• Why a teacher should not use mobile phone in a class?

    A teacher should avoid using their mobile phone in class because:

    1. Distraction: Using a mobile phone can distract the teacher from the lesson and students, leading to a lack of focus and engagement.

    2. Lack of attention: When a teacher is on their phone, they may not be fully present or attentive to students' needs, questions, or concerns.

    3. Professionalism: Using a mobile phone in class can be perceived as unprofessional and may undermine the teacher's authority and credibility.

    4. Modeling behavior: Teachers are role models, and using a mobile phone in class can encourage students to do the same, leading to a lack of engagement and focus.

    5. Disruption: Ringing, notifications, or vibrations can disrupt the class and interrupt the learning process.

    6. Dependence: Over-reliance on mobile phones can hinder a teacher's ability to think critically, solve problems, or respond to unexpected situations.

    7. Equity: Not all students have access to mobile phones or technology, so using one in class can create a sense of inequality.

    8. Safety: In emergency situations, a teacher's attention should be focused on ensuring students' safety, rather than being distracted by their phone.

    9. Documentation: While taking photos or videos for educational purposes might be necessary, it's essential to do so mindfully and with students' consent.

    10. School policies: Many schools have policies prohibiting or limiting mobile phone use in classrooms, so teachers should be aware of and adhere to these guidelines.

    By avoiding mobile phone use in class, teachers can maintain a focused, engaging, and productive learning environment.

  • @RAHEELSAHITO if a word or topic is not understood or if a student asks a question that isn't related to the subject that is difficult to answer, teacher can use their mobile phones to look it up at that time. It’s better to clarify something right away rather than giving students incorrect information. The teacher can use their mobile phone to provide the correct answer. I believe using mobile phones for these purposes isn’t an issue. If students haven’t seen a picture of an organism, teacher can show it to them using a mobile phone if a projector isn’t available or the lab is closed. For a couple of minutes, using a mobile phone is acceptable, as long as it’s for class-related purposes and then put away. I don’t think there should be restrictions on this.

    Shazia Baloch
    JEST Teacher
    Address: Sindh Pakistan

  • Assalam o Alekom my brother . The use of the latest technology and tools such as mobile phones, audio speakers, tablets, laptops, and projectors are very useful in improving learning approaches.

    Afshanshah pst ggps hani
    Hyderabad,sindh Pakistan

  • @RAHEELSAHITO Aslam o Alaikum dear,

    The perspective presented is valid, especially considering traditional classroom settings where mobile phones can be a distraction. However, in the 21st century, where technology plays a significant role, there are few aspects to consider like Educational Apps and Resources, Instant Communication, and Digital Learning. Keeping in view the challenges like Distraction, Professionalism and Modeling Behavior, and Equity and Safety, we can balance use of it by Controlled Integration, and Professional Guidelines.

    In summary, while the concerns are valid, incorporating technology like mobile phones in education can be beneficial if managed effectively and responsibly.


    Zeeshan Mahboob
    High School Teacher
    Government Boys Higher Secondary School Dando
    Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder
    District Tando Muhammad Khan
    Province of Sindh
    Cell # 0092 336 214 9427
    email: kingasadking921@gmail.com

  • @RAHEELSAHITO Teachers must use mobile classrooms to adapt to modern learning environments. Mobile classrooms provide flexibility and access to a wider range of resources. They enable interactive and engaging lessons with multimedia tools. Students can learn from anywhere, enhancing accessibility and inclusivity. Utilizing mobile technology helps prepare students for a tech-driven world.

  • using mobile phones during class can cause distraction and students will suffer due to less a of attention and focus of a tecaher

  • @RAHEELSAHITO there can be many reasons that mobile shouldn't be used here I discuss some. It can lead to distractions, disrupt the teaching process, and appear unprofessional. Even if kept on silent, misuse can occur, such as checking personal messages or calls, which can undermine classroom management and student focus.
    For optimal effectiveness and professionalism, it’s best to use mobile phones only for planned educational purposes and with clear boundaries.

    Tabassum Laghari
    Science Teacher
    Sindh, Pakistan

  • Asalamo-alaiqum Brother
    Mobile phones are powerful tools that offer both significant advantages and potential drawbacks, especially in a classroom setting. They provide easy access to information, enable efficient communication, and offer educational apps that can enhance learning experiences. However, they also pose challenges, such as potential distractions, reduced attention, and possible disruptions.

    To maximize the benefits of mobile phones while minimizing the downsides, it's essential to use them mindfully and purposefully. Teachers and students alike should strive to harness the educational potential of mobile technology, while also being aware of and mitigating its potential to detract from focus and engagement.

  • @RAHEELSAHITO A teacher shouldn't use mobile phone for personal use but sometimes it becomes our need to teach through mobile phone where there is no any
    other facility.

  • @RAHEELSAHITO unfortunately i am posted at the High school thats in the small city but there is too much network issue and many other facilities are not available there.its very far away from my home.I usually charge and download the videos from my home and after lecture I show them videos to understand more clearly.mostly i prefer to relate the things with their lives and make them to think about the things or the given topic.

  • @RAHEELSAHITO ..i agreed..we should use mobile not everytime but sometimes whenever we need it. If we haven't other resources then we use mobile phones for teaching & clarify our topics or give our students concepts by showing them other examples relate to their daily lives .

  • @Shazia-Baloch : While occasional use is acceptable for study purposes, relying on it habitually is not recommended.

    And why should the teacher use the phone during the lesson? I try not to answer calls even during class. Each teacher should approach his work responsibly, because our profession contributes to the development of the student's psyche. We must be an example to our students.
    I use it only when I want to show students pictures related to the lesson or when we need to create the environment with beautiful music to draw better and of course when we play intellectual games, quizzes. In other cases, the use of a mobile phone is excluded.

    Sincerely, Ani Bareghamyan

    Ani Bareghamayan
    Art teacher
    Address: Armenia

  • @RAHEELSAHITO Good topic for discussion. In my opinion , teacher must avoid use of Smartphone for personal use in the classroom but it is beneficial for students better learning process . Smartphones have come a long way from being seen as distractions in the classroom to being recognized as potent educational tools. As teaching aids, they offer multiple benefits, including improved learning outcomes, increased student engagement, and an easier way to connect with students.

  • @RAHEELSAHITO That's major issue. Appreciated work.

  • @Komal-Vinod ..exactly dear .we can use mobile phones not all the time in the classroom but whenever we need to make our teaching more interesting we use it for students by showing them some activities or videos relate to our topic.

  • @RASHEED-ULLAH...Exactly sir ..i also use mobile in my class by showing my students videos related to my topics & i feel my students are getting much interest rather than lectures only....

  • @Engr-Zeeshan ...exactly Sir ! I completely agree with you 👍🏻. I also use my mobile while I teach my topics. I show them some activities or videos related to my topics. I feel that my students are getting more interest & also try to involve in that environment .They easily understand the topics Alhamdulillah.

  • @AFSHA28f0a2936e...Yes off course! You have caught my point 👈