• UPF Ultra-processed food

    Has anyone been done with the issue of ultra-processed food in class?
    It is about our daily life and environment.
    UFP could relate to Green STEM Projects in any subject, not only in science.
    I want to discuss UPF Ultra-processed food, science, food security,
    justice, climate change and health.
    I would start by analysing original food and UPF in our lab to understand their differences, and then let students go to the supermarkets to collect information about their favourite food to share in our classroom. (the pros and cons)
    What we do back in our classroom could be a lot, depending on what you want.
    Cooking healthy and yummy food is one of the students' loves and an experiment.
    But I would rather discuss food cultivation, environmental preservation, and waste composting.
    Finally, justice for food and agriculture.
    Every country and teenager should think about this issue.
    Everyone is welcome to give some advice.