• The Green School: A Holistic Approach to Learning and Sustainability

    The Green School is an innovative educational institution that embraces a holistic approach to learning, emphasizing sustainability, environmental consciousness, and a deep connection with nature. Founded in 2006 in Bali, Indonesia, it has become a model for eco-conscious education, inspiring similar schools around the world. The school's philosophy revolves around the belief that learning should be experiential, engaging, and relevant to the real world. Students are encouraged to explore their passions, develop critical thinking skills, and become active participants in their own learning journey. The Green School's curriculum is designed to foster creativity, innovation, and a sense of responsibility towards the planet. The Green School's physical environment is a testament to its commitment to sustainability. Built with natural materials like bamboo and recycled materials, the school campus is a living example of eco-friendly design. Its classrooms are open-air, surrounded by lush greenery, allowing students to learn in harmony with nature. The curriculum incorporates a wide range of subjects that promote environmental awareness and sustainability. Students learn about permaculture, renewable energy, organic farming, and waste management. They participate in hands-on projects that address local environmental challenges and contribute to the community's wellbeing. Beyond its academic offerings, the Green School fosters a strong sense of community. Students are encouraged to collaborate, solve problems together, and develop a shared sense of responsibility for their environment. The school's vibrant community embraces cultural diversity, promoting intercultural understanding and respect. The Green School is a testament to the transformative power of education. By integrating sustainability into its core values, it provides students with the skills, knowledge, and inspiration they need to become future leaders in creating a more sustainable and equitable world. It is a school that not only educates but also empowers its students to become agents of positive change for the planet


  • @Reham125b5a4afa
    To make a holistic approach to learning and sustainability , the school curriculum should integrate sustainability into every subject. Example in science students not only teach about the natural world but also about the environmental conservation and renewable energy sources and the ecological principles. In languages can approach works that explore themes of the environment ; In art and crafts can engage pupils in projects that explore sustainability through artistic expression.

  • Dear Colleague, The core of green school's curriculum is a project/inquiry-based learning. Through myriads of experiential learning approaches the students are encouraged to explore their interests and passions while developing their understanding of environmental issues. That's why it focuses on incorporating elements student agency and sustainable development.
    World's new trend of schools.

  • @Reham125b5a4afa hi .
    Really impressed to know the concept of green school. There must be such model schools in each society of every country so that can be inspiration for others to work for benifit of our environment.

  • I completely agree with the description of The Green School as an innovative and transformative educational institution. Its holistic approach to learning, with a strong emphasis on sustainability and environmental consciousness, is truly inspiring. By integrating experiential and relevant real-world learning, The Green School not only fosters critical thinking and creativity but also instils a deep sense of responsibility towards our planet. The use of natural materials and eco-friendly design for the campus, along with a curriculum that includes permaculture, renewable energy, and waste management, sets a remarkable example for schools worldwide. Additionally, the strong sense of community and cultural diversity promoted at The Green School further enriches the learning experience. This model of education not only educates but also empowers students to become proactive agents of positive change, which is crucial for creating a sustainable and equitable future. Thank you Mrs Riham.