In the 21st century learning one of my favourite activity

    Hello, thank you for the topic - could you please provide more detailes about this teaching practice? What is the idea of the Gallery walk activity? How can it be implemented?

  • Yes why not mam by this activity children's will work together they will walk through out the area together in groups and then communicate with eacher they will share their ideas with each memeber of the group and then go father after that they will collaborate of the particular assigned task then on each topic they will start their critical thinking on the given topic and gives thier suggestion and in the result they will create an outcome and resultWhat Is A Gallery Walk? A gallery walk is a student engagement activity where groups of students interact with different stations set up around the classroom. At each station, a question is written on a large sheet of butcher paper or poster board that students have to think critically about to answer.

  • Yes bother Incorporating gallery-walk activities into educational practices allows students to explore and discuss various topics interactively. This method fosters deeper engagement, promotes critical thinking, and enhances understanding through active participation and peer collaboration.

  • Sister here is answer of your question
    A gallery walk is an interactive learning activity where students explore a "gallery" of information or student work displayed around the classroom or a designated space. This method encourages active engagement and collaborative learning, as students move around to examine and discuss various exhibits.


    Choose a Topic: Decide on a subject or theme relevant to the lesson.
    Create Exhibits: Prepare visual displays, posters, charts, or digital presentations related to the topic. Each exhibit should focus on different aspects or viewpoints.

    Arrange Exhibits: Display the materials around the classroom or in a designated area, ensuring each exhibit is clearly labeled and accessible.
    Designate Roles: Assign students roles, such as group leaders or note-takers, if needed.
    Activity Execution

    Introduction: Explain the purpose of the gallery walk and how students should interact with the exhibits.
    Rotation: Have students move around the room in groups, spending a set amount of time at each exhibit. Encourage them to take notes, ask questions, and discuss their observations with peers.
    Discussion: After the gallery walk, hold a class discussion to review key points, address questions, and reflect on what was learned.

    Feedback: Collect student feedback on the activity to assess its effectiveness and make improvements for future implementations.
    Reflection: Encourage students to reflect on their learning experience and share insights gained from the activity.
    Gallery walks can be adapted for various subjects and grade levels, making them a versatile tool for promoting interactive and collaborative learning.

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 Dear 4C´s are playing a role in term of better learning, better understanding and better results. Can you make more clear about your experience for which you shared this post.
    Hope that experiences will give us paths to move in right direction.

    Zeeshan Mahboob
    High School Teacher
    Government Boys Higher Secondary School Dando
    Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder
    District Tando Muhammad Khan
    Province of Sindh
    Cell # 0092 336 214 9427
    email: kingasadking921@gmail.com

  • gallery walk engages all students in the feedback and reflection process. Learners and teachers collaborate to develop success criteria for a piece of work, then co-develop strategies for offering constructive peer feedback. Learners produce a piece of work then display their work for their peers .The gallery walk allows students to evaluate or show their work's strength and weaknesses. Gallery walk encourages students higher order thinking . Here is the link to show more about gallery walk.

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 That's a fantastic approach! Combining motor skills with communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity truly enhances learning. Engaging activities like these make education both fun and effective. Love to apply it in my class too.