• Round Robin Activity

    Hello dear friends lets talk about most interesting fun learning activity which is round robin activity. Here is detail about this activity and if any body have some idea about it kindly share
    As a teacher, the most difficult task is to keep students engaged throughout the lecture. One such strategy top do so is the Round Robin strategy to teach students in an informal and fun way. There are many activities to plan under the round robin approach to help students brainstorm in a fun way. It is a little different from brainstorming because the biggest feature of this strategy is that each and every student participates equally in the discussion. Let us know more about round robin teaching strategy in detail.

    round robin approach
    List of activities to use in classroom with Round Robin Approach
    Storytelling is a great way to use the round robin teaching strategy and for this, teachers can create chits of different words such as objects, colors, places, or anything. Then each student has to take a chit. One student will start the story with the chit as its main character and the next student has to continue the story with their chit name as the character and this will go on until all the students have contributed to the story.

    Steps to implement Round Robin Teaching Strategy
    Here are the steps to implementing the round robin teaching strategy in your classroom.

    1. Choose the topics or questions you want your students to brainstorm on.

    2. Arranging the desks in the classroom according to the flow of discussion is smooth among the students.

    3. Assign a leader to each group, provide each group of students with a sheet to write the concussion points and a recorder to record the discussions.

    4. Set a timer for each topic discussion and at the end of time each group must present their ideas on the topic discussed.

    5. Give tokens to each student, so that when it’s their turn to speak they have to turn in the token, and this way all students will get a chance to participate.

  • @MJANKb9ddefc9b1 Hi, I have also heard about this technique but not used fully however some of the ways I have utilized in my classrooms and found it favourable for.
    Thanks for sharing this
    Tabassum Laghari

  • Re: Round Robin Activity thanks dear i recently attend one training in which we did this activity and really it was wonderful to implement if we implement in class